[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/db-bdb

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 25 18:18:00 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-bdb
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv27212/src/db-bdb

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Symbol ID hack removed from BDB; Allegro/MacOS/x86 passes

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-bdb/bdb-symbol-tables.lisp	2007/01/22 22:22:35	1.2
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-bdb/bdb-symbol-tables.lisp	2007/01/25 18:18:00	1.3
@@ -26,38 +26,37 @@
     (serialize-symbol-complete symbol keybuf)
     (let ((buf (db-get-key-buffered (controller-btrees sc)
 				    keybuf valbuf)))
-      (if buf (values (buffer-read-int buf) T)
-	  (values (create-persistent-symbol sc symbol keybuf valbuf) t)))))
-(defun create-persistent-symbol (sc symbol keybuf valbuf)
-  "Takes an symbol->id table + symbol keybuf, allocates an ID and updates
-   the persistent tables."
-  (reset-buffer-stream valbuf) ;; Just to avoid any contamination
-;;  (with-transaction (:txn-nosync t :dirty-read t) 
-;;  (format t "getting next symid")
-  (let ((id (next-symid sc))) ;; allocate a new unique id
+      (if buf 
+	  (values (buffer-read-int buf) t)
+	  (values (create-persistent-symbol-id sc symbol) t)))))
+(defun create-persistent-symbol-id (sc symbol)
+  "Allocates an ID and updates persistent tables"
+  (let ((id (next-symid sc))) 
     ;; Update symbol->id table
-;;    (format t "Writing sym->id: ~A -> ~A~%" symbol id)
-    (buffer-write-int id valbuf)
-;;    (format t "Putting id into table location~%")
-    (db-put-buffered (controller-btrees sc) keybuf valbuf
-		     :auto-commit *auto-commit*)
+    (with-buffer-streams (keybuf valbuf)
+;;      (format t "Writing sym->id: ~A -> ~A~%" symbol id)
+      (buffer-write-int *symbol-to-id-table-oid* keybuf)
+      (serialize-symbol-complete symbol keybuf)
+      (buffer-write-int id valbuf)
+;;      (format t "Putting it into table location~%")
+      (db-put-buffered (controller-btrees sc) keybuf valbuf))
     ;; Write id->symbol table
-    (reset-buffer-stream keybuf)
-    (reset-buffer-stream valbuf)
-;;    (format t "Writing id->sym: ~A -> ~A~%" id symbol)
-    (buffer-write-int *id-to-symbol-table-oid* keybuf)
-    (buffer-write-int id keybuf)
-    (serialize-symbol-complete symbol valbuf)
-    (db-put-buffered (controller-btrees sc) keybuf valbuf
-		     :auto-commit *auto-commit*)
-    id)
-;;    )
-  )
+    (with-buffer-streams (keybuf valbuf)
+;;      (format t "Writing id->sym: ~A -> ~A~%" id symbol)
+      (buffer-write-int *id-to-symbol-table-oid* keybuf)
+;;      (buffer-write-byte elephant-serializer2::+fixnum32+ keybuf)
+;;      (buffer-write-int id keybuf)
+      (serialize id keybuf sc)
+      (serialize-symbol-complete symbol valbuf)
+;;      (format t "Putting it into table location~%")
+      (db-put-buffered (controller-btrees sc) keybuf valbuf))
+;;    (format t "Done")
+    id))
 (defmethod lookup-persistent-symbol ((sc bdb-store-controller) id)
-  "Lookup the ID associated with a symbol"
+  "Lookup the symbol associated with this id"
   (with-buffer-streams (keybuf valbuf)
 ;;    (format t "Looking up: ~A~%" id)
     (buffer-write-int *id-to-symbol-table-oid* keybuf)

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