[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Tue Mar 6 04:17:14 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv27507/eslick/query-sketch

Added Files:
	constraint-parser.lisp query-algebra.lisp query-planner.lisp 
	query-syntax.lisp scratch.lisp 
Log Message:
Archive of various attacks on query system

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/constraint-parser.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	NONE
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/constraint-parser.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
;;; query-syntax.lisp -- Implement syntax for the elephant query engine
;;; Copyright (c) 2007 by  Ian S. Eslick
;;; <ieslick at common-lisp.net>
;;; Elephant users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Limited General Public License
;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.

(in-package :elephant)

;; Constraint graph

(defclass constraint-graph ()
  ((variables :accessor constraint-variables :initarg :vars :initform nil)
   (edges :accessor constraint-edges :initarg :edges :initform nil)))

(defmethod find-constraint-variable ((graph constraint-graph) var-name)
  (find var-name (constraint-variables graph) :test #'variable-name))

(defmethod find-constraint-edge ((graph constraint-graph) var1 var2)
  (when (symbolp var1)
    (setf var1 (find-constraint-variable graph var1)))
  (when (symbolp var2)
    (setf var2 (find-constraint-variable graph var2)))
  (flet ((match-p (edge)
	   (and (or (eq (edge-src edge) var1)
		    (eq (edge-dst edge) var1))
		(or (eq (edge-dst edge) var2)
		    (eq (edge-src edge) var2)))))
    (find nil (constraint-edges graph) :test #'match-p)))

(defmethod add-constraint ((graph constraint-graph) var constraint bindings)
  (unless (find-constraint-variable graph var)
    (make-instance 'constraint-variable 
		   :class (get-var-class bindings var)
		   (push constraint (constraint-variables (find-constraint-variable graph var))))))

(defclass constraint-variable ()
  ((name :accessor variable-name :initarg :name)
   (class :accessor variable-class :initarg :class)
   (constraints :accessor variable-constraints :initarg :constraints :initform nil)))

(defclass edge ()
  ((src :accessor edge-src :initarg :src)
   (dst :accessor edge-dst :initarg :dst)
   (constraint :accessor destination-constraint :initarg :constraint)))

(defclass constraint ()
  ((class :accessor constraint-class :initarg :class)
   (fn :accessor constraint-fn :initarg :test-fn
       :documentation "Predicate accepting an instance and returns 
                       whether it was accepted (t) or rejected (nil)")
   (expr :accessor constraint-expr :initarg :test-expr
	 :documentation "Predicate expression for inline expansion")))

(defclass value-constraint (constraint)
  ((slot :accessor constraint-slot :initarg :slot :initform nil)
   (indexed-p :accessor indexed-p :initarg :indexed-p :initform nil)
   (index-type :accessor index-type :initarg :type :initform t)
   (range-p :accessor range-p :initarg :range-p :initform nil)
   (value :accessor constraint-value :initarg :value)))

(defmethod initialize-index-info ((c value-constraint))
  (when (constraint-slot c)
    (let ((idx (find-inverted-index (constraint-class c) (constraint-slot c) :null-on-fail t)))
      (when idx (setf (indexed-p c) t)))))

(defclass range-constraint (constraint)
  ((range :accessor constraint-range :initarg :range)))

(defclass and-constraint (constraint)
  ((constraints :accessor constraints :initarg :constraints)))
(defclass or-constraint (constraint) ())
(defclass xor-constraint (constraint) ())

;; Constraint patterns for parsing

(defvar *constraint-dictionary*
  '((= parse-numeric)
    (< parse-numeric range)
    (> parse-numeric range)
    (>= parse-numeric range)
    (<= parse-numeric range)
    (string= parse-string)
    (string< parse-string range)
    (string> parse-string range)
    (string>= parse-string range)
    (string<= parse-string range)
    (member parse-member)
    (fn parse-function)
    (between parse-range)
    (or parse-or)
    (and parse-and)
    (eq parse-equiv)))

(defun parse-constraint (expr bindings graph)
  (let ((op (first expr)))
    (multiple-value-bind (var constraint) 
	(funcall (symbol-function (second (assoc op *constraint-dictionary*)))
		 expr binding)
      (add-constraint graph var constraint bindings))))

(defun parse-numeric (expr bindings)
  (destructuring-bind (rel (slot var) value) expr
    (assert (numberp value))
    (values var
	    (make-instance 'value-constraint 
			   :slot slot
			   :range-p nil
			   :class (binding-class var)
			   :value value
			   :expr `((inst) (,rel (slot-value inst ,slot) ,value))))))

;; Bindings

(defun make-constraint-bindings ()
  (make-hash-table :test #'equal))

(defun add-binding (name rec bindings)
  (setf (gethash name bindings) rec))

(defun get-binding (name bindings)
  (gethash name bindings))

(defun make-binding (type name)
  (list type name))

(defun binding-type (rec)
  (first rec))

(defun binding-target (rec)
  (second rec))

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/query-algebra.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	NONE
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/query-algebra.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
;;; merge.lisp -- Implement efficient OID lists for merge-sort
;;; Copyright (c) 2007 by  Ian S. Eslick
;;; <ieslick at common-lisp.net>
;;; Elephant users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Limited General Public License
;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.

(in-package :elephant)

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/query-planner.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	NONE
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/query-planner.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
;;; query-planner.lisp -- Implement syntax for the elephant query engine
;;; Copyright (c) 2007 by  Ian S. Eslick
;;; <ieslick at common-lisp.net>
;;; Elephant users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Limited General Public License
;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.

(in-package :elephant)

;; ================================================================================
;; Simple graph abstraction for keeping track of plan constraints
;; ================================================================================

(defclass edge ()
  ((type :accessor edge-type :initarg :type :initform nil)
   (source :accessor edge-source :initarg :source :initform nil)
   (target :accessor edge-target :initarg :target :initform nil)))

(defclass graph ()
  ((edges :accessor edge-list :initarg :edges :initform nil)
   (nodes :accessor node-list :initarg :nodes :initform nil)))

;; =============================
;; Query Plans
;; =============================

;; These operations are the basis for estimating the cost
;; of different orderings of query operations.  For simple
;; queries this is unnecessary, but for queries with constraints
;; between classes, this is very useful.

(defclass query-op ()
  ((set-size :accessor set-size :initarg :set-size :initform 0)
   (page-queries :accessor page-queries :initarg :page-queries :initform 0)
   (slot-queries :accessor slot-queries :initarg :slot-queries :initform 0)))

(defclass instance-op ()
  ((class :accessor op-class :initarg :cost)
   (constraints :accessor op-constraints :initarg :constraints)))

(defclass index-op (instance-op)
  ((index :accessor query-index :initarg :cons)))

(defclass scan-op (instance-op) 
  (:documentation "Scan the class applying the per-instance operator"))

;; intersection, unions
(defclass merge-op (query-op)
  ((merge-type :accessor merge-type :initarg :type :initform :intersection)))

(defun compute-constraint-graph (constraint-expr)

(defun compute-query-plan (constraints)
  "Given a constraint graph, compute a query plan"
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/query-syntax.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	NONE
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/query-syntax.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	1.1
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
;;; query-syntax.lisp -- Implement syntax for the elephant query engine
;;; Copyright (c) 2007 by  Ian S. Eslick
;;; <ieslick at common-lisp.net>
;;; Elephant users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Limited General Public License
;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.

(in-package :elephant)

;; Want syntax such that we can recursively walk the definition and
;; produce a query graph that can be subject to algebraic optimization
;; How to handle nested queries?

(string= (name (department inst)) "Marketing")

;; Name unique, no idx on dept
inst := (class people)
v1 := (lookup-select string= (name department) "marketing")
s1 := (class-select ref= department people v1)
s2 := (class-select < salary people 100k)
s3 := (join s1 s2)
s4 := (objects s3)

;; graph of instance sets and selections against them

;; Constraint graph

(defclass constraint-graph ()
  ((variables :accessor constraint-variables :initarg :vars :initform nil)
   (edges :accessor constraint-edges :initarg :edges :initform nil)))

(defmethod find-constraint-variable ((graph constraint-graph) var-name)
  (find var-name (constraint-variables graph) :test #'variable-name))

(defmethod find-constraint-edge ((graph constraint-graph) var1 var2)
  (when (symbolp var1)
    (setf var1 (find-constraint-variable graph var1)))
  (when (symbolp var2)
    (setf var2 (find-constraint-variable graph var2)))
  (flet ((match-p (edge)
	   (and (or (eq (edge-src edge) var1)
		    (eq (edge-dst edge) var1))
		(or (eq (edge-dst edge) var2)
		    (eq (edge-src edge) var2)))))
    (find nil (constraint-edges graph) :test #'match-p)))

(defmethod add-constraint ((graph constraint-graph) var constraint bindings)
  (unless (find-constraint-variable graph var)
    (make-instance 'constraint-variable 
		   :class (get-var-class bindings var)
		   (push constraint (constraint-variables (find-constraint-variable graph var)))

(defclass constraint-variable ()
  ((name :accessor variable-name :initarg :name)
   (class :accessor variable-class :initarg :class)
   (constraints :accessor variable-constraints :initarg :constraints :initform nil)))

(defclass edge ()
  ((src :accessor edge-src :initarg :src)
   (dst :accessor edge-dst :initarg :dst)
   (constraint :accessor destination-constraint :initarg :constraint)))

(defclass constraint ()
  ((class :accessor constraint-class :initarg :class)
   (fn :accessor constraint-fn :initarg :test-fn
       :documentation "Predicate accepting an instance and returns 
                       whether it was accepted (t) or rejected (nil)")
   (expr :accessor constraint-expr :initarg :test-expr
	 :documentation "Predicate expression for inline expansion")))

(defclass value-constraint (constraint)
  ((slot :accessor constraint-slot :initarg :slot :initform nil)
   (indexed-p :accessor indexed-p :initarg :indexed-p :initform nil)
   (index-type :accessor index-type :initarg :type :initform t)
   (range-p :accessor range-p :initarg :range-p :initform nil)
   (value :accessor constraint-value :initarg :value)))

(defmethod initialize-index-info ((c value-constraint))
  (when (constraint-slot c)
    (let ((idx (find-inverted-index (constraint-class c) (constraint-slot c) :null-on-fail t)))
      (when idx (setf (indexed-p c) t)))))

(defclass range-constraint (constraint)
  ((range :accessor constraint-range :initarg :range)))

(defclass and-constraint (constraint)
  ((constraints :accessor constraints :initarg :constraints)))
(defclass or-constraint (constraint) ())
(defclass xor-constraint (constraint) ())

;; Constraint patterns for parsing

(defvar *constraint-dictionary*
  '((= parse-numeric)
    (< parse-numeric range)
    (> parse-numeric range)
    (>= parse-numeric range)
    (<= parse-numeric range)
    (string= parse-string)
    (string< parse-string range)
    (string> parse-string range)
    (string>= parse-string range)
    (string<= parse-string range)
    (member parse-member)
    (fn parse-function)
    (between parse-range)
    (or parse-or)
    (and parse-and)
    (eq parse-equiv)))

(defun parse-constraint (expr bindings graph)
  (let ((op (first expr)))
    (multiple-value-bind (var constraint) 
	(funcall (symbol-function (second (assoc op *constraint-dictionary*)))
		 expr binding)
      (add-constraint graph var constraint bindings))))

(defun parse-numeric (expr bindings)
  (destructuring-bind (rel (slot var) value) expr
    (assert (numberp value))
    (values var
	    (make-instance 'value-constraint 
			   :slot slot
			   :range-p nil
			   :class (binding-class var)
			   :value value
			   :expr `((inst) (,rel (slot-value inst ,slot) ,value))))))

;; Bindings

(defun make-constraint-bindings ()
  (make-hash-table :test #'equal))

(defun add-binding (name rec bindings)
  (setf (gethash name bindings) rec))

(defun get-binding (name bindings)
  (gethash name bindings))

(defun make-binding (type name)
  (list type name))

(defun binding-type (rec)
  (first rec))

(defun binding-target (rec)
  (second rec))

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/scratch.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	NONE
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/contrib/eslick/query-sketch/scratch.lisp	2007/03/06 04:17:14	1.1
;; Constraint definitions
;; A constraint is an expression that requires the value of an object slot
;; to be one or more values or a reference to an object satisfying a constraint.  
;; The object slot reference and the value slot reference can be complex.

(defvar *constraint-definitions*
  (make-hash-table :size 40))

(defmacro define-constraint (name &body body)
     (push ,(generate-constraint-pattern body) 
	   (gethash ',name *constraint-dispatch*))))

[276 lines skipped]

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