[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Thu Feb 22 20:24:11 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8239

Modified Files:
	ele-bdb.asd elephant.asd 
Log Message:
oops in last checkin

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/ele-bdb.asd	2007/02/22 20:19:57	1.17
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/ele-bdb.asd	2007/02/22 20:24:11	1.18
@@ -29,12 +29,21 @@
 (defclass bdb-c-source (elephant-c-source) ())
-(defmethod compiler-options (compiler (c bdb-c-source) &key &allow-other-keys)
+(defmethod compiler-options ((compiler (eql :gcc)) (c bdb-c-source) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (append (library-directories c)
+	  (call-next-method)
+	  (list "-ldb")))
+(defmethod compiler-options ((compiler (eql :cygwin)) (c bdb-c-source) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (append (library-directories c)
+	  (call-next-method)
+	  (list "-ldb")))
+(defun library-directories (c)
   (let ((include (make-pathname :directory (get-config-option :berkeley-db-include-dir c)))
 	(lib (make-pathname :directory (get-config-option :berkeley-db-lib-dir c))))
-    (append (list (format nil "-L~A" lib) (format nil "-I~A" include))
-	    (call-next-method)
-	    (list "-ldb"))))
+    (list (format nil "-L~A" lib) (format nil "-I~A" include))))
 ;;Cygwin script:
 ;;gcc -mno-cygwin -mwindows -c -Wall -std=c99 -L/c/DB/Berkeley\ DB\ 4.4.20/lib/ -I/c/DB/Berkeley\ DB\ 4.4.20/include/ libsleepycat.c
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/elephant.asd	2007/02/22 20:19:57	1.33
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/elephant.asd	2007/02/22 20:24:11	1.34
@@ -131,18 +131,12 @@
 				    :output-file (namestring (first (output-files o c))))))
     (error 'operation-error :component c :operation o)))
-gcc -mno-cygwin -mwindows -c -Wall -std=c99 -L/c/DB/Berkeley\ DB\ 4.4.20/lib/ -I/c/DB/Berkeley\ DB\ 4.4.20/include/ libsleepycat.c
-dlltool -z libsleepycat.def --export-all-symbols -e exports.o -l libsleepycat.lib libsleepycat.o
-gcc -shared -mno-cygwin -mwindows -L/c/DB/Berkeley\ DB\ 4.4.20/bin/ -llibdb44 libsleepycat.o exports.o -o libsleepycat.dll
 (defmethod operation-done-p ((o compile-op) (c elephant-c-source))
   "Is the first generated library more recent than the source file?"
-  (let ((lib (first (output-files o c)))
+  (let ((lib (first (output-files o c))))
     (and (probe-file (component-pathname c))
 	 (probe-file lib)
-	 (> (file-write-date lib) (file-write-date (component-pathname c)))))))
+	 (> (file-write-date lib) (file-write-date (component-pathname c))))))
 (defmethod compiler-options ((compiler (eql :gcc)) (c elephant-c-source) &key input-file output-file &allow-other-keys)
   "Default compile and link options to create a library; no -L or -I options included; math lib as default"
@@ -179,6 +173,7 @@
 (defmethod compiler-options ((compiler (eql :msvc)) (c elephant-c-source) &key input-file output-file)
+  (declare (ignore input-file output-file))
   (error "MSVC compiler option not supported yet"))
 ;; LOAD

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