[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/elephant

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 25 18:18:00 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv27212/src/elephant

Modified Files:
	controller.lisp serializer2.lisp unicode2.lisp 
Log Message:
Symbol ID hack removed from BDB; Allegro/MacOS/x86 passes

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/controller.lisp	2007/01/22 23:11:08	1.22
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/controller.lisp	2007/01/25 18:18:00	1.23
@@ -151,14 +151,10 @@
    (class-root :reader controller-class-root
 	       :documentation "This should be a persistent indexed btree instantiated by the backend")
    ;; Upgradable serializer strategy
-   (version :accessor controller-version-cached :initform nil)
+   (database-version :accessor controller-version-cached :initform nil)
    (serializer-version :accessor controller-serializer-version :initform nil)
    (serialize :accessor controller-serialize :initform nil)
    (deserialize :accessor controller-deserialize :initform nil)
-   ;; Symbol ID caches
-   (symbol-cache :accessor controller-symbol-cache :initform (make-hash-table :size 2000))
-   (symbol-id-cache :accessor controller-symbol-id-cache :initform (make-hash-table :size 2000))
-   (fast-symbols :accessor controller-fast-symbols-p :initform nil)
    "Class of objects responsible for the book-keeping of holding DB 
@@ -443,21 +439,6 @@
 ;; (defmethod clear-agents (agent)
 ;;   (setf *agencies* nil))
-;; Support for serialization efficiency
-(defgeneric lookup-persistent-symbol-id (sc symbol)
-  (:documentation "Return an ID for the provided symbol.  This function is
-                   a callback for the serializer that the backends share in
-                   most cases."))
-(defgeneric lookup-persistent-symbol (sc id)
-  (:documentation "Return a symbol for the ID.  This should always succeed.
-                   The database should not use the existing serializer to perform
-                   this function; but memutils and unicode are available"))
 ;; Low-level support for metaclass protocol 
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer2.lisp	2007/01/22 23:11:08	1.5
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer2.lisp	2007/01/25 18:18:00	1.6
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 (defconstant +symbol+               13)
 ;; Cached symbol references 
-(defconstant +symbol-id+            14)
+;; (defconstant +reserved+            14)
 ;; stored by id+classname
 (defconstant +persistent+           15)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
     (vector-push-extend hash *circularity-hash-queue*)))
-;; Circularity Hash for Serializer
+;; Circularity Hash for Deserializer
 (defparameter *circularity-vector-queue* (make-array 20 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)
@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@
 (defun serialize (frob bs sc)
   "Serialize a lisp value into a buffer-stream."
-  (declare (type buffer-stream bs))
+  (declare (type buffer-stream bs)
+	   (ignorable sc))
   (let ((*lisp-obj-id* -1)
 	(*circularity-hash* (get-circularity-hash)))
@@ -154,15 +155,23 @@
 	   (incf *lisp-obj-id*))
 	 (%serialize (frob)
 	   (etypecase frob
-	     (symbol
-	      (serialize-symbol frob bs sc))
-	     (string
-	      (serialize-string frob bs))
 	     ((integer #.most-negative-fixnum #.most-positive-fixnum)
 	      (buffer-write-byte +fixnum32+ bs)
 	      (buffer-write-int frob bs))
 	      (buffer-write-byte +nil+ bs))
+	     (symbol
+	      (let ((sym-name (symbol-name frob)))
+		(declare (type string sym-name)
+			 (dynamic-extent sym-name))
+		(buffer-write-byte +symbol+ bs)
+		(serialize-string sym-name bs)
+		(let ((package (symbol-package frob)))
+		  (if package
+		      (serialize-string (package-name package) bs)
+		      (buffer-write-byte +nil+ bs)))))
+	     (string
+	      (serialize-string frob bs))
 	      (buffer-write-byte +persistent+ bs)
 	      (buffer-write-int (oid frob) bs)
@@ -199,23 +208,7 @@
 			(loop for item in svs
 			   do (%serialize item)))))))
-	      (let* ((num (abs frob))
-		     (word-size (ceiling (/ (integer-length num) 32)))
-		     (needed (* word-size 4)))
-		(declare (type fixnum word-size needed))
-		(if (< frob 0) 
-		    (buffer-write-byte +negative-bignum+ bs)
-		    (buffer-write-byte +positive-bignum+ bs))
-		(buffer-write-int needed bs)
-		(loop for i fixnum from 0 below word-size 
-		   ;; this ldb is consing on CMUCL!
-		   ;; there is an OpenMCL function which should work 
-		   ;; and non-cons
-		   do
-		   #+(or cmu sbcl)
-		   (buffer-write-uint (ldb (int-byte-spec i) num) bs) ;; (%bignum-ref num i) bs)
-		   #+(or allegro lispworks openmcl)
-		   (buffer-write-uint (ldb (int-byte-spec i) num) bs))))
+	      (serialize-bignum frob bs))
 	      (buffer-write-byte +rational+ bs)
 	      (%serialize (numerator frob))
@@ -298,17 +291,31 @@
     (release-circularity-hash *circularity-hash*)
-(defun slots-and-values (o)
-  (loop for sd in (compute-slots (class-of o))
-	for slot-name = (slot-definition-name sd)
-	with ret = ()
-	do
-	(when (and (slot-boundp o slot-name)
-		   (eq :instance
-		       (slot-definition-allocation sd)))
-	  (push (slot-value o slot-name) ret)
-	  (push slot-name ret))
-	finally (return ret)))
+(defun serialize-bignum (frob bs)
+  "Serialize bignum to buffer stream"
+  (declare (type integer frob)
+	   (type buffer-stream bs))
+  (let* ((num (abs frob))
+	 (word-size (ceiling (/ (integer-length num) 32)))
+	 (needed (* word-size 4)))
+    (declare (type fixnum word-size needed))
+    (if (< frob 0) 
+	(buffer-write-byte +negative-bignum+ bs)
+	(buffer-write-byte +positive-bignum+ bs))
+    (buffer-write-int needed bs)
+    (loop for i fixnum from 0 below word-size 
+       ;; this ldb is consing on CMUCL!
+       ;; there is an OpenMCL function which should work 
+       ;; and non-cons
+       do
+	 #+(or cmu sbcl)
+	 (buffer-write-uint (ldb (int-byte-spec i) num) bs) ;; (%bignum-ref num i) bs)
+	 #+(or allegro lispworks openmcl)
+	 (buffer-write-uint (ldb (int-byte-spec i) num) bs))))
 (defun deserialize (buf-str sc)
   "Deserialize a lisp value from a buffer-stream."
@@ -343,8 +350,6 @@
 		(if package
 		    (intern name (find-package package))
 		    (make-symbol name))))
-	     ((= tag +symbol-id+)
-	      (deserialize-symbol-id (buffer-read-int bs) sc))
 	     ((= tag +persistent+)
 	      (get-cached-instance sc
 				   (buffer-read-fixnum bs)
@@ -462,61 +467,4 @@
 	with num integer = 0 
 	(setq num (dpb (buffer-read-uint bs) byte-spec num))
-	finally (return (if positive num (- num)))))
-;; Symbol cache
-(defun serialize-symbol (symbol bs sc)
-  "Serialize a symbol by recording its ID"
-  (declare (type buffer-stream bs)
-	   (type symbol symbol)
-	   (type store-controller sc))
-  (if (controller-fast-symbols-p sc)
-      (let ((id (lookup-id symbol sc)))
-	(declare (type fixnum id))
-	(buffer-write-byte +symbol-id+ bs)
-	(buffer-write-int id bs))
-      (serialize-symbol-complete symbol bs)))
-(defun lookup-id (symbol sc)
-  "Find an id for a symbol or create a new one"
-  (declare (type symbol symbol))
-  (let ((id (gethash symbol (controller-symbol-id-cache sc))))
-    (declare (type fixnum id))
-    (if id id
-	(let ((pid (lookup-persistent-symbol-id sc symbol)))
-	  (setf (gethash symbol (controller-symbol-id-cache sc)) pid)
-	  (setf (gethash pid (controller-symbol-cache sc)) symbol)
-	  pid))))
-(defun serialize-symbol-complete (symbol bs)
-  "To be called by backends to serialize the string
-   instead of the ID as they implement the
-   persistent symbol table"
-  (declare (type symbol symbol)
-	   (type buffer-stream bs))
-  (let ((sym-name (symbol-name symbol)))
-    (declare (type string sym-name) 
-	     (dynamic-extent sym-name))
-    (buffer-write-byte +symbol+ bs)
-    (serialize-string sym-name bs)
-    (let ((package (symbol-package symbol)))
-      (if package
-	  (serialize-string (package-name package) bs)
-	  (buffer-write-byte +nil+ bs)))))
-(defun deserialize-symbol-id (id sc)
-  "Deserialize a symbol ID by finding it in the cache"
-  (declare (type fixnum id))
-  (let ((symbol (gethash id (controller-symbol-cache sc))))
-    (if symbol symbol
-	(let ((symbol (lookup-persistent-symbol sc id)))
-	  (if symbol 
-	      (progn 
-		(setf (gethash id (controller-symbol-cache sc)) symbol)
-		(setf (gethash symbol (controller-symbol-id-cache sc)) id)
-		symbol)
-	      (error "Symbol lookup foobar! ID referred to does not exist in database"))))))
+	finally (return (if positive num (- num)))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/unicode2.lisp	2007/01/16 00:51:25	1.1
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/unicode2.lisp	2007/01/25 18:18:00	1.2
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 	;; Accelerate the common case where a character set is not Latin-1
 	((and (not (equal "" string)) (< (char-code (char string 0)) #xFFFF))
 	 (serialize-to-utf16le string bstream))
-	;; Actualy code pages > 0 are rare; so we can pay an extra cost
+	;; Actually code pages > 0 are rare; so we can pay an extra cost
 	(t (or (serialize-to-utf8 string bstream)
 	       (serialize-to-utf16le string bstream)
 	       (serialize-to-utf32le string bstream)))))

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