[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant
ieslick at common-lisp.net
Mon Apr 30 00:38:31 UTC 2007
Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv8074
Modified Files:
config.sexp ele-clsql.asd elephant.asd
Log Message:
Final changes to build process for prebuilt windows files, documenting user configuration options, enabling clsql-lib load paths and some installation manual edits
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/config.sexp 2007/04/25 02:27:56 1.11
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/config.sexp 2007/04/30 00:38:29 1.12
@@ -1,48 +1,63 @@
-#+(or sbcl allegro)
-((:berkeley-db-include-dir . "/opt/local/include/db45/")
+#+(and (or sbcl allegro) (not mswindows) (not windows))
+((:compiler . :gcc)
+ (:berkeley-db-include-dir . "/opt/local/include/db45/")
(:berkeley-db-lib-dir . "/opt/local/lib/db45/")
(:berkeley-db-lib . "/opt/local/lib/db45/libdb-4.5.dylib")
(:berkeley-db-deadlock . "/opt/local/bin/db45_deadlock")
- (:pthread-lib . nil)
(:berkeley-db-cachesize . 20971520)
- (:clsql-lib . nil)
- (:compiler . :gcc))
+ (:berkeley-db-map-degree2 . t)
+ (:clsql-lib-paths . nil)
+ (:prebuilt-libraries . nil))
-((:berkeley-db-include-dir . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/include/")
+((:compiler . :gcc)
+ (:berkeley-db-include-dir . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/include/")
(:berkeley-db-lib-dir . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/lib/")
(:berkeley-db-lib . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/lib/libdb-4.5.dylib")
- (:pthread-lib . nil)
- (:clsql-lib . nil)
- (:compiler . :gcc))
+ (:berkeley-db-cachesize . 20971520)
+ (:berkeley-db-map-degree2 . t)
+ (:prebuilt-libraries . nil)
+ (:clsql-lib-paths . nil))
#+(and lispworks (not mswindows))
-((:berkeley-db-include-dir . "/opt/local/include/db45/")
- (:berkeley-db-lib-dir . "/opt/local/lib/db45/")
- (:berkeley-db-lib . "/opt/local/lib/db45/libdb-4.5.dylib")
- (:berkeley-db-deadlock . "/opt/local/bin/db45_deadlock")
- (:pthread-lib . nil)
- (:clsql-lib . nil)
- (:compiler . :gcc))
+((:compiler . :gcc)
+ (:berkeley-db-include-dir . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/include/")
+ (:berkeley-db-lib-dir . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/lib/")
+ (:berkeley-db-lib . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/lib/libdb-4.5.dylib")
+ (:berkeley-db-deadlock . "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/bin/db_deadlock")
+ (:berkeley-db-cachesize . 20971520)
+ (:berkeley-db-map-degree2 . t)
+ (:prebuilt-libraries . nil)
+ (:clsql-lib-paths . nil))
#+(or mswindows windows)
-((:berkeley-db-include-dir . "C:/Program Files/Oracle/Berkeley DB 4.5.20/include/")
+((:compiler . :cygwin)
+ (:berkeley-db-include-dir . "C:/Program Files/Oracle/Berkeley DB 4.5.20/include/")
(:berkeley-db-lib-dir . "C:/Program Files/Oracle/Berkeley DB 4.5.20/bin/")
(:berkeley-db-lib . "C:/Program Files/Oracle/Berkeley DB 4.5.20/bin/libdb45.dll")
(:berkeley-db-deadlock . "C:/Program Files/Oracle/Berkeley DB 4.5.20/bin/db_deadlock.exe")
- (:pthread-lib . nil)
- (:clsql-lib . nil)
- (:compiler . :cygwin))
+ (:berkeley-db-cachesize . 20971520)
+ (:berkeley-db-map-degree2 . t)
+ (:clsql-lib-paths . nil)
+ (:prebuilt-libraries . t))
;; Berkeley 4.5 is required, each system will have different settings for
;; these directories, use this as an indication of what each key means
-;; Typical pthread settings are: /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0
-;; nil means that the library in question is not loaded
-;; NOTE: The latest SBCL (0.9.17+) on linux no longer needs the pthread library,
-;; it is statically linked against it now with the new thread support
+;; :prebuilt-libraries is true by default for windows machines. It causes
+;; the library loader to look in the elephant root directory for the shared
+;; libraries. (nil or t)
+;; :clsql-lib-paths tell clsql where to look for which ever SQL distribution
+;; library files you need it to look for. For example...
+;; (:clsql-lib-paths . ("/Users/me/Work/SQlite3/" "/Users/me/Work/Postgresql/"))
+;; :pthread-lib is deprecated, for old versions of sbcl prior to 0.9.17 that
+;; did not have pthreads compiled in. If you are using an old version, we
+;; recommend that you upgrade!
+;; Typical pthread settings were: /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0
;; :compiler options are
;; :gcc (default: for unix platforms with /usr/bin/gcc)
@@ -52,16 +67,18 @@
;; Additional supported parameters include:
-;; :berkeley-db-cachesize - an integer indicating the number of bytes
-;; for the page cache, default 10MB which is
-;; about enough storage for 10k-30k indexed
-;; persistent objects
-;; :map-using-degree2 - Boolean parameter that indicates whether map
-;; operations lock down the btree for the entire
-;; transaction or whether they allow other
-;; transactions to add/delete/modify values
-;; before the map operation is completed. The
-;; map operation remains stable and any writes
-;; are kept transactional, see user manual as
-;; well as berkeley DB docs for more details
+;; :berkeley-db-cachesize
+;; An integer indicating the number of bytes
+;; for the page cache, default 20MB which is
+;; about enough storage for 10k-30k indexed
+;; persistent objects
+;; :berkeley-db-map-degree2
+;; Boolean parameter that indicates whether map
+;; operations lock down the btree for the entire
+;; transaction or whether they allow other
+;; transactions to add/delete/modify values
+;; before the map operation is completed. The
+;; map operation remains stable and any writes
+;; are kept transactional, see user manual as
+;; well as berkeley DB docs for more details.
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/ele-clsql.asd 2007/03/23 16:31:52 1.10
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/ele-clsql.asd 2007/04/30 00:38:29 1.11
@@ -16,29 +16,33 @@
;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.
-;; (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-;; (unless (find-package 'clsql)
-;; (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql)))
-;; ;; clsql needs to know how to find libaries to various databases....
-;; (defvar *clsql-foreign-lib-path* "/usr/lib")
-;; (defvar *elephant-lib-path* "/usr/local/share/common-lisp/elephant/")
-;; (clsql:push-library-path *clsql-foreign-lib-path*)
-;; (clsql:push-library-path *elephant-lib-path*)
-;; )
-;;(defparameter *clsql-foreign-lib-path* #p"/usr/lib")
-;;(defparameter *elephant-lib-path* #p"/usr/local/share/common-lisp/elephant/")
-;;(defmethod asdf:perform :after ((o asdf:load-op)
-; (c (eql (asdf:find-system 'clsql))))
-;; (let ((plp (find-symbol (symbol-name '#:push-library-path)
-;; (find-package 'clsql))))
-;; (funcall plp
-;; *clsql-foreign-lib-path*)
-;; (funcall plp
-;; *elephant-lib-path*)
+(in-package :cl-user)
+;; Forward definition
+(defpackage elephant-system
+ (:use :cl :asdf)
+ (:export :elephant-c-source :compiler-options :foreign-libraries-to-load-first :get-config-option))
+(defpackage ele-clsql-system
+ (:use :cl :asdf :elephant-system))
+(in-package :ele-clsql-system)
+;; Make sure asdf is loaded prior to evaluating the rest of the file (tacky)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (unless (find-package 'clsql)
+ (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'clsql)))
+(defmethod asdf:perform :after ((o asdf:load-op)
+ (c (eql (asdf:find-system 'clsql))))
+ (let ((paths (get-config-option :clsql-lib-paths (find-system :elephant)))
+ (plp (find-symbol (symbol-name '#:push-library-path)
+ (find-package 'clsql))))
+ (loop for path in paths do
+ (format t "Pushing ~A onto clsql::*FOREIGN-LIBRARY-SEARCH-PATHS*~%" path)
+ (funcall plp (pathname path)))))
(defsystem ele-clsql
:name "elephant"
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/elephant.asd 2007/04/29 02:10:54 1.46
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/elephant.asd 2007/04/30 00:38:29 1.47
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"Run the appropriate compiler for this platform on the source, getting
the specific options from 'compiler-options method. Default options
can be overridden or augmented by subclass methods"
+ (unless (get-config-option :prebuilt-libraries c)
#+(or mswindows windows)
(let* ((pathname (component-pathname c))
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@
(compiler-options (c-compiler c) c
:input-file (namestring (component-pathname c))
:output-file (namestring (first (output-files o c))))))
- (error 'operation-error :component c :operation o)))
+ (error 'operation-error :component c :operation o))))
(defmethod perform ((o compile-op) (c elephant-c-source))
@@ -247,9 +248,21 @@
(error "Could not load ~A into ~A" file module)))))
;; Load the compiled libraries
(dolist (file (output-files (make-instance 'compile-op) c))
- (format t "Loading ~A~%" file)
- (or (uffi-funcall :load-foreign-library file :module (component-name c))
- (error "Could not load ~A" file))))
+ (format t "Attempting to load ~A...~%" (file-namestring file))
+ (if (and (probe-file file)
+ (not (get-config-option :prebuilt-libraries c)))
+ (progn
+ (or (uffi-funcall :load-foreign-library file :module (component-name c))
+ (error "Could not load ~A" file))
+ (format t "Loaded ~A~%" file))
+ (let* ((root-dir (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:component-system c)))
+ (root-library-file (merge-pathnames (file-namestring file) root-path)))
+ (or (uffi-funcall :load-foreign-library
+ root-library-file
+ :module (component-name c))
+ (error "Output file ~A not found in elephant root" (namestring root-library-file)))
+ (format t "Loaded ~A~%" root-library-file)))))
(defmethod operation-done-p ((o load-op) (c elephant-c-source))
@@ -264,7 +277,7 @@
(defsystem elephant
:name "elephant"
:author "Ben Lee <blee at common-lisp.net>"
- :version "0.6.1"
+ :version "0.9"
:maintainer "Robert Read <read at robertlread.net>"
:licence "LLGPL"
:description "Object database for Common Lisp"
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