[elephant-devel] is initform evaluated?

Andrew Blumberg blumberg at math.uchicago.edu
Mon Feb 21 16:59:14 UTC 2005

hey walter,

 	this is a consequence of the fact that in the current release, 
persistent slots are actually handed as class slots and so the 
initialization semantics are wrong.  in the new release, we've moved to 
using a nonstandard allocation type :database, which solves this sort of 
problem.  the new release should be out "any day now", but if you're in a 
hurry we could send you patches sooner, depending on your platform.

 							regards, andrew

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Walter C. Pelissero wrote:

> Apparently the initform slot argument gets evaluated somewhere during
> the definition of a persistent class.
> Here is an example.
> (defclass foo ()
>  ((x :initform (error "default x")
>      :initarg :x))
>  (:metaclass ele:persistent-metaclass))
> If you evaluate this class definition you get an error, which is not
> what I expect until I actually make an instance of that class.

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