[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/elephant

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Wed Feb 14 04:36:12 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv32730/src/elephant

Modified Files:
	classes.lisp classindex.lisp collections.lisp controller.lisp 
	metaclasses.lisp transactions.lisp 
Log Message:
Documentation, optimizations, deadlock process, etc

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classes.lisp	2007/02/12 20:36:45	1.12
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classes.lisp	2007/02/14 04:36:10	1.13
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (defvar *debug-si* nil)
+(declaim #-elephant-without-optimize (optimize (speed 3)))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :before  ((instance persistent)
 					 &rest initargs
 					 &key from-oid
@@ -235,13 +237,11 @@
 (defmethod slot-value-using-class :around ((class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
   "Get the slot value from the database."
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (let ((name (slot-definition-name slot-def)))
     (persistent-slot-reader (get-con instance) instance name)))
 (defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) :around (new-value (class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
   "Set the slot value in the database."
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (if (indexed class)
       (indexed-slot-writer class instance slot-def new-value)
       (let ((name (slot-definition-name slot-def)))
@@ -249,13 +249,11 @@
 (defmethod slot-boundp-using-class :around ((class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
   "Checks if the slot exists in the database."
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (let ((name (slot-definition-name slot-def)))
     (persistent-slot-boundp (get-con instance) instance name)))
 (defmethod slot-boundp-using-class :around ((class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-name symbol))
   "Checks if the slot exists in the database."
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (loop for slot in (class-slots class)
 	for matches-p = (eq (slot-definition-name slot) slot-name)
 	until matches-p
@@ -266,7 +264,6 @@
 (defmethod slot-makunbound-using-class :around ((class persistent-metaclass) (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
   "Deletes the slot from the database."
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   ;; NOTE: call remove-indexed-slot here instead?
 ;;  (when (indexed slot-def)
 ;;    (unregister-indexed-slot class (slot-definition-name slot-def)))
@@ -322,8 +319,7 @@
 #+(or cmu sbcl)
 (defun make-persistent-reader (name)
   (lambda (instance)
-    (declare (optimize (speed 3))
-	     (type persistent-object instance))
+    (declare (type persistent-object instance))
     (persistent-slot-reader (get-con instance) instance name)))
 #+(or cmu sbcl)
@@ -336,8 +332,7 @@
 #+(or cmu sbcl)
 (defun make-persistent-slot-boundp (name)
   (lambda (instance)
-    (declare (optimize (speed 3))
-	     (type persistent-object instance))
+    (declare (type persistent-object instance))
     (persistent-slot-boundp (get-con instance) instance name)))
 #+sbcl ;; CMU also?  Old code follows...
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/02/12 20:36:46	1.16
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/02/14 04:36:10	1.17
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 (in-package "ELEPHANT")
+(declaim #-elephant-without-optimize (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
 ;; User level class indexing control protocol
@@ -72,8 +74,7 @@
 	(con (get-con instance)))
     (declare (type fixnum oid))
     (if (no-indexing-needed? class instance slot-def oid)
-	(ensure-transaction (:store-controller con)
-	  (persistent-slot-writer con new-value instance slot-name))
+	(persistent-slot-writer con new-value instance slot-name)
 	(let ((class-idx (find-class-index class)))
 ;;	  (format t "Indexing object: ~A oid: ~A~%" instance oid)
 	  (ensure-transaction (:store-controller con)
@@ -375,9 +376,7 @@
   (get-instances-by-value (find-class class) slot-name value))
 (defmethod get-instances-by-value ((class persistent-metaclass) slot-name value)
-;;  (declare 
-;;   (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (space 1))
-;;   (type (or string symbol) slot-name))
+  (declare (type (or string symbol) slot-name))
   (let ((instances nil))
     (with-btree-cursor (cur (find-inverted-index class slot-name))
       (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey) (cursor-pset cur value)
@@ -405,9 +404,8 @@
   (get-instances-by-range (find-class class) slot-name start end))
 (defmethod get-instances-by-range ((class persistent-metaclass) idx-name start end)
-;;  (declare (optimize speed (safety 1) (space 1))
-;;	   (type fixnum start end)
-;;	   (type string idx-name))
+  (declare (type fixnum start end)
+	   (type string idx-name))
   (with-inverted-cursor (cur class idx-name)
     (labels ((next-range (instances)
 	       (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey) (cursor-pnext-nodup cur)
@@ -429,23 +427,6 @@
 	    (next-in-range skey (cons val nil))
-(defun subsets (size list)
-  (let ((subsets nil))
-    (loop for elt in list 
-	  for i from 0 do
-       (when (= 0 (mod i size))
-	 (setf (car subsets) (nreverse (car subsets)))
-	 (push nil subsets))
-       (push elt (car subsets)))
-    (setf (car subsets) (nreverse (car subsets)))
-    (nreverse subsets)))
-(defmacro do-subsets ((subset subset-size list) &body body)
-  `(loop for ,subset in (subsets ,subset-size ,list) do
-	, at body))
 (defun drop-instances (instances &key (sc *store-controller*))
   (when instances
     (assert (consp instances))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.7
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/02/14 04:36:10	1.8
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
 (defmethod map-btree (fn (btree btree))
   "Like maphash.  Default implementation - overridable"
-  (ensure-transaction (:store-controller (get-con btree))
+  (with-transaction (:store-controller (get-con btree))
     (with-btree-cursor (curs btree)
 	 (multiple-value-bind (more k v) (cursor-next curs)
@@ -338,15 +338,25 @@
       (multiple-value-bind (valid k) (cursor-next cur)
 	(cond ((not valid) ;; truly empty
-	      ((eq k *elephant-properties-label*) ;; has properties
+	      ((and (eq btree (controller-root (get-con btree)))
+		    (eq k *elephant-properties-label*)) ;; has properties
 	       (not (cursor-next cur)))
 	      (t nil))))))
-(defun dump-btree (bt)
+(defun print-btree-node (k v) 
+  (format t "k ~A / v ~A~%" k v))
+(defun dump-btree (bt &key (print-fn #'print-btree-node) (count nil))
+  "Print the contents of a btree for easy inspection & debugging"
   (format t "DUMP ~A~%" bt)
-  (map-btree #'(lambda (k v) (format t "k ~A / v ~A~%" k v)) bt)
-  )
+  (let ((i 0))
+  (map-btree 
+   (lambda (k v)
+     (when (and count (>= (incf i) count))
+       (return-from dump-btree))
+     (funcall print-fn k v))
+   bt)))
 (defun btree-keys (bt)
   (format t "BTREE keys for ~A~%" bt)
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/controller.lisp	2007/02/12 20:36:46	1.31
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/controller.lisp	2007/02/14 04:36:10	1.32
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@
     (migrate target source)
     (close-store target)))
 ;; Modular serializer support and default serializers for a version
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/metaclasses.lisp	2006/04/26 17:53:44	1.7
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/metaclasses.lisp	2007/02/14 04:36:10	1.8
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 (in-package "ELEPHANT")
+(declaim #-elephant-without-optimize (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
 (defclass persistent ()
   ((%oid :accessor oid :initarg :from-oid)
    (dbonnection-spec-pst :type (or list string) :accessor :dbcn-spc-pst :initarg :dbconnection-spec-pst))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/transactions.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.5
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/transactions.lisp	2007/02/14 04:36:10	1.6
@@ -26,6 +26,39 @@
     non-local exist, provides ACID properties for DB operations within the
     body and properly binds any relevant parameters."))
+;; Transaction architecture:
+;; User and designer considerations:
+;; - *current-transaction* is reserved for use by dynamic transaction context.  The default global
+;;   value must always be null (no transaction).  Each backend can set it to a different parameter
+;;   within the dynamic context of an execute-transaction.
+;; - Any closures returned from within a transaction cannot bind *current-transaction*
+;; - Only a normal return value will result in the transaction being committed, any non-local exit
+;;   results in a transaction abort.  If you want to do something more sophisticated, roll your own
+;;   using controller-start-transaction, etc.
+;; - The body of a with or ensure transaction can take any action (throw, signal, error, etc)
+;;   knowing that the transaction will be aborted
+;; Designer considerations:
+;; - with-transaction passes *current-transaction* or the user parameter to execute-transaction
+;;   in the parent keyword argument.  Backends allowing nested transactions can treat the transaction
+;;   as a parent, otherwise they can reuse the current transaction by ignoring it (inheriting the dynamic
+;;   value of *current-transaction*) or rebinding the dynamic context (whatever makes coding easier).
+;; - ensure-transaction uses *current-transaction* to determine if there is a current transaction
+;;   in progress.  If so, it jumps to the body directly.  Otherwise it executes the body in a 
+;;   new transaction.
+;; - execute-transaction contract:
+;;   - Backends must dynamically bind *current-transaction* to a meaningful identifier for the 
+;;     transaction in progress and execute the provided closure in that context
+;;   - All non-local exists result in an abort; only regular return values result in a commit
+;;   - If a transaction is aborted due to a deadlock or read conflict, execute-transaction should 
+;;     automatically retry with an appropriate default amount
+;;   - execute-transaction can take any number of backend-defined keywords, although designers should 
+;;     make sure there are no semantic conflicts if there is a name overlap with existing backends
+;; - A typical design approach is to make sure that the most primitive interfaces to the backend 
+;;   database look at *current-transaction* to determine whether a transaction is active.  Users code can also
+;;   access this parameter to check whether a transaction is active.
 (defmacro with-transaction ((&rest keyargs &key 
 				   (store-controller '*store-controller*)
 				   (parent '*current-transaction*)
@@ -66,7 +99,13 @@
 		  :retries ,retries
 		  ,@(remove-keywords '(:store-controller :parent :transaction :retries)
+(defmacro with-batched-transaction ((batch size list &rest txn-options) &body body)
+  "Perform a set of DB operations over a list of elements in batches of size 'size'.
+   Pass specific transaction options after the list reference."
+  `(loop for ,batch in (subsets ,subset-size ,list) do
+	(with-transaction ,txn-options
+	  , at body)))
 ;; An interface to manage transactions explicitly
@@ -82,12 +121,3 @@
 (defgeneric controller-abort-transaction (store-controller transaction &key &allow-other-keys)
   (:documentation "Abort an elephant transaction"))
-;; Utility
-(defun remove-keywords (key-names args)
-  (loop for ( name val ) on args by #'cddr
-	unless (member name key-names)
-	append (list name val)))

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