[elephant-devel] Querying Advice
Ian Eslick
eslick at csail.mit.edu
Wed Nov 15 17:44:35 UTC 2006
It's not entirely misleading. Berkeley DB is a database in the sense
that it provides efficient indexing and retrieval. However it's much
lower level than SQL (and is often used to implement relational
databases). Elephant is an ODB in the sense that BDB - it stores
objects, values and can efficiently reference objects. It does not
however provide the rich infrastructure of relational databases, but it
is also less restrictive.
Right now you have to design your own layer over this basic set of
facilities. You have to figure out what slots to create to connect one
object to another; what indices to create, how to manage your memory
usage and performance, etc. I'm definitely interested in moving
Elephant more towards the OODB model. I can perhaps see a couple of steps:
1) Continue to solidify and clarify the basic functionality
2) Support two or three major usage models or architectural concepts
a) Simple object storage and retrieval
b) DCM and a heavily-structured object usage model
c) Query subsystem that auto-creates indices and associations based
on what queries are defined
d) Major application types: web application, e-commerce, data
analysis, bulk store with efficient searching, etc.
e) Copy more of the AllegroStore feature set?
f) Provide a relational model on top of the basic object
persistence model
Daniel Salama wrote:
> Ian,
> Thank you for the detailed explanation.
> I think, at least, I was under the impression that Elephant was an
> ODB. At least, that's how the first sentence of the web site presents
> it: "Elephant is an object database for Common Lisp" :) Maybe this
> could confuse other newcomers so you may want to revisit the web site.
> Now, under the understanding that it is a framework to "transparently"
> persist data, it makes it more apparent that any object model needs to
> be done in Lisp and in memory and Elephant will simply aid in persist
> the data in Lisp's memory (at least that which you want to persist).
> Going back to all this email thread, makes me wonder, which direction
> do you/we all want Elephant to go to. In your email you mention that
> it would be nice to incorporation some ODB-like features into
> Elephant. Well, I think the approach to query data may be affected as
> to the direction we want to take. If we just have a framework to query
> data, it will serve one purpose. If we incorporate a "layer or two" to
> make it more ODB-like, that could change the panorama of where
> Elephant goes, potentially involving changes to DCM and also whatever
> querying framework is "developed". After all, it could end up looking
> something like CL-SQL with the ability to _also_ use BDB as the backend :)
> As for the indexing and deletion, it makes more sense. I still need to
> understand better how class and slot indices work. From your
> explanation, it seems as if the Elephant machinery is automatically
> creating these BTree indices on the class/slots. I will look into the
> code for the get-instance* methods to learn more how it works behind
> the scenes (I suppose that's more like the Lispy mentality of learning
> by looking at the library's source code - something which I still need
> to get used to)
> Will probably bother more later as questions/concerns come up.
> However, as I mentioned before, I'd like to contribute to the project,
> specially in the querying layer/framework and possibly, if that's
> where we go, the ODB layer(s). I just need to know what will be the
> direction we want to go.
> Thanks again,
> Daniel
> On Nov 15, 2006, at 6:58 AM, Ian Eslick wrote:
>> Daniel,
>> There are a couple of things about the Elephant model that should be
>> made clear. Elephant is not a very high level DB system. It's focus is
>> persistence of data. In effect, it is a collection of indexing
>> mechanisms and a metaobject protocol that helps us to store/retrieve
>> data. There are three ways to persist data.
>> 1) Put it in the root, or another BTree that you have manually created
>> and put in the rot
>> 2) Create a persistent object. A persistent object has two
>> manifestations:
>> a) A stub containing an OID and a reference to the controller the
>> object is stored in
>> b) A set of slot values stored in a master slot-value BTree
>> When you do a slot access, the OID and slot name are used to go into
>> this (hidden) master slot-value BTree to find the actual slot value.
>> This is done as a tradeoff so if you are writing an integer slot in an
>> object with a large string, you don't have to load that string into
>> memory to get ACID properties on that integer slot.
>> When you load a persistent object from the root or another index, all
>> that is loaded into memory is the stub. All slot accesses go
>> independently back to the on-disk store to get their values. This means
>> that the on-disk value and locking together guarantee that any number of
>> processes or threads within a process can use the same Elephant store
>> and guarantee ACID semantics (BDB & SQL handle locking for us). For
>> most lisp applications with a single image, bookkeeping like Robert's
>> system make more sense, but you have to worry about locking yourself.
>> DCM pre-loads all the slot values but updates the on-disk version on
>> writes for CID properties - atomicity has to be explicitly managed.
>> We're hoping to make slot caching a natural feature of elephant
>> eventually.
>> 3) Use slot and class indices. Underneath, this is just #1 with
>> functions to make the BTrees simple to use. When you created an indexed
>> object, the object is added to a BTree and a secondary index is created
>> for slot values on top of the master slot-value index. It's the class
>> index that guarantees you can reach the object.
>> Now if you are hacking on elephant, this is the mental model you need.
>> Eventually we're hoping that it becomes sophisticated enough you rarely
>> need this level of detail (query language, flexible persistence
>> semantics, etc). However the persistence of lisp values and the
>> persistent vs. normal class objects means it will never be perfect.
>> Manual deletions are actually quite hard to do in such a system, because
>> if you delete an object and forget to delete the references then you end
>> up with a corrupted data representation that will fail silently (return
>> garbage or null slot values) if you reload a reference. Also deleting
>> an object means removing it from all referring data structures and also
>> deleting (separately) each slot value. Thus the only safe method of
>> deletion is GC which is not yet implemented except by manually migrating
>> your DB which copies everything reachable from root & class-root. I'm a
>> little worried for large DBs that GC can't happen when the DB itself is
>> some factor larger than the available working memory. I know how to fix
>> that, but it's a little involved.
>> Some more comments below.
>> PS - All BDB log files start out at 10MB. They store bookkeeping
>> information so take up more room than you might expect from the stored
>> data itself.
>> Daniel Salama wrote:
>>> Ian et al,
>>> Based on my comment to Robert and that of Pierre, could you, or
>>> anyone, please clarify this for me (and maybe others):
>>> If making a class persistent means that there is no need to add it to
>>> root or to any persistent collection, when I look at Robert's sample
>>> code, I see (excerpts):
>>> (defclass User ()
>>> ((username :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :uname :accessor
>>> username-of)
>>> (password :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :pword :accessor
>>> password-of)
>>> (email :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :email :accessor email-of)
>>> (fullname :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :fullname :accessor
>>> fullname-of)
>>> (balance :type 'integer :initform 0 :initarg :balance :accessor
>>> balance-of)))
>>> (defun random-users (n)
>>> (dotimes (x n)
>>> (let ((u (make-instance
>>> 'User
>>> :uname (format nil "user~A" x)
>>> :pword (random-password)
>>> :email (format nil "user~A at .nowheresville.org" x)
>>> :fullname (format nil "~A~A ~A~A" (random-password) x
>>> (random-password) x)
>>> :balance (random 100))))
>>> (add-to-root x u))))
>>> There is an explicit add-to-root in random-users. I suppose the reason
>>> for this is because User class does not inherit from
>>> persistent-metaclass and in order to be able to "search for" or
>>> retrieve that object (could this also be the reason for the additional
>>> storage overhead, as you pointed out yesterday?). Right? So, if my
>>> understanding is correct, defining User with defpclass instead would
>>> mean that you don't have to add-to-root because it will be
>>> automatically persisted. However, after the function exits, there will
>>> be no reference to that persistent object and will therefore be
>>> eventually garbage collected (whether or not the persistent space will
>>> be reclaimed is a different story, as you mentioned in your email). Is
>>> that right? If so, how could I avoid for the User objects to be
>>> garbage collected in this case, since there really is no other
>>> reference to these objects after creating them? Or, if the objects are
>>> NOT garbage collected, how could I manually "delete" any of them?
>>> Now, if I (or Robert) had defined the User class as:
>>> (defpclass User ()
>>> ((username :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :uname :accessor
>>> username-of :index t)
>>> (password :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :pword :accessor
>>> password-of)
>>> (email :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :email :accessor email-of)
>>> (fullname :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :fullname :accessor
>>> fullname-of)
>>> (balance :type 'integer :initform 0 :initarg :balance :accessor
>>> balance-of)))
>>> where (notice how it's defined with defpclass) the username slot is
>>> indexed, the system would automatically store a reference to the
>>> object in the slot index, and there would be no need to use the
>>> add-to-root in random-users. Correct? If that's the case, how would I
>>> then go about removing this user object from persistence? Would it be
>>> by setting the indexed slot value to NIL?
>> See above.
>>> On another note, if I want to create a collection of users, I don't
>>> have to store these users in a collection. Simply making them inherit
>>> from persistent-metaclass and indexing them would do so automatically
>>> (just like the example above). Right? How about this, then:
>>> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :elephant-tests)
>>> (in-package :elephant-tests)
>>> (setf *default-spec* *testbdb-spec*)
>>> (open-store *default-spec*)
>>> (defpclass state ()
>>> ((abbr :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :abbr :accessor abbr-of
>>> :index t)
>>> (name :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :name :accessor name-of)))
>>> (defpclass zip-code ()
>>> ((zip :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :zip :accessor zip-of
>>> :index t)
>>> (city :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :city :accessor city-of)
>>> (county :type 'string :initform "" :initarg :county :accessor
>>> county-of)
>>> (state :initform nil :initarg :state :accessor state-of)))
>>> (defmethod print-object ((obj state) stream)
>>> (format stream "State (abbr, name) = (~A, ~A)" (abbr-of obj)
>>> (name-of obj)))
>>> (defmethod print-object ((obj zip-code) stream)
>>> (format stream "Zip (zip, city, county, state) = (~A, ~A, ~A, ~A)"
>>> (zip-of obj) (city-of obj) (county-of obj) (state-of obj)))
>>> (let* ((s1 (make-instance 'state :abbr "FL" :name "Florida"))
>>> (s2 (make-instance 'state :abbr "NY" :name "New York"))
>>> (z1 (make-instance 'zip-code :zip "33015" :city "Miami" :county
>>> "Dade" :state s1))
>>> (z2 (make-instance 'zip-code :zip "13605" :city "Adams" :county
>>> "Jefferson" :state s2))
>>> (z2 (make-instance 'zip-code :zip "33160" :city "Sunny Isles
>>> Beach" :county "Dade" :state s1)))
>>> (print s1)
>>> (print s2)
>>> (print z1)
>>> (print z2)
>>> (print z3))
>>> Here, I'm creating a couple of state objects and a couple of zip-code
>>> objects. Since a zip-code can only belong to one state, they have a
>>> reference back to the state in order to "quickly" determine the state
>>> they belong to.
>>> A couple of questions/comments here:
>>> 1) If I wanted to ask a state to give me all the zip-code(s) within
>>> it, would I create a slot in the state class to hold a collection of
>>> zip-code references? Or would I simply create a state-class method like:
>>> (defmethod get-zip-codes ((obj state))
>>> (get-instances-by-value 'zip-code 'state obj))
>>> This does not work because the state slot in zip-code is not indexed.
>>> Also, from the code above, I don't know how to get a reference to the
>>> btree in order to create a cursor so that I can linearly traverse the
>>> zip-code(s) to return only those zip-code(s) which belong to that state.
>> Yes, you have to decide what queries you want to do and make trade-offs
>> between space and time. Of course it's easy to make the decision "lots
>> of zip codes, small ranges in queries, large number of zip codes per
>> state = index OR moderate # zip codes, large ranges per state, small
>> number of states = add a slot and use a list or array" Then you add the
>> :index marker to the zip code or add a new slot to state to keep track
>> of the association. There is no general notion of association as you'll
>> see below. However that might be a nice thing to add - you start to get
>> relational notion into the simple object persistence model.
>> I guess that's the confusion. Elephant is NOT an object database - it
>> is a persistent object and collection facility. The DB functionality
>> you (today) have to write yourself. It might be nice to add a layer or
>> two that makes it more ODB like. But as Robert has done with DCM - you
>> can craft an object/storage model that works for your application.
>> Keeping references to objects in slots is an implicit DB but it does
>> require that you think in a way that RDB's do not.
>>> Of course, I would probably want to index the state slot of zip-code
>>> because there are tens of thousands of zip codes and I wouldn't want
>>> to linearly traverse them, but I just wanted to illustrate the problem
>>> to get some additional feedback (the overhead of maintaining a
>>> secondary index on state wouldn't matter too much to me because
>>> changes to this class/objects are very rare but access is much more
>>> frequent)
>>> 2) Maybe this is a totally different issue and mainly caused by my
>>> lisp ignorance:
>>> If I have:
>>> (defparameter *s1* (get-instances-by-value 'state 'abbr "FL"))
>>> (defparameter *s2* (get-instances-by-value 'state 'abbr "NY"))
>>> (defparameter *z1* (get-instances-by-value 'zip-code 'zip "33015"))
>>> (defparameter *z2* (get-instances-by-value 'zip-code 'zip "13605"))
>>> (defparameter *z3* (get-instances-by-value 'zip-code 'zip "33160"))
>>> and I want to remove the association of zip code 33160 from the "FL"
>>> state object, I would think all I have to do is:
>>> (setf (state-of *z3*) nil)
>> First problem here is that get-instances (note the plural) returns a
>> list. However that will work. You orphan the zip code by removing
>> it's reference to a state. However there is a singular function that
>> returns the first instance or nil.
>> (defparameter *z3* (get-instance-by-value 'zip-code 'zip "13605)))
>> (setf (state-of *z3*) nil)
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