[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/db-clsql

rread rread at common-lisp.net
Wed Feb 7 22:54:13 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-clsql
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv4302/src/db-clsql

Modified Files:
	package.lisp sql-controller.lisp 
Log Message:
Commiting a thread-safe version of the SQL side (but SBCL-depdent.)

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-clsql/package.lisp	2006/11/11 18:41:11	1.1
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-clsql/package.lisp	2007/02/07 22:54:12	1.2
@@ -20,5 +20,8 @@
 (defpackage db-clsql
   (:use :common-lisp :uffi :cl-base64
-	:elephant :elephant-memutil :elephant-backend))
+	:elephant :elephant-memutil :elephant-backend
+;;	:elephant-utils
+	#+sbcl :sb-thread
+	))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-clsql/sql-controller.lisp	2007/02/05 00:32:27	1.16
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-clsql/sql-controller.lisp	2007/02/07 22:54:12	1.17
@@ -22,14 +22,64 @@
 ;; The main SQL Controller Class
+;; Every actual CL-SQL connection has to be in a separate thread.
+;; My solution to this is to keep a map of threads, and reuse
+;; connections within a certain thread.
+;; This seems to be effective under SBCL; as of 06-Feb-2007 we 
+;; don't necessarily have a way to do this under the other implementations
+;; (see src/utils/lock.lisp.)
 (defclass sql-store-controller (store-controller)
-  ((db :accessor controller-db :initarg :db :initform nil))
+  (
+;;   (db :accessor controller-db :initarg :db :initform nil)
+   (dbcons :accessor controller-db-table :initarg :db :initform nil)
+   )
   (:documentation  "Class of objects responsible for the
     book-keeping of holding DB handles, the cache, table
     creation, counters, locks, the root (for garbage collection,)
     et cetera.  This is the Postgresql-specific subclass of store-controller."))
+;; This should be much more elegant --- but as of Feb. 6, SBCL 1.0.2 has a weird,
+;; unpleasant bug when ASDF tries to load this stuff.
+;; (defvar *thread-table-lock* nil)
+;;  (defvar *thread-table-lock* (sb-thread::make-mutex :name "thread-table-lock"))
+(defvar *thread-table-lock* nil)
+(defun insure-thread-table-lock ()
+  (if (null *thread-table-lock*)
+;;      nil
+;;  (setq *thread-table-lock* (sb-thread::make-mutex :name "thread-table-lock"))
+      (setq *thread-table-lock* (elephant::ele-make-lock))
+      )
+(defun thread-hash ()
+  (elephant::ele-thread-hash-key)
+(defmethod controller-db ((sc sql-store-controller))
+  (elephant::ele-with-lock (*thread-table-lock*)
+  (let ((curcon (gethash (thread-hash) (controller-db-table sc))))
+    (if curcon
+        curcon
+        (let* ((dbtype (car (second (controller-spec sc))))
+               (con (clsql:connect (cdr (second (controller-spec sc)))
+                               :database-type dbtype
+                               :pool t
+                               :if-exists :new)))
+          (setf (gethash (thread-hash) (controller-db-table sc))
+                con)
+          con)
+        )
+    )
+  ))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
   (register-backend-con-init :clsql 'sql-test-and-construct))
@@ -270,15 +320,25 @@
   ;; CREATE-SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE-NEXT.  That would solve our problem!
   ;; ALL OF THIS needs to be inside a transaction.
-  (clsql::create-table [keyvalue]
-		       ;; This is most likely to work with any database system..
-		       '(
-			 ([clctn_id] integer :not-null)
-			 ([key] text :not-null)
-			 ([value] text)
-			 ) 
-		       :database con)
+  (clsql::create-sequence [serial] :database con)
+  (clsql::query
+   (format nil "create table keyvalue (
+ pk integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('serial'),
+ clctn_id integer NOT NULL,
+ key varchar NOT NULL,
+ value varchar
+ )")
+   :database con)
+  ;;   (clsql::create-table [keyvalue]
+  ;; 		       ;; This is most likely to work with any database system..
+  ;; 		       '(
+  ;; 			 ([clctn_id] integer :not-null)
+  ;; 			 ([key] text :not-null)
+  ;; 			 ([value] text)
+  ;; 			 ) 
+  ;; 		       :database con)
   ;; 	      :constraints '("PRIMARY KEY (clctn_id key)"
   ;;				     "UNIQUE (clctn_id,key)")
@@ -338,6 +398,7 @@
 			    (recover-fatal nil)
 			    (thread t))
   (declare (ignore recover recover-fatal thread))
+  (insure-thread-table-lock)
   (the sql-store-controller
     (let* ((dbtype (car (second (controller-spec sc))))
 	   (path (cadr (second (controller-spec sc))))
@@ -346,7 +407,8 @@
 	   (con (clsql:connect (cdr (second (controller-spec sc)))
 			       :database-type dbtype
 			       :if-exists :old)))
-      (setf (slot-value sc 'db) con)
+     (setf (slot-value sc 'dbcons) (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+;;      (setf (slot-value sc 'db) con)
       ;; Now we should make sure that the KEYVALUE table exists, and, if 
       ;; it does not, we need to create it..
       (unless (keyvalue-table-exists con)
@@ -365,19 +427,45 @@
+(defmethod connection-ok-p ((sc sql-store-controller))
+  (connection-ok-p-con (controller-db sc)))
+(defun connection-ok-p-con (con)
+  (let ((str (format nil "~A" con)))
+    (search "OPEN" str)
+  ))
+(defmethod connection-really-ok-p ((sc sql-store-controller))
+  ;; I don't really have a good way of doing this, but
+  ;; one thing that is sure is that the the print form should
+  ;; have OPEN and not CLOSED in it.
+  )
+(defmethod controller-status ((sc sql-store-controller))
+;; This is a crummy way to deal with status; we really want
+;; to return something we can compute against.
+  (clsql:status)
+  )
 (defmethod reconnect-controller ((sc sql-store-controller))
-  (setf (controller-db sc)
-	(clsql:reconnect :database (controller-db sc)))
+  (clsql:reconnect :database (controller-db sc) :force nil)
+;;  (setf (controller-db sc)
+;;	(clsql:reconnect :database (controller-db sc)))
 (defmethod close-controller ((sc sql-store-controller))
-  (when (slot-value sc 'db)
-    ;; close the connection
-    ;; (actually clsql has pooling and other complications, I am not sure
-    ;; that this is complete.)
-    (clsql:disconnect :database (controller-db sc))
-    (setf (slot-value sc 'class-root) nil)
+  (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+               (ignore-errors
+                 (if (connection-ok-p-con v)
+                     (clsql:disconnect :database v)
+                     )
+               )
+               )
+           (controller-db-table sc)
+           )
     (setf (slot-value sc 'root) nil)
-    ))
+    )
 ;; Because this is part of the public
 ;; interface that I'm tied to, it has to accept a store-controller...
@@ -401,7 +489,6 @@
 (defun sql-add-to-clcn (clcn key value sc
 			&key (insert-only nil))
-  (declare (ignore sc))
   (assert (integerp clcn))
   (let ((con (controller-db sc))
@@ -456,17 +543,17 @@
   (let* ((con (controller-db sc))
 	  (serialize-to-base64-string key sc))
-	 (offsetquery (format nil "select value from keyvalue where clctn_id = ~A and key = '~A' order by value offset ~A limit 1 "
+	 (offsetquery (format nil "select value from keyvalue where clctn_id = ~A and key = '~A' order by pk offset ~A limit 1 "
-;;	  (clsql::query offsetquery :database con)
-	     	  (clsql::select [value] 
-	     			 :from [keyvalue]
-	     			 :where [and [= [clctn_id] clcn] [= [key] kbs]]
-	     			 :database con
-	     			 )
+	  (clsql::query offsetquery :database con)
+;; 	     	  (clsql::select [value] 
+;; 	     			 :from [keyvalue]
+;; 	     			 :where [and [= [clctn_id] clcn] [= [key] kbs]]
+;; 	     			 :database con
+;; 	     			 )
     ;; Get the lowest value by sorting and taking the first value;
@@ -478,20 +565,21 @@
     ;; that efficiently without changing the database structure;
     ;; but that's OK, I could add a column to support that 
     ;; relatively easily later on.
-;;    (if (and (> (length tuples) 1))
-;;	(format t "l = ~A~%" (length tuples))
-;;	)
-    (if (< n (length tuples))
-;;	(values (deserialize-from-base64-string (car (nth n tuples)) sc)
-;;		t)
-	(values (nth n (sort 
-			(mapcar 
-			 #'(lambda (x)
-			     (deserialize-from-base64-string (car x) sc))
-			 tuples)
-			#'my-generic-less-than))
+    (if tuples
+	(values (deserialize-from-base64-string (caar tuples) sc)
-	(values nil nil))))
+	(values nil nil))
+;;     (if (< n (length tuples))
+;;  	(values (nth n (sort 
+;;  			(mapcar 
+;;  			 #'(lambda (x)
+;;  			     (deserialize-from-base64-string (car x) sc))
+;;  			 tuples)
+;;  			#'my-generic-less-than))
+;;  		t)
+;; 	(values nil nil))
 (defun sql-get-from-clcn-cnt (clcn key sc)
   (assert (integerp clcn))
@@ -509,7 +597,7 @@
   (assert (integerp clcn))
   (let* ((con (controller-db sc))
-	  (clsql::select [key] [value]
+	  (clsql::select [pk] [key] [value]
 			 :from [keyvalue]
 			 :where [and [= [clctn_id] clcn]]
 			 :database con
@@ -559,7 +647,6 @@
 (defun sql-remove-from-clcn (clcn key sc)
-  (declare (ignore sc))
   (assert (integerp clcn))
   (let ((con (controller-db sc))
 	(kbs (serialize-to-base64-string key sc))

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