[elephant-devel] Transient slots in non-persistent objects

Peter Bengtson peter at peterbengtson.com
Fri Oct 22 10:52:37 UTC 2004

The patch should of course look like this, not as previously posted - 
the object itself (o) should be passed to #'persistent-slot-p rather 
than the class object. However, you might of course decide to implement 
this in a different manner. Anyway:

(in-package :elephant)

(defun slots-and-values (o)
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
   (loop for sd in (compute-slots (class-of o))
	  for slot-name = (slot-definition-name sd)
	  with ret = ()
	  (when (and (persistent-slot-p o slot-name)
	             (slot-boundp o slot-name)
		         (eq :instance (slot-definition-allocation sd)))
	    (push (slot-value o slot-name) ret)
	    (push slot-name ret))
	  finally (return ret)))

(defmethod persistent-slot-p ((class t) (slot-name t))

(export 'persistent-slot-p)

		/ Peter

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