[elephant-devel] Retiring

Andrew Blumberg blumberg at math.uchicago.edu
Tue Mar 15 23:56:40 UTC 2005

it's really nice to hear that people are using elephant.  although ben has 
entered "retirement", i intend to continue maintaining the project (and 
cadging advice out of ben as necessary).  however, i'm sufficiently 
occupied with other tasks that i'm hoping to act more in the role of 
fixing bugs, integrating patches, and coordinating development more 
intensive hacking.

this having been said, i'd really like to see elephant become bulletproof 
and so i'm excited about usage in commercial situations.  as such, i'm 
particularly interested in doing necessary modifications to help this 
along insofar as i can.

 							regards, andrew

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Robert L. Read wrote:

> Just an FYI --- I'm using Elephant with SBCL for a project that I hope
> will be commercial some day.
> I could use something else, but I really like Elephant.  I'm not expert
> enough right now to maintain it,
> but I might grow into it.
> So, I encourage the maintainers to keep working on it, and hope to help
> soon.
> ----
> Robert L. Read, PhD                                     read &T
> robertlread.net
> Consider visiting Progressive Engineering:
> http://robertlread.net/pe
> In Austin: 912-8593                                        "Think
> globally, Act locally." -- RBF

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