[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/elephant

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Sun Feb 25 03:37:39 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv16484

Modified Files:
	classindex.lisp package.lisp serializer.lisp serializer2.lisp 
Log Message:
Support for struct serialization

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/02/24 14:51:59	1.24
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/02/25 03:37:37	1.25
@@ -3,25 +3,28 @@
 ;;; classindex.lisp -- use btree collections to track objects by slot values
 ;;;                    via metaclass options or accessor :after methods
-;;; Initial version 1/24/2006 Ian Eslick
-;;; eslick at alum mit edu
+;;; Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Ian Eslick
+;;; <ieslick at common-lisp.net>
-;;; License: Lisp Limited General Public License
-;;; http://www.franz.com/preamble.html
+;;; Elephant users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
+;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Limited General Public License
+;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.
 (in-package "ELEPHANT")
 (declaim #-elephant-without-optimize (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
+;; =================================
+;; =================================
-;; User level class indexing control protocol
+;; Operates against the current *store-controller* but many 
+;; accept a :sc keyword to change the controller.  The specific 
+;; indices created can be specialized on the controller type.  
+;; See the internal implementor protocol below
-;; Operates against the current *store-controller*
-;; but many accept a :sc keyword to change the controller
-;; The specific indices created can be specialized on the
-;; controller type.  See the internal implementor protocol
-;; below.
 (defgeneric find-class-index (persistent-metaclass &rest rest)
   (:documentation "This method is the way to access the class index via
@@ -60,50 +63,9 @@
   (:documentation "Remove a derived index by providing the derived name
    used to name the derived index"))
-;; ===========================
-;; ===========================
-(defmethod indexed-slot-writer ((class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition) new-value)
-  "Anything that side effects a persistent-object slot should call this to keep
-   the dependant indices in synch.  Only classes with derived indices need to
-   update on writes to non-indexed slots.  This is a side effect of user-managed
-   indices in Elephant - a necessity because we allow arbitrary lisp expressions to
-   determine index value so without bi-directional pointers, the indices cannot 
-   automatically update a changed indexed value in derived slots"
-  (let ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slot-def))
-	(oid (oid instance))
-	(con (get-con instance)))
-    (declare (type fixnum oid))
-    (if (no-indexing-needed? class instance slot-def oid)
-	(persistent-slot-writer con new-value instance slot-name)
-	(let ((class-idx (find-class-index class)))
-	  (ensure-transaction (:store-controller con)
-	    (when (get-value oid class-idx)
-	      (remove-kv oid class-idx))
-	    (persistent-slot-writer con new-value instance slot-name)
-	    (setf (get-value oid class-idx) instance))))))
-(defmethod indexed-slot-makunbound ((class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
-  (let ((class-idx (find-class-index class))
-	(oid (oid instance))
-	(sc (get-con instance)))
-    (ensure-transaction (:store-controller sc)
-      (let ((obj (get-value oid class-idx)))
-	(remove-kv oid class-idx)
-	(persistent-slot-makunbound sc instance (slot-definition-name slot-def))
-	(setf (get-value oid class-idx) obj)))))
-(defun no-indexing-needed? (class instance slot-def oid)
-  (declare (ignore instance))
-  (or (and (not (indexed slot-def)) ;; not indexed
-	   (not (indexing-record-derived (indexed-record class)))) ;; no derived indexes
-      (member oid *inhibit-indexing-list*))) ;; currently inhibited
-;; ===========================
-;; ===========================
+;; ==================================
+;; ==================================
 (defmethod find-class-index ((class-name symbol) &key (sc *store-controller*) (errorp t))
   (find-class-index (find-class class-name) :sc sc :errorp errorp))
@@ -148,7 +110,6 @@
 	      :format-control "Class ~A is not enabled for indexing" 
 	      :format-arguments (list (class-name class)))))
 (defmethod find-inverted-index ((class symbol) slot &key (null-on-fail nil))
   (find-inverted-index (find-class class) slot :null-on-fail null-on-fail))
@@ -185,9 +146,49 @@
       (t (e) (warn "Unable to clear class index caches ~A" e)))))
-;; =============================
-;; =============================
+;; ============================
+;; ============================
+(defmethod indexed-slot-writer ((class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition) new-value)
+  "Anything that side effects a persistent-object slot should call this to keep
+   the dependant indices in synch.  Only classes with derived indices need to
+   update on writes to non-indexed slots.  This is a side effect of user-managed
+   indices in Elephant - a necessity because we allow arbitrary lisp expressions to
+   determine index value so without bi-directional pointers, the indices cannot 
+   automatically update a changed indexed value in derived slots"
+  (let ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slot-def))
+	(oid (oid instance))
+	(con (get-con instance)))
+    (declare (type fixnum oid))
+    (if (no-indexing-needed? class instance slot-def oid)
+	(persistent-slot-writer con new-value instance slot-name)
+	(let ((class-idx (find-class-index class)))
+	  (ensure-transaction (:store-controller con)
+	    (when (get-value oid class-idx)
+	      (remove-kv oid class-idx))
+	    (persistent-slot-writer con new-value instance slot-name)
+	    (setf (get-value oid class-idx) instance))))))
+(defmethod indexed-slot-makunbound ((class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
+  (let ((class-idx (find-class-index class))
+	(oid (oid instance))
+	(sc (get-con instance)))
+    (ensure-transaction (:store-controller sc)
+      (let ((obj (get-value oid class-idx)))
+	(remove-kv oid class-idx)
+	(persistent-slot-makunbound sc instance (slot-definition-name slot-def))
+	(setf (get-value oid class-idx) obj)))))
+(defun no-indexing-needed? (class instance slot-def oid)
+  (declare (ignore instance))
+  (or (and (not (indexed slot-def)) ;; not indexed
+	   (not (indexing-record-derived (indexed-record class)))) ;; no derived indexes
+      (member oid *inhibit-indexing-list*))) ;; currently inhibited
+;; ============================
+;; ============================
 (defmethod enable-class-indexing ((class persistent-metaclass) indexed-slot-names &key (sc *store-controller*))
   (let ((croot (controller-class-root sc)))
@@ -321,9 +322,9 @@
 	(warn "Derived index ~A does not exist in ~A" name (class-name class))
-;; =========================
-;;   Low level cursor API
-;; =========================
+;; ===================
+;; ===================
 (defgeneric make-inverted-cursor (persistent-metaclass name)
   (:documentation "Define a cursor on the inverted (slot or derived) index"))
@@ -331,13 +332,6 @@
 (defgeneric make-class-cursor (persistent-metaclass)
   (:documentation "Define a cursor over all class instances"))
-;; TODO!
-;;(defgeneric make-join-cursor ((class persistent-metaclass) &rest specification)
-;;  (:documentation "Make a join cursor using the slot-value pairs in 
-;;                   the specification assoc-list.  Support for complex queries
-;;                   requiring new access to db-functions and a new cursor type"))
-;; implementation
 (defmethod make-inverted-cursor ((class persistent-metaclass) name)
   (make-cursor (find-inverted-index class name)))
@@ -355,9 +349,9 @@
        (cursor-close ,var))))
-;; ====================================
-;;       Low Level Mapping API
-;; ====================================
+;; ======================
+;; ======================
 (defun map-class (fn class)
   "Perform a map operation across all instances of class.  Takes a
@@ -386,9 +380,9 @@
       (map-index #'wrapper index :start start :end end))))
-;; ===============================
-;;   User-level LIST-oriented API
-;; ===============================
+;; =================
+;; =================
 (defgeneric get-instances-by-class (persistent-metaclass))
 (defgeneric get-instance-by-value (persistent-metaclass slot-name value))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/package.lisp	2007/02/24 14:51:59	1.18
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/package.lisp	2007/02/25 03:37:37	1.19
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
 	   #:btree-index #:get-primary-key
 	   #:primary #:key-form #:key-fn
+	   #:struct-constructor
  	   #:migrate #:*inhibit-slot-copy* 
 	   #:add-symbol-conversion #:add-package-conversion
@@ -121,6 +123,7 @@
 	   ;; Utilities
+	   #:struct-slots-and-values
   (:import-from :pcl
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer.lisp	2007/02/04 04:34:57	1.21
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer.lisp	2007/02/25 03:37:37	1.22
@@ -29,6 +29,20 @@
   (funcall (symbol-function (controller-deserialize sc)) bs sc))
+;; Special structure support
+(defgeneric struct-constructor (class)
+  (:documentation "Called to get the constructor name for a struct class.  Users
+                  should overload this when they want to serialize non-standard
+                  constructor names.  The default constructor make-xxx will work by 
+                  default.  The argument is an eql style type: i.e. of type (eql 'my-struct)"))
+(defmethod struct-constructor ((class t))
+  (symbol-function (intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (symbol-name class))
+			   (symbol-package class))))
 ;; SQL encoding support
@@ -167,10 +181,8 @@
 ;;;; Common utilities
-;; slot names and values for ordinary objects
 (defun slots-and-values (o)
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+  "List of slot names followed by values for object"
   (loop for sd in (compute-slots (class-of o))
 	for slot-name = (slot-definition-name sd)
 	with ret = ()
@@ -182,6 +194,25 @@
 	  (push slot-name ret))
 	finally (return ret)))
+(defun struct-slots-and-values (object)
+  "List of slot names followed by values for structure object"
+  (let ((result nil)
+	(slots 
+	 #+openmcl
+	  (let* ((sd (gethash (class-name (class-of object)) ccl::%defstructs%))
+		 (slots (if sd (ccl::sd-slots sd))))
+	    (mapcar #'car (if (symbolp (caar slots)) slots (cdr slots))))
+	  #+cmu
+	  (mapcar #'pcl:slot-definition-name (pcl:class-slots (class-of object)))
+	  #+lispworks
+	  (structure:structure-class-slot-names (class-of object))
+	  #+allegro
+	  (mapcar #'mop:slot-definition-name (mop:class-slots (class-of object)))))
+    (loop for slot in slots do
+	 (push (slot-value object slot) result)
+	 (push slot result))
+    result))
 ;; array type tags
 (declaim (type hash-table array-type-to-byte byte-to-array-type))
@@ -229,8 +260,7 @@
 (defun int-byte-spec (position)
   "Shared byte-spec peformance hack; not thread safe so removed
    from use for serializer2"
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
-	   (type (unsigned-byte 24) position))
+  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 24) position))
   #+(or cmu sbcl allegro)
   (progn (setf (cdr *resourced-byte-spec*) (* 32 position)) 
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer2.lisp	2007/02/24 14:51:59	1.27
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer2.lisp	2007/02/25 03:37:37	1.28
@@ -218,7 +218,6 @@
 			(setf (gethash frob circularity-hash) id))
 		      (%serialize (type-of frob))
 		      (let ((svs (slots-and-values frob)))
-			(declare (dynamic-extent svs))
 			(%serialize (/ (length svs) 2))
 			(loop for item in svs
 			   do (%serialize item)))))))
@@ -261,21 +260,8 @@
 		      (loop for key being the hash-key of frob
 			 using (hash-value value)
-			 (%serialize key)
-			 (%serialize value))))))
-	     ;; 	   (structure-object 
-	     ;; 	    (buffer-write-byte +struct+ bs)
-	     ;; 	    (let ((idp (gethash frob circularity-hash)))
-	     ;; 	      (if idp (buffer-write-int32 idp bs)
-	     ;; 		  (progn
-	     ;; 		    (buffer-write-int32 (incf lisp-obj-id) bs)
-	     ;; 		    (setf (gethash frbo circularity-hash) lisp-obj-id)
-	     ;; 		    (%serialize (type-of frob))
-	     ;; 		    (let ((svs (slots-and-values frob)))
-	     ;; 		      (declare (dynamic-extent svs))
-	     ;; 		      (%serialize (/ (length svs) 2))
-	     ;; 		      (loop for item in svs
-	     ;; 			   do (%serialize item)))))))
+			   (%serialize key)
+			   (%serialize value))))))
 	      (buffer-write-byte +array+ bs)
 	      (let ((idp (gethash frob circularity-hash)))
@@ -300,6 +286,18 @@
 		      (loop for i fixnum from 0 below (array-total-size frob)
 			 (%serialize (row-major-aref frob i)))))))
+	     (structure-object 
+	      (buffer-write-byte +struct+ bs)
+	      (let ((idp (gethash frob circularity-hash)))
+		(if idp (buffer-write-int32 idp bs)
+		    (progn
+		      (buffer-write-int32 (incf lisp-obj-id) bs)
+		      (setf (gethash frob circularity-hash) lisp-obj-id)
+		      (%serialize (type-of frob))
+		      (let ((svs (struct-slots-and-values frob)))
+			(%serialize (/ (length svs) 2))
+			(loop for item in svs
+			   do (%serialize item)))))))
  	     (t (format t "Can't serialize a object: ~A of type ~A~%" frob (type-of frob))))))
       (%serialize frob)
       (release-circularity-hash circularity-hash)
@@ -515,6 +513,24 @@
 			    (setf (row-major-aref a i) (%deserialize bs)))
+	     ((= tag +struct+)
+	      (let* ((id (buffer-read-fixnum bs))
+		     (maybe-o (lookup-id id)))
+		(if maybe-o maybe-o
+		    (let ((typedesig (%deserialize bs)))
+		      (let ((o (or (handler-case
+				       (funcall (struct-constructor (find-class typedesig)))
+				     (error (v) (format t "got typedesig error for struct: ~A ~A ~%" v typedesig)
+					    (list 'caught-error v typedesig)))
+				   (list 'uninstantiable-object-of-type typedesig))))
+			(if (listp o) o
+			    (progn
+			      (add-object o)
+			      (loop for i fixnum from 0 below (%deserialize bs) do
+				   (let ((name (%deserialize bs))
+					 (value (%deserialize bs)))
+				     (setf (slot-value o name) value)))
+			      o)))))))
 	     (t (error (format nil "deserialize of object tagged with ~A failed" tag)))))))
       (etypecase buf-str 
 	(null (return-from deserialize nil))

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