[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/elephant

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Fri Feb 2 23:52:00 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv3271/src/elephant

Modified Files:
	backend.lisp classes.lisp classindex-utils.lisp 
	classindex.lisp collections.lisp controller.lisp package.lisp 
	serializer.lisp serializer2.lisp transactions.lisp 
	unicode2.lisp variables.lisp 
Log Message:
Large changeset to enable thread safety; more *auto-commit* removal; sql class-root fix; new transaction model; cleaned up defaults for *store-controller*

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/backend.lisp	2007/01/26 14:41:13	1.7
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/backend.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.8
@@ -67,9 +67,7 @@
 		;; Transactions
-		#:*transaction-stack*
-		#:*auto-commit*
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classes.lisp	2006/04/26 17:53:44	1.9
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classes.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.10
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 		(setf (slot-value-using-class class instance slot-def) 
 		      (getf initargs initarg))
 		(return t))))
-    (with-transaction (:store-controller (get-con instance))
+    (ensure-transaction (:store-controller (get-con instance))
       (loop for slot-def in (class-slots class)
 	 unless (initialize-from-initarg slot-def)
 	 when (member (slot-definition-name slot-def) persistent-slot-inits :test #'eq)
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
     ;; Apply default values for unbound & new slots (updates class index)
     (apply #'shared-initialize current (append new-persistent-slots retained-unbound-slots) initargs)
     ;; Copy values from old class (NOTE: should delete discarded slots?) (updates class index)
-    (with-transaction (:store-controller (get-con current))
+    (ensure-transaction (:store-controller (get-con current))
       (loop for slot-def in (class-slots new-class)
 	 when (member (slot-definition-name slot-def) retained-persistent-slots)
 	 do (setf (slot-value-using-class new-class
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex-utils.lisp	2006/04/26 17:53:44	1.3
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex-utils.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.4
@@ -346,6 +346,7 @@
 	(dump-class-index class)
 	 #'(lambda (k v) 
+	     (declare (ignore v))
 	     (dump-class-index k)
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2006/07/21 16:32:45	1.14
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.15
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@
     (if (no-indexing-needed? class instance slot-def oid)
 	(with-transaction (:store-controller con)
 	  (persistent-slot-writer con new-value instance slot-name))
-	(let ((class-idx (find-class-index class))
-	      (*auto-commit* nil))
+	(let ((class-idx (find-class-index class)))
 ;;	  (format t "Indexing object: ~A oid: ~A~%" instance oid)
 	  (with-transaction (:store-controller con)
 	    ;; NOTE: Quick and dirty hack to ensure consistency -- needs performance improvement
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/01/31 20:05:38	1.6
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.7
@@ -325,14 +325,15 @@
 (defmethod map-btree (fn (btree btree))
   "Like maphash.  Default implementation - overridable"
-  (with-btree-cursor (curs btree)
-    (loop
-     (multiple-value-bind (more k v) (cursor-next curs)
-       (unless more (return nil))
-       (funcall fn k v)))))
+  (ensure-transaction (:store-controller (get-con btree))
+    (with-btree-cursor (curs btree)
+      (loop
+	 (multiple-value-bind (more k v) (cursor-next curs)
+	   (unless more (return nil))
+	   (funcall fn k v))))))
 (defmethod empty-btree-p ((btree btree))
-  (with-transaction (:store-controller (get-con btree))
+  (ensure-transaction (:store-controller (get-con btree))
     (with-btree-cursor (cur btree)
       (multiple-value-bind (valid k) (cursor-next cur)
 	(cond ((not valid) ;; truly empty
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/controller.lisp	2007/01/31 20:05:38	1.26
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/controller.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.27
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 (in-package "ELEPHANT")
 (defparameter *elephant-backends*
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
   (gethash name *elephant-controller-init*))
 (defvar *dbconnection-spec* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defvar *dbconnection-lock* (ele-make-lock))
 (defmethod get-con ((instance persistent) &optional (sc *store-controller*))
   "This is used to find and validate the connection spec
@@ -77,7 +78,8 @@
   (let ((init (lookup-backend-con-init (first spec))))
       (unless init (error "Store controller init function not registered for backend ~A." (car spec)))
       (let ((sc (funcall (symbol-function init) spec)))
-	(setf (gethash spec *dbconnection-spec*) sc)
+	(ele-with-lock (*dbconnection-lock*)
+	  (setf (gethash spec *dbconnection-spec*) sc))
@@ -108,21 +110,25 @@
 (defun open-store (spec &rest args)
-  "Conveniently open a store controller."
+  "Conveniently open a store controller.  Set *store-controller* to the new controller
+   unless it is already set (opening a second controller means you must keep track of
+   controllers yourself.  *store-controller* is a convenience variable for single-store
+   applications"
   (assert (consp spec))
-  (setq *store-controller* (get-controller spec))
-  (load-user-configuration *store-controller*)
-  (apply #'open-controller *store-controller* args)
-  (initialize-serializer *store-controller*)
-  )
+  (let ((controller (get-controller spec)))
+    (unless *store-controller*
+      (setq *store-controller* controller))
+    (load-user-configuration controller)
+    (apply #'open-controller controller args)
+    (initialize-serializer controller)
+    controller))
 (defun close-store (&optional sc)
   "Conveniently close the store controller."
-  (declare (special *store-controller*))
-  (if (or sc *store-controller*)
-      (progn
-	(close-controller (or sc *store-controller*))
-	(setf *store-controller* nil))))
+  (when (or sc *store-controller*)
+    (close-controller (or sc *store-controller*)))
+  (unless sc
+    (setf *store-controller* nil)))
 (defmacro with-open-store ((spec) &body body)
   "Executes the body with an open controller,
@@ -144,13 +150,15 @@
 	 :initarg :spec
 	 :documentation "Backend create functions should pass in :spec during make-instance")
    ;; Generic support for the object, indexing and root protocols
-   (instance-cache :accessor instance-cache :initform (make-cache-table :test 'eql)
-		   :documentation "This is an instance cache and part of the metaclass
-                                   protocol.  Backends should not override")
    (root :reader controller-root 
 	 :documentation "This should be a persistent btree instantiated by the backend")
    (class-root :reader controller-class-root
 	       :documentation "This should be a persistent indexed btree instantiated by the backend")
+   (instance-cache :accessor instance-cache :initform (make-cache-table :test 'eql)
+		   :documentation "This is an instance cache and part of the metaclass
+                                   protocol.  Backends should not override")
+   (instance-cache-lock :accessor instance-cache-lock :initform (ele-make-lock)
+			:documentation "Protection for updates to the cache from multiple threads")
    ;; Upgradable serializer strategy
    (database-version :accessor controller-version-cached :initform nil)
    (serializer-version :accessor controller-serializer-version :initform nil)
@@ -166,6 +174,7 @@
 (defun load-user-configuration (controller)
   ;; Placeholder
+  (declare (ignorable controller))
 (defun initialize-serializer (sc)
@@ -199,7 +208,8 @@
 (defun cache-instance (sc obj)
   "Cache a persistent object with the controller."
   (declare (type store-controller sc))
-  (setf (get-cache (oid obj) (instance-cache sc)) obj))
+  (ele-with-lock ((instance-cache-lock sc))
+    (setf (get-cache (oid obj) (instance-cache sc)) obj)))
 (defun get-cached-instance (sc oid class-name)
   "Get a cached instance, or instantiate!"
@@ -215,8 +225,9 @@
   "Reset the instance cache (flush object lookups).  Useful 
    for testing.  Does not reclaim existing objects so there
    will be duplicate instances with identical functionality"
-  (setf (instance-cache sc)
-	(make-cache-table :test 'eql)))
+  (ele-with-lock ((instance-cache-lock sc))
+    (setf (instance-cache sc)
+	  (make-cache-table :test 'eql))))
 (defparameter *legacy-conversions-db*
   '((("elephant" . "bdb-btree") . ("sleepycat" . "bdb-btree"))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/package.lisp	2007/01/22 23:11:08	1.8
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/package.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.9
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
    "Elephant: an object-oriented database for Common Lisp with
     multiple backends for Berkeley DB, SQL and others.")
-  (:export #:*store-controller* #:*current-transaction* #:*auto-commit*
-	   #:*elephant-lib-path* #:*elephant-code-version* #:*fast-symbols*
+  (:export #:*store-controller* #:*current-transaction*
+	   #:*elephant-lib-path* #:*elephant-code-version*
+	   #:with-elephant-variables
 	   #:store-controller #:controller-root #:controller-class-root
 	   #:controller-version #:controller-serializer-version 
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
-	   #:with-transaction
+	   #:with-transaction #:ensure-transaction
  	   #:start-ele-transaction #:commit-transaction #:abort-transaction 
  	   #:persistent #:persistent-object #:persistent-metaclass
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer.lisp	2007/02/02 22:39:23	1.19
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.20
@@ -170,6 +170,8 @@
   (the (unsigned-byte 8) (gethash ty array-type-to-byte)))
 (defun int-byte-spec (position)
+  "Shared byte-spec peformance hack; not thread safe so removed
+   from use for serializer2"
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
 	   (type (unsigned-byte 24) position))
   #+(or cmu sbcl allegro)
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer2.lisp	2007/02/01 15:19:50	1.9
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/serializer2.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.10
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@
 (eval-when (compile)
   (declaim  #-elephant-without-optimize (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (space 0) (debug 0))
-	   (inline int-byte-spec
-		   serialize deserialize
+	   (inline serialize deserialize
@@ -310,8 +309,11 @@
 	   (type buffer-stream bs))
   (let* ((num (abs frob))
 	 (word-size (ceiling (/ (integer-length num) 32)))
-	 (needed (* word-size 4)))
-    (declare (type fixnum word-size needed))
+	 (needed (* word-size 4))
+	 (byte-spec (byte 32 0)))
+    (declare (type fixnum word-size needed)
+	     (type cons byte-spec)
+	     (ignorable byte-spec))
     (if (< frob 0) 
 	(buffer-write-byte +negative-bignum+ bs)
 	(buffer-write-byte +positive-bignum+ bs))
@@ -321,10 +323,11 @@
        ;; there is an OpenMCL function which should work 
        ;; and non-cons
-	 #+(or cmu sbcl)
-	 (buffer-write-uint (ldb (int-byte-spec i) num) bs) ;; (%bignum-ref num i) bs)
-	 #+(or allegro lispworks openmcl)
-	 (buffer-write-uint (ldb (int-byte-spec i) num) bs))))
+	 #+(or cmu sbcl allegro)
+	 (progn (setf (cdr byte-spec) (* 32 i))
+		(buffer-write-uint (ldb byte-spec num) bs)) ;; (%bignum-ref num i) bs)
+	 #+(or lispworks openmcl)
+	 (buffer-write-uint (ldb (byte 32 (* 32 i)) num) bs))))
@@ -480,9 +483,15 @@
   (declare (type buffer-stream bs)
 	   (type fixnum length)
 	   (type boolean positive))
-  (loop for i from 0 below (/ length 4)
-	for byte-spec = (int-byte-spec i)
-	with num integer = 0 
-	do
-	(setq num (dpb (buffer-read-uint bs) byte-spec num))
-	finally (return (if positive num (- num)))))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (let ((int-byte-spec (byte 32 0)))
+    (declare (dynamic-extent int-byte-spec)
+	     (ignorable int-byte-spec))
+    (loop for i from 0 below (/ length 4)
+       for byte-spec = 
+	 #+(or cmu sbcl allegro) (progn (setf (cdr int-byte-spec) (* 32 i)) int-byte-spec)
+	 #+(or lispworks openmcl) (byte 32 (* 32 i))
+       with num integer = 0 
+       do
+	 (setq num (dpb (buffer-read-uint bs) byte-spec num))
+       finally 
+	 (return (if positive num (- num))))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/transactions.lisp	2006/12/16 19:35:10	1.4
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/transactions.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.5
@@ -24,36 +24,52 @@
    "This is an interface to the backend's transaction function.  The
     body should be executed in a dynamic environment that protects against
     non-local exist, provides ACID properties for DB operations within the
-    body and properly bind any relevant parameters."))
+    body and properly binds any relevant parameters."))
-;; Good defaults for bdb elephant
-(defmacro with-transaction ((&key (store-controller '*store-controller*)
-				  transaction 
- 				  environment 
- 				  (parent '*current-transaction*)
- 				  degree-2 dirty-read txn-nosync
-				  txn-nowait txn-sync
- 				  (retries 200))
-			     &body body)
+(defmacro with-transaction ((&rest keyargs &key 
+				   (store-controller '*store-controller*)
+				   (parent '*current-transaction*)
+				   (retries 200)
+				   &allow-other-keys)
+			    &body body)
   "Execute a body with a transaction in place.  On success,
    the transaction is committed.  Otherwise, the transaction is
    aborted.  If the body deadlocks, the body is re-executed in
    a new transaction, retrying a fixed number of iterations.
-   *auto-commit* is false for the body of the transaction."
+   If nested, the backend must support nested transactions."
   `(funcall #'execute-transaction ,store-controller 
 	    (lambda () , at body)
-	    :transaction ,transaction
-	    :environment ,environment
 	    :parent ,parent
 	    :retries ,retries
-	    :degree-2 ,degree-2
-	    :dirty-read ,dirty-read
-	    :txn-nosync ,txn-nosync
-	    :txn-nowait ,txn-nowait
-	    :txn-sync ,txn-sync))
+	    ,@(remove-keywords '(:store-controller :parent :retries)
+			      keyargs)))
+(defmacro ensure-transaction ((&rest keyargs &key
+				     (store-controller '*store-controller*)
+				     (transaction '*current-transaction*)
+				     (retries 200)
+				     &allow-other-keys)
+			      &body body)
+  "Execute the body with the existing transaction, or a new transaction if
+   none is currently running.  This allows sequences of database actions to 
+   be run atomically whether there is or is not an existing transaction 
+   (rather than relying on auto-commit).  with-transaction nests transactions
+   where as ensure-transaction can be part of an enclosing, flat transaction"
+  (let ((txn-fn (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,txn-fn (lambda () , at body)))
+       (if ,transaction
+	   (funcall ,txn-fn)
+	   (funcall #'execute-transaction ,store-controller
+		  ,txn-fn
+		  :parent nil
+		  :transaction nil
+		  :retries ,retries
+		  ,@(remove-keywords '(:store-controller :parent :transaction :retries)
+				   keyargs))))))
-;; An interface to manage transactions explicitely
+;; An interface to manage transactions explicitly
 ;; Controller methods to implement
@@ -61,43 +77,17 @@
 (defgeneric controller-start-transaction (store-controller &key &allow-other-keys)
   (:documentation "Start an elephant transaction"))
-(defgeneric controller-commit-transaction (store-controller &key &allow-other-keys)
+(defgeneric controller-commit-transaction (store-controller transaction &key &allow-other-keys)
   (:documentation "Commit an elephant transaction"))
-(defgeneric controller-abort-transaction (store-controller &key &allow-other-keys)
+(defgeneric controller-abort-transaction (store-controller transaction &key &allow-other-keys)
   (:documentation "Abort an elephant transaction"))
-;; User Interface
+;; Utility
-(defun start-ele-transaction (&key (store-controller *store-controller*)
-			      (parent *current-transaction*)
-			      degree-2
-			      dirty-read
-			      txn-nosync
-			      txn-nowait
-			      txn-sync)
-  "Start a transaction.  May be nested but not interleaved."
-  (vector-push-extend *current-transaction* *transaction-stack*)
-  (setq *current-transaction* 
-	(controller-start-transaction store-controller 
-				      :parent parent
-				      :degree-2 degree-2
-				      :dirty-read dirty-read
-				      :txn-nosync txn-nosync
-				      :txn-nowait txn-nowait
-				      :txn-sync txn-sync)))
-(defun commit-transaction (&key (store-controller *store-controller*) txn-nosync txn-sync &allow-other-keys)
-  "Commit the current transaction."
-  (controller-commit-transaction store-controller 
-				 :transaction *current-transaction*
-				 :txn-nosync txn-nosync 
-				 :txn-sync txn-sync)
-  (setq *current-transaction* (vector-pop *transaction-stack*)))
-(defun abort-transaction (&key (store-controller *store-controller*) &allow-other-keys)
-  "Abort the current transaction."
-  (controller-abort-transaction store-controller :transaction *current-transaction*)
-  (setq *current-transaction* (vector-pop *transaction-stack*)))
+(defun remove-keywords (key-names args)
+  (loop for ( name val ) on args by #'cddr
+	unless (member name key-names)
+	append (list name val)))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/unicode2.lisp	2007/01/25 18:18:00	1.2
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/unicode2.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.3
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 (in-package :elephant-serializer2)
+(declaim #-elephant-without-optimize (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (space 0)))
 ;; Serialize string: simplify store by discovering utf8/utf16 and utf32; trade off
 ;; storage for computation time.  Unicode makes fast memcpy too complicated so we'll
@@ -31,8 +33,7 @@
 (defun serialize-string (string bstream)
   "Try to write each format type and bail if code is too big"
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
-	   (type buffer-stream bstream)
+  (declare (type buffer-stream bstream)
 	   (type string string))
   (cond ((and (not (equal "" string)) (< (char-code (char string 0)) #x7F))
 	 (serialize-to-utf8 string bstream))
@@ -46,8 +47,7 @@
 (defun serialize-to-utf8 (string bstream)
   "Standard serialization"
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
- 	   (type buffer-stream bstream)
+  (declare (type buffer-stream bstream)
  	   (type string string))
   (elephant-memutil::with-struct-slots ((buffer buffer-stream-buffer)
 					(size buffer-stream-size)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 	       (succeed ()
 		 (return-from serialize-to-utf8 t)))
 	(buffer-write-byte +utf8-string+ bstream)
-	(buffer-write-int characters bstream)
+	(buffer-write-int32 characters bstream)
 	(let ((needed (+ size characters)))
 	    (declare (type fixnum needed))
 	    (when (> needed allocated)
@@ -86,8 +86,7 @@
 (defun serialize-to-utf16le (string bstream)
   "Serialize to utf16le compliant format unless contains code pages > 0"
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
- 	   (type buffer-stream bstream)
+  (declare (type buffer-stream bstream)
  	   (type string string))
   (elephant-memutil::with-struct-slots ((buffer buffer-stream-buffer)
 					(size buffer-stream-size)
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@
 		 (succeed ()
 		   (return-from serialize-to-utf16le t)))
 	  (buffer-write-byte +utf16-string+ bstream)
-	  (buffer-write-int characters bstream)
+	  (buffer-write-int32 characters bstream)
 	  (let ((needed (+ size (* characters 2))))
 	  (when (> needed allocated)
 	    (resize-buffer-stream bstream needed))
@@ -129,16 +128,15 @@
 (defun serialize-to-utf32le (string bstream)
   "Serialize to utf32 compliant format unless contains code pages > 0"
-   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
- 	   (type buffer-stream bstream)
- 	   (type string string))
+   (declare (type buffer-stream bstream)
+	    (type string string))
   (elephant-memutil::with-struct-slots ((buffer buffer-stream-buffer)
 					(size buffer-stream-size)
 					(allocated buffer-stream-length))
       (let* ((characters (length string)))
 	  (buffer-write-byte +utf32-string+ bstream)
-	  (buffer-write-int characters bstream)
+	  (buffer-write-int32 characters bstream)
 	  (let ((needed (+ size (* 4 characters))))
 	    (when (> needed allocated)
 	      (resize-buffer-stream bstream needed))
@@ -197,24 +195,24 @@
 (defgeneric deserialize-string (type bstream &optional temp-string))
 (defmethod deserialize-string ((type (eql :utf8)) bstream &optional temp-string)
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
-	   (type buffer-stream bs))
+  (declare (type buffer-stream bstream))
   ;; Default char-code method
-  (let* ((length (buffer-read-int bstream))
+  (let* ((length (buffer-read-int32 bstream))
 	 (pos (elephant-memutil::buffer-stream-position bstream)))
     (incf (elephant-memutil::buffer-stream-position bstream) length)
       (let ((string (or temp-string (make-string length :element-type 'character))))
 	(loop for i fixnum from 0 below length do
-	     (setf (schar string i)
-		   (code-char (uffi:deref-array (buffer-stream-buffer bstream) '(:array :unsigned-byte) (+ pos i)))))
+	     (setf (char string i)
+		   (code-char (uffi:deref-array (buffer-stream-buffer bstream) 
+						'(:array :unsigned-byte) 
+						(+ pos i)))))
 	(the simple-string string)))))
 (defmethod deserialize-string ((type (eql :utf16le)) bstream &optional temp-string)
   "All returned strings are simple-strings for, uh, simplicity"
-  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
-	   (type buffer-stream bs))
-  (let* ((length (buffer-read-int bstream))
+  (declare (type buffer-stream bstream))
+  (let* ((length (buffer-read-int32 bstream))
 	 (string (or temp-string (make-string length :element-type 'character)))
 	 (pos (elephant-memutil::buffer-stream-position bstream))
 	 (code 0))
@@ -233,9 +231,10 @@
     (the simple-string string)))
 (defmethod deserialize-string ((type (eql :utf32le)) bstream  &optional temp-string)
+  (declare (type buffer-stream bstream))
   (macrolet ((next-byte (offset)
 	       `(uffi:deref-array (buffer-stream-buffer bstream) '(:array :unsigned-byte) (+ (* i 4) pos ,offset))))
-  (let* ((length (buffer-read-int bstream))
+  (let* ((length (buffer-read-int32 bstream))
 	 (string (or temp-string (make-string length :element-type 'character)))
 	 (pos (elephant-memutil::buffer-stream-position bstream))
 	 (code 0))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/variables.lisp	2007/01/22 23:11:08	1.9
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/variables.lisp	2007/02/02 23:51:58	1.10
@@ -17,17 +17,9 @@
 ;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.
 (in-package "ELEPHANT")
-(declaim (type fixnum *lisp-obj-id*)
-	 (type hash-table *circularity-hash*)
-	 (type boolean *auto-commit*))
-(defvar *cachesize* 100
-  "Size of the OID sequence cache.")
 ;;;; Versioning Support
 (defvar *elephant-code-version* '(0 6 1)
@@ -43,12 +35,21 @@
    Users attempting to directly write this variable will run into an
-;;;; Serializer optimization parameters
+;;;; Optimization parameters
+(defvar *cachesize* 100
+  "Size of the OID sequence cache.")
 (defvar *circularity-initial-hash-size* 50
   "This is the default size of the circularity cache used in the serializer")
+;;; Legacy Thread-local specials
+#+(or cmu sbcl allegro)
+(defvar *resourced-byte-spec* (byte 32 0)
+  "Byte specs on CMUCL, SBCL and Allegro are conses.")
 ;;; Thread-local specials
@@ -56,35 +57,11 @@
 (defvar *store-controller* nil 
   "The store controller which persistent objects talk to.")
-;; Specials which control persistent objects
-(defvar *auto-commit* T
-  "Commit things not in transactions?")
-(defvar *transaction-stack* (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
-  "Used if the user manually creates transactions.")
-(defvar *current-transaction* +NULL-VOID+
+(defvar *current-transaction* nil
   "The transaction which is currently in effect.")
-#+(or cmu sbcl allegro)
-(defvar *resourced-byte-spec* (byte 32 0)
-  "Byte specs on CMUCL, SBCL and Allegro are conses.")
-;; Thread-specific specials
-;; NOTE: how to handle (*errno-buffer* (allocate-foreign-object :int 1))
-(defparameter *elephant-thread-local-vars*
-  '((*store-controller* *store-controller*)
-    (*current-transaction* +NULL-VOID+)
-    (*transaction-stack* (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t))
-    #+(or cmu sbcl allegro) (*resourced-byte-spec* (byte 32 0))))
-(defmacro with-elephant-variables (&body body)
-  `(let ,*elephant-thread-local-vars*
-     (declare (special ,(mapcar #'car *elephant-thread-local-vars*)))
-     , at body))
+;;; Utilities
 ;; get rid of spot idx and adjust the arrray
 (defun remove-indexed-element-and-adjust (idx array)

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