[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/elephant

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Fri Apr 27 13:32:28 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv32343/src/elephant

Modified Files:
	classes.lisp collections.lisp package.lisp query.lisp 
Log Message:
Bug fixes to change-class; drop-btree; enable :from-end and :collect on map-btree (not map-class though); export and documentation edits

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classes.lisp	2007/04/25 02:28:01	1.32
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classes.lisp	2007/04/27 13:32:16	1.33
@@ -185,13 +185,17 @@
-(defmethod change-class ((inst persistent) (class t) &rest rest)
-  (cerror "Ignore and continue?"
-          "Changing a persistent instance's class to a non-persistent class is not currently allowed"))
-(defmethod change-class ((inst standard-object) (class persistent-metaclass) &rest rest)
-  (cerror "Ignore and continue?" 
-          "Changing a standard instance to a persistent instance is not supported"))
+(defmethod change-class :around ((previous persistent) (new-class standard-class) &rest initargs)
+  (declare (ignorable initargs))
+  (unless (subtypep (type-of new-class) 'persistent-metaclass)
+    (error "Persistent instances cannot be changed to non-persistent classes in change-class"))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod change-class :around ((previous standard-object) (new-class persistent-metaclass) &rest initargs)
+  (declare (ignorable initargs))
+  (unless (subtypep (type-of previous) 'persistent)
+    (error "Standard classes cannot be changed to non-persistent classes in change-class"))
+  (call-next-method))
 (defmethod update-instance-for-different-class :around ((previous persistent) (current persistent) &rest initargs &key)
   (let* ((old-class (class-of previous))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/04/25 02:28:01	1.26
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/04/27 13:32:17	1.27
@@ -70,6 +70,18 @@
 (defmethod optimize-layout ((bt t) &key &allow-other-keys)
+(defgeneric drop-btree (bt)
+  (:documentation "Delete all key-value pairs from the btree and
+   render it an invalid object in the data store"))
+(defmethod drop-btree ((bt btree))
+  (ensure-transaction (:store-controller *store-controller*)
+    (with-btree-cursor (cur bt)
+      (loop for (exists? key) = (multiple-value-list (cursor-first cur))
+	 then (multiple-value-list (cursor-next cur))
+	 while exists?
+	 do (remove-kv key bt)))))
 ;; Btrees that support secondary indices
@@ -161,17 +173,17 @@
 (defclass cursor ()
   ((oid :accessor cursor-oid :type fixnum :initarg :oid)
-;; (intialized-p cursor) means that the cursor has
-;; a legitimate position, not that any initialization
-;; action has been taken.  The implementors of this abstract class
-;; should make sure that happens under the sheets...
-;; According to my understanding, cursors are initialized
-;; when you invoke an operation that sets them to something
-;; (such as cursor-first), and are uninitialized if you 
-;; move them in such a way that they no longer have a legimtimate 
-;; value.
    (initialized-p :accessor cursor-initialized-p
-		  :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :initialized-p)
+		  :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :initialized-p
+		  :documentation "Predicate indicating whether
+the btree in question is initialized or not.  Initialized means
+that the cursor has a legitimate position, not that any
+initialization action has been taken.  The implementors of this
+abstract class should make sure that happens under the
+sheets...  Cursors are initialized when you invoke an operation
+that sets them to something (such as cursor-first), and are
+uninitialized if you move them in such a way that they no longer
+have a legimtimate value.")
    (btree :accessor cursor-btree :initarg :btree))
   (:documentation "A cursor for traversing (primary) BTrees."))
@@ -240,13 +252,13 @@
 (defgeneric cursor-delete (cursor)
-   "Delete by cursor.  The cursor is at an invalid position
-after a successful delete."))
+   "Delete by cursor.  The cursor is at an invalid position,
+and uninitialized, after a successful delete."))
 (defgeneric cursor-put (cursor value &key key)
-  "Put by cursor.  Currently doesn't properly move the
+  "Overwrite value at current cursor location.  Currently does
+  not properly move the cursor."))
 (defclass secondary-cursor (cursor) ()
   (:documentation "Cursor for traversing secondary indices."))
@@ -354,7 +366,7 @@
 (defun lisp-compare-equal (a b)
   (equal a b))
-(defgeneric map-btree (fn btree &rest args &key start end value &allow-other-keys)
+(defgeneric map-btree (fn btree &rest args &key start end value from-end collect &allow-other-keys)
   (:documentation   "Map btree maps over a btree from the value start to the value of end.
    If values are not provided, then it maps over all values.  BTrees 
    do not have duplicates, but map-btree can also be used with indices
@@ -365,26 +377,47 @@
 ;; function orders by type tag and nil is the highest valued type tag so nils are the last
 ;; possible element in a btree ordered by value.
-(defmethod map-btree (fn (btree btree) &rest args &key start end (value nil value-set-p) &allow-other-keys)
-  (let ((end (if value-set-p value end)))
+(defmethod map-btree (fn (btree btree) &rest args &key start end (value nil value-set-p) 
+		      from-end collect &allow-other-keys)
+  (let ((end (if value-set-p value end))
+	(results nil))
     (ensure-transaction (:store-controller (get-con btree) :degree-2 *map-using-degree2*)
       (with-btree-cursor (curs btree)
-	(multiple-value-bind (exists? key value)
-	    (cond (value-set-p
-		   (cursor-set curs value))
-		  ((null start)
-		   (cursor-first curs))
-		  (t (cursor-set-range curs start)))
-	  (if exists?
-	      (funcall fn key value)
-	      (return-from map-btree nil))
-	  (loop
-	     (multiple-value-bind (exists? k v)
-		 (cursor-next curs)
-	       (declare (dynamic-extent exists? k v))
-	       (if (and exists? (or (null end) (lisp-compare<= k end)))
-		   (funcall fn k v)
-		   (return nil)))))))))
+	(flet ((continue-p (key)
+		 ;; Do we go to the next value?
+		 (or (if from-end (null start) (null end))
+		     (if from-end 
+			 (or (not (lisp-compare<= key start))
+			     (lisp-compare-equal key start))
+			 (lisp-compare<= key end))))
+		 (collector (k v)
+		   (push (funcall fn k v) results)))
+	  (let ((fn (if collect #'collector fn)))
+	    (declare (dynamic-extent (function continue-p) (function collector)))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (exists? key value)
+		(cond (value-set-p
+		       (cursor-set curs value))
+		      ((and (not from-end) (null start))
+		       (cursor-first curs))
+		      ((and from-end (null end))
+		       (cursor-last curs))
+		      (t (if from-end
+			     (cursor-set-range curs end)
+			     (cursor-set-range curs start))))
+	      (declare (dynamic-extent exists? k v))
+	      (if exists?
+		  (funcall fn key value)
+		  (return-from map-btree nil))
+	      (loop
+		 (multiple-value-bind (exists? k v)
+		     (if from-end
+			 (cursor-prev curs)
+			 (cursor-next curs))
+		   (declare (dynamic-extent exists? k v))
+		   (if (and exists? (continue-p k))
+		       (funcall fn k v)
+		       (return nil)))))))))
+    results))
 (defgeneric map-index (fn index &rest args &key start end value from-end collect &allow-other-keys)
   (:documentation "Map-index is like map-btree but for secondary indices, it
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/package.lisp	2007/04/25 02:28:02	1.33
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/package.lisp	2007/04/27 13:32:17	1.34
@@ -216,12 +216,11 @@
    #:add-index #:get-index #:remove-index #:map-indices
    #:get-primary-key #:primary #:key-form #:key-fn
-   #:with-btree-cursor #:map-btree #:map-index
+   #:with-btree-cursor #:map-btree #:map-index #:drop-btree
    #:empty-btree-p #:dump-btree #:btree-keys #:btree-differ-p
    #:cursor #:secondary-cursor #:make-cursor #:make-simple-cursor
-   #:cursor-close #:cursor-init
-   #:cursor-duplicate #:cursor-current #:cursor-first
+   #:cursor-close #:cursor-duplicate #:cursor-current #:cursor-first
    #:cursor-last #:cursor-next #:cursor-next-dup
    #:cursor-next-nodup #:cursor-prev #:cursor-prev-nodup
    #:cursor-set #:cursor-set-range #:cursor-get-both
@@ -229,8 +228,8 @@
    #:cursor-pcurrent #:cursor-pfirst #:cursor-plast
    #:cursor-pnext #:cursor-pnext-dup #:cursor-pnext-nodup
    #:cursor-pprev #:cursor-pprev-nodup #:cursor-pset
-   #:cursor-pset-range #:cursor-pget-both
-   #:cursor-pget-both-range
+   #:cursor-pset-range #:cursor-pget-both #:cursor-pget-both-range
+   #:cursor-initialized-p
    #:find-class-index #:find-inverted-index
    #:enable-class-indexing #:disable-class-indexing
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@
-   #:map-class #:map-class-index
+   #:map-class #:map-inverted-index
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/query.lisp	2007/04/12 02:47:33	1.4
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/query.lisp	2007/04/27 13:32:17	1.5
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
 	  (if (find-inverted-index class slot)
 	      (if (= (length values) 1)
-		    (map-class-index fn class slot (first values) (first values))
-		    (map-class-index fn class slot (first values) (second values))))
+		    (map-inverted-index fn class slot (first values) (first values))
+		    (map-inverted-index fn class slot (first values) (second values))))
 	      (map-class #'filter-by-relation class))
 	  (map-class-query #'filter-by-relation (cdr constraints))))))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/transactions.lisp	2007/04/12 02:47:33	1.11
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/transactions.lisp	2007/04/27 13:32:17	1.12
@@ -95,13 +95,18 @@
 ;;      form))
 (defun transaction-object-p (txnrec)
-  (consp txnrec))
+  (and (not (null txnrec))
+       (consp txnrec)
+       (subtypep (type-of (car txnrec)) 'store-controller)))
 (defun owned-txn-p (sc parent-txn-rec)
   (and parent-txn-rec
        (transaction-object-p parent-txn-rec)
        (eq sc (transaction-store parent-txn-rec))))
+(define-condition transaction-retry-count-exceeded ()
+  ((retry-count :initarg :count)))
 (defmacro with-transaction ((&rest keyargs &key 
 				   (store-controller '*store-controller*)
 				   (parent '*current-transaction*)
@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@
 (defmacro ensure-transaction ((&rest keyargs &key
 				     (store-controller '*store-controller*)
-				     (transaction '*current-transaction*)
+				     (parent '*current-transaction*)
 				     (retries 200)
 			      &body body)
@@ -139,7 +144,7 @@
 	(sc (gensym)))
     `(let ((,txn-fn (lambda () , at body))
 	   (,sc ,store-controller))
-       (if (owned-txn-p ,sc ,transaction)
+       (if (owned-txn-p ,sc ,parent)
 	   (funcall ,txn-fn)
 	   (funcall #'execute-transaction ,store-controller

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