[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/elephant

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Sun Mar 25 14:57:49 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv32631/elephant

Modified Files:
	classindex.lisp collections.lisp 
Log Message:
Another fix for map-index / map-class-index and adding ranges for map-btree (but not map-class

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/03/24 12:16:03	1.32
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/03/25 14:57:49	1.33
@@ -373,10 +373,12 @@
       (declare (dynamic-extent map-fn))
       (map-btree #'map-fn class-idx))))
-(defun map-class-index (fn class index start end)
-  "If you want to map over a subset of instances, pick an index 
-   and specify bounds for the traversal.  Otherwise use map-class
-   for all instances"
+(defun map-class-index (fn class index &rest args &key start end value)
+  "To map over a subset of instances, pick an index by slot name
+   or derived index name and specify the bounds for the traversal.
+   Otherwise use map-class for all instances.  "
+  (declare (dynamic-extent args)
+	   (ignorable args))
   (let* ((index (if (symbolp index)
 		    (find-inverted-index class index)
@@ -384,7 +386,7 @@
 	     (declare (ignore key pkey))
 	     (funcall fn value)))
       (declare (dynamic-extent wrapper))
-      (map-index #'wrapper index :start start :end end))))
+      (map-index #'wrapper index :start start :end end :value value))))
 ;; =================
@@ -426,8 +428,7 @@
 	     (declare (ignore k pk))
 	     (push v instances)))
       (declare (dynamic-extent collector))
-      (map-index #'collector (find-inverted-index class slot-name) 
-		 :start value :end value))
+      (map-index #'collector (find-inverted-index class slot-name) :value value))
     (nreverse instances)))
 (defmethod get-instance-by-value ((class symbol) slot-name value)
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/03/23 16:18:59	1.18
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/03/25 14:57:49	1.19
@@ -318,11 +318,6 @@
 different key.)  Returns has-tuple / secondary key / value /
 primary key."))
-;; =======================================
-;;   Generic Mapping Functions
-;; =======================================
 (defmacro with-btree-cursor ((var bt) &body body)
   "Macro which opens a named cursor on a BTree (primary or
 not), evaluates the forms, then closes the cursor."
@@ -331,16 +326,9 @@
 	  (progn , at body)
        (cursor-close ,var))))
-(defmethod map-btree (fn (btree btree))
-  "Like maphash.  Default implementation - overridable
-   Function of two arguments key and value"
-  (ensure-transaction (:store-controller (get-con btree))
-    (with-btree-cursor (curs btree)
-      (loop
-	 (multiple-value-bind (more k v) (cursor-next curs)
-	   (declare (dynamic-extent more k v))
-	   (unless more (return nil))
-	   (funcall fn k v))))))
+;; =======================================
+;;   Generic Mapping Functions
+;; =======================================
 (defun lisp-compare<= (a b)
   (etypecase a
@@ -348,15 +336,52 @@
     (string (string<= a b))
     (persistent (<= (oid a) (oid b)))))
-(defun lisp-compare-eq (a b)
-  (eq a b))
+(defun lisp-compare-equal (a b)
+  (equal a b))
-(defmethod map-index (fn (index btree-index) &rest args &key start end)
-  "Like map-btree, but takes a function of three arguments key, value and primary key
-   if you want to get at the primary key value, otherwise use map-btree"
+;; NOTE: the use of nil for the last element in a btree only works because the C comparison
+;; function orders by type tag and nil is the highest valued type tag so nils are the last
+;; possible element in a btree ordered by value.
+(defmethod map-btree (fn (btree btree) &rest args &key start end (value nil value-set-p))
+  "Map btree maps over a btree from the value start to the value of end.
+   If values are not provided, then it maps over all values.  BTrees 
+   do not have duplicates, but map-btree can also be used with indices
+   in the case where you don't want access to the primary key so we 
+   require a value argument as well for mapping duplicate value sets."
+  (let ((end (if value-set-p value end)))
+    (ensure-transaction (:store-controller (get-con btree))
+      (with-btree-cursor (curs btree)
+	(multiple-value-bind (exists? key value)
+	    (cond (value-set-p
+		   (cursor-set curs value))
+		  ((null start)
+		   (cursor-first curs))
+		  (t (cursor-set-range curs start)))
+	  (if exists?
+	      (funcall fn key value)
+	      (return-from map-btree nil))
+	  (loop
+	     (multiple-value-bind (exists? k v)
+		 (cursor-next curs)
+	       (declare (dynamic-extent exists? k v))
+	       (if (and exists? (or (null end) (lisp-compare<= k end)))
+		   (funcall fn k v)
+		   (return nil)))))))))
+(defmethod map-index (fn (index btree-index) &rest args &key start end (value nil value-set-p))
+  "Map-index is like map-btree but for secondary indices, it
+   takes a function of three arguments: key, value and primary
+   key.  As with map-btree the keyword arguments start and end
+   determine the starting element and ending element, inclusive.
+   Also, start = nil implies the first element, end = nil implies
+   the last element in the index.  If you want to traverse only a
+   set of identical key values, for example all nil values, then
+   use the value keyword which will override any values of start
+   and end."
   (declare (dynamic-extent args)
 	   (ignorable args))
-  (let ((sc (get-con index)))
+  (let ((sc (get-con index))
+	(end (or value end)))
     (ensure-transaction (:store-controller sc)
       (with-btree-cursor (cur index)
 	(labels ((next-range ()
@@ -379,8 +404,8 @@
 	  (declare (dynamic-extent next-range next-in-range))
 	  (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey)
-	      (cond ((lisp-compare-eq start end)
-		     (cursor-pset cur start))
+	      (cond (value-set-p
+		     (cursor-pset cur value))
 		    ((null start)
 		     (cursor-pfirst cur))
 		    (t (cursor-pset-range cur start)))
@@ -393,7 +418,6 @@
 ;; ===============================
 ;; Some generic utility functions
 ;; ===============================

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