[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/db-clsql

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Mon Feb 26 19:12:18 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-clsql
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv1238/src/db-clsql

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Tweaks for lispworks compatability

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-clsql/sql-collections.lisp	2007/02/08 22:33:35	1.10
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-clsql/sql-collections.lisp	2007/02/26 19:12:18	1.11
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
 ;; to implement the cursor semantics.  Clearly, passing 
 ;; in a different ordering is a nice feature to have here.
 (defclass sql-cursor (cursor)
-  ((keys :accessor :sql-crsr-ks :initarg :sql-cursor-keys :initform '())
-   (curkey :accessor :sql-crsr-ck :initarg :sql-cursor-curkey :initform -1 :type (or null integer)))
+  ((keys :accessor sql-crsr-ks :initarg :sql-cursor-keys :initform '())
+   (curkey :accessor sql-crsr-ck :initarg :sql-cursor-curkey :initform -1 :type (or null integer)))
   (:documentation "A SQL cursor for traversing (primary) BTrees."))
 (defmethod make-cursor ((bt sql-btree))
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 (defmethod cursor-close ((cursor sql-cursor))
-  (setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) nil)
+  (setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) nil)
   (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))
 ;; Maybe this will still work?
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
 		 :initialized-p (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
 		 :oid (cursor-oid cursor)
 		 ;; Do we need to so some kind of copy on this collection?
-		 :keys (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)
-		 :curkey (:sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
+		 :keys (sql-crsr-ks cursor)
+		 :curkey (sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
 ;;		 :handle (db-cursor-duplicate 
 ;;			  (cursor-handle cursor) 
 ;;			  :position (cursor-initialized-p cursor))))
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@
 	 (len (length tuples)))
     ;; now we somehow have to load the keys into the array...
     ;; actually, this should be an adjustable vector...
-    (setf (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) (make-array (length tuples)))
+    (setf (sql-crsr-ks cursor) (make-array (length tuples)))
     (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
 	 (tup tuples (cdr tup)))
 	((= i len) nil)
-      (setf (aref (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) i)
+      (setf (aref (sql-crsr-ks cursor) i)
 	    (deserialize-from-base64-string (caar tup) sc)))
-    (sort (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) #'my-generic-less-than)
-    (setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) 0)
+    (sort (sql-crsr-ks cursor) #'my-generic-less-than)
+    (setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) 0)
     (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@
 ;; we're assuming here that nil is not a legitimate key.
 (defmethod get-current-key ((cursor sql-cursor))
-  (let ((x (:sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
-    (if (and (>= x 0) (< x (length (:sql-crsr-ks cursor))))
-	(svref (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) x)
+  (let ((x (sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
+    (if (and (>= x 0) (< x (length (sql-crsr-ks cursor))))
+	(svref (sql-crsr-ks cursor) x)
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@
 (defmethod cursor-last ((cursor sql-cursor) )
   (unless (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
     (cursor-init cursor))
-  (setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) 
-	(- (length (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)) 1))
+  (setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) 
+	(- (length (sql-crsr-ks cursor)) 1))
   (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
   (has-key-value cursor))
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
 (defmethod cursor-next ((cursor sql-cursor))
   (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
-	(incf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor))
+	(incf (sql-crsr-ck cursor))
 	(has-key-value cursor))
       (cursor-first cursor)))
@@ -198,27 +198,27 @@
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
-	(decf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor))
+	(decf (sql-crsr-ck cursor))
 	(has-key-value cursor))
       (cursor-last cursor)))
 (defmethod cursor-set ((cursor sql-cursor) key)
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (if  (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
-       (let ((p (position key (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) :test #'equal)))
+       (let ((p (position key (sql-crsr-ks cursor) :test #'equal)))
 	 (if p
-	       (setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) p)
+	       (setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) p)
 	       (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)	  
 	       (has-key-value cursor)
 	     (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))
 	 (cursor-init cursor)
-	 (let ((p (position key (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) :test #'equal)))
+	 (let ((p (position key (sql-crsr-ks cursor) :test #'equal)))
 	   (if p
-		 (setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) p)
+		 (setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) p)
 		 (has-key-value cursor)
 	       (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
   ;; the initialized state...
   (unless (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
     (cursor-init cursor))
-  (let ((len (length (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)))
+  (let ((len (length (sql-crsr-ks cursor)))
 	(vs '()))
     (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
 	((or (= i len) 
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 ;; Secondary Cursors
 (defclass sql-secondary-cursor (sql-cursor) 
-   (dup-number :accessor :dp-nmbr :initarg :dup-number :initform 0 :type integer)
+   (dup-number :accessor dp-nmbr :initarg :dup-number :initform 0 :type integer)
   (:documentation "Cursor for traversing bdb secondary indices."))
@@ -314,14 +314,14 @@
 (defmethod has-key-value-scnd ((cursor sql-secondary-cursor) &key (returnpk nil))
-  (let ((ck (:sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
-    (if (and (>= ck  0) (< ck  (length (:sql-crsr-ks cursor))))
-	(let* ((cur-pk (aref (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)
-			     (:sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
+  (let ((ck (sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
+    (if (and (>= ck  0) (< ck  (length (sql-crsr-ks cursor))))
+	(let* ((cur-pk (aref (sql-crsr-ks cursor)
+			     (sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
 	       (sc (get-con (cursor-btree cursor)))
 	       (indexed-pk (sql-get-from-clcn-nth (cursor-oid cursor) cur-pk 
-						  (:dp-nmbr cursor))))
+						  (dp-nmbr cursor))))
 	  (if indexed-pk
 	      (let ((v (get-value indexed-pk (primary (cursor-btree cursor)))))
 		(if v
@@ -359,11 +359,11 @@
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (unless (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
     (cursor-init cursor))
-  (let ((idx (position key (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) :test #'equal)))
+  (let ((idx (position key (sql-crsr-ks cursor) :test #'equal)))
     (if idx
-          (setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) idx)
-          (setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
+          (setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) idx)
+          (setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
           (cursor-current-x cursor :returnpk t))
         (cursor-un-init cursor)
@@ -381,11 +381,11 @@
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (unless (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
     (cursor-init cursor))
-  (let ((idx (array-index-if #'(lambda (x) (my-generic-at-most key x)) (:sql-crsr-ks cursor))))
+  (let ((idx (array-index-if #'(lambda (x) (my-generic-at-most key x)) (sql-crsr-ks cursor))))
     (if (<= 0 idx)
-	  (setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) idx)
-	  (setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
+	  (setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) idx)
+	  (setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
 	  (cursor-current-x cursor :returnpk t)
 	(cursor-un-init cursor :returnpk t)
@@ -456,15 +456,15 @@
 	  (cursor-current-x cursor :returnpk t)
 	(declare (ignore m k v))
 	  (remove-kv p (primary (cursor-btree cursor)))
-	  (let ((ck (:sql-crsr-ck cursor))
-		(dp (:dp-nmbr cursor)))
+	  (let ((ck (sql-crsr-ck cursor))
+		(dp (dp-nmbr cursor)))
 	    (declare (ignorable dp))
 	    (cursor-next cursor)
 ;; Now that we point to the old slot, remove the old slot from the array...
-	    (setf (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)
+	    (setf (sql-crsr-ks cursor)
-		   (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)))
+		   (sql-crsr-ks cursor)))
 	    ;; now move us back to where we were
 	    (cursor-prev cursor)
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
 (defmethod cursor-first-x ((cursor sql-secondary-cursor) &key (returnpk nil))
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
-  (setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
+  (setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
   (cursor-init cursor)
   (has-key-value-scnd cursor :returnpk returnpk)
@@ -509,10 +509,10 @@
   (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
 	(let ((cur-pk (get-current-key cursor)))
-	  (incf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor))
+	  (incf (sql-crsr-ck cursor))
 	  (if (equal cur-pk (get-current-key cursor))
-	      (incf (:dp-nmbr cursor))
-	      (setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 0))
+	      (incf (dp-nmbr cursor))
+	      (setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 0))
 	  (has-key-value-scnd cursor :returnpk returnpk)))
       (cursor-first-x cursor :returnpk returnpk)))
@@ -524,10 +524,10 @@
   (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
 	(let ((cur-pk (get-current-key cursor)))
-	  (decf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor))
+	  (decf (sql-crsr-ck cursor))
 	  (if (equal cur-pk (get-current-key cursor))
-	      (setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) (max 0 (- (:dp-nmbr cursor) 1)))
-	      (setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 
+	      (setf (dp-nmbr cursor) (max 0 (- (dp-nmbr cursor) 1)))
+	      (setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 
 		    (sql-get-from-clcn-cnt (cursor-oid cursor)
 					   (get-current-key cursor)
 					   (get-con (cursor-btree cursor))
@@ -546,22 +546,22 @@
 (defmethod cursor-next-dup-x ((cursor sql-secondary-cursor) &key (returnpk nil))
 ;;  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (when (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
-    (let* ((cur-pk (aref (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)
-			 (:sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
-	   (nint (+ 1 (:sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
-	   (nxt-pk (if (array-in-bounds-p (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) nint) 
-		       (aref (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)
+    (let* ((cur-pk (aref (sql-crsr-ks cursor)
+			 (sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
+	   (nint (+ 1 (sql-crsr-ck cursor)))
+	   (nxt-pk (if (array-in-bounds-p (sql-crsr-ks cursor) nint) 
+		       (aref (sql-crsr-ks cursor)
       (if (equal cur-pk nxt-pk)
-	    (incf (:dp-nmbr cursor))
-	    (incf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor))
+	    (incf (dp-nmbr cursor))
+	    (incf (sql-crsr-ck cursor))
 	    (has-key-value-scnd cursor :returnpk returnpk))
-	    (setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
+	    (setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
 	    (cursor-un-init cursor :returnpk returnpk)
@@ -571,15 +571,15 @@
 (defmethod cursor-next-nodup-x ((cursor sql-secondary-cursor) &key (returnpk nil))
   (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
       (let ((n
-	     (do ((i (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) (1+ i)))
+	     (do ((i (sql-crsr-ck cursor) (1+ i)))
-		    (not (array-in-bounds-p (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) (+ i 1)))
+		    (not (array-in-bounds-p (sql-crsr-ks cursor) (+ i 1)))
-		     (equal (aref (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) i)
-			    (aref (:sql-crsr-ks cursor) (+ 1 i)))))
+		     (equal (aref (sql-crsr-ks cursor) i)
+			    (aref (sql-crsr-ks cursor) (+ 1 i)))))
 		    (+ 1 i)))))
-	(setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) n)
-	(setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
+	(setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) n)
+	(setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 0)
 	(has-key-value-scnd cursor :returnpk returnpk))
       (cursor-first-x cursor :returnpk returnpk)
@@ -590,9 +590,9 @@
 (defmethod cursor-last-x ((cursor sql-secondary-cursor) &key (returnpk nil))
   (unless (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
     (cursor-init cursor))
-  (setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) 
-	(- (length (:sql-crsr-ks cursor)) 1))
-  (setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 
+  (setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) 
+	(- (length (sql-crsr-ks cursor)) 1))
+  (setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 
 	(max 0
 	(- (sql-get-from-clcn-cnt 
 	    (cursor-oid cursor)
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
 	    (get-con (cursor-btree cursor))
-  (assert (>= (:dp-nmbr cursor) 0))
+  (assert (>= (dp-nmbr cursor) 0))
   (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
   (has-key-value-scnd cursor :returnpk returnpk)
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
-	(setf (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) (- (:sql-crsr-ck cursor) (+ 1 (:dp-nmbr cursor))))
-	(setf (:dp-nmbr cursor) 
+	(setf (sql-crsr-ck cursor) (- (sql-crsr-ck cursor) (+ 1 (dp-nmbr cursor))))
+	(setf (dp-nmbr cursor) 
 	      (max 0
 	      (- (sql-get-from-clcn-cnt (cursor-oid cursor)
 					(get-current-key cursor)

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