[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/elephant

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Tue Apr 24 03:02:28 UTC 2007

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv23327/src/elephant

Modified Files:
	classes.lisp classindex.lisp collections.lisp 
Log Message:
More documentation edits; performance and feature enhancements for map-index (from-end, collect); fix bug in slot initialization under from-oid

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classes.lisp	2007/04/22 03:35:09	1.29
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classes.lisp	2007/04/24 03:02:27	1.30
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 	       ;; initialize the persistent slots ourselves
-	       (initialize-persistent-slots class instance persistent-slot-inits initargs)
+	       (initialize-persistent-slots class instance persistent-slot-inits initargs from-oid)
 	       ;; let the implementation initialize the transient slots
 	       (apply #'call-next-method instance transient-slot-inits initargs))
 	  (uninhibit-indexing oid))
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 	      (setf (get-value oid class-index) instance))))
-(defun initialize-persistent-slots (class instance persistent-slot-inits initargs)
+(defun initialize-persistent-slots (class instance persistent-slot-inits initargs object-exists)
   (flet ((initialize-from-initarg (slot-def)
 	   (loop for initarg in initargs
 	      with slot-initargs = (slot-definition-initargs slot-def)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
       (loop for slot-def in (class-slots class)
 	 unless (initialize-from-initarg slot-def)
 	 when (member (slot-definition-name slot-def) persistent-slot-inits :test #'eq)
-	 unless (slot-boundp-using-class class instance slot-def)
+	 unless (or object-exists (slot-boundp-using-class class instance slot-def))
 	 (let ((initfun (slot-definition-initfunction slot-def)))
 	   (when initfun
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/04/23 02:26:53	1.37
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/classindex.lisp	2007/04/24 03:02:27	1.38
@@ -394,8 +394,8 @@
       (declare (dynamic-extent map-fn))
       (map-btree #'map-fn class-idx))))
-(defun map-class-index (fn class index &rest args &key start end value from-end)
-  "map-class-index maps a function of two variables, taking key
+(defun map-inverted-index (fn class index &rest args &key start end value from-end)
+  "map-inverted-index maps a function of two variables, taking key
    and instance, over a subset of class instances in the order
    defined by the index.  Specify the class and index by quoted
    name.  The index may be a slot index or a derived index.
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/04/23 02:41:11	1.24
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/elephant/collections.lisp	2007/04/24 03:02:27	1.25
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
 (in-package "ELEPHANT")
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
+  (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (space 1))))
 ;;; collection types
 ;;; we're slot-less
 (defclass persistent-collection (persistent) ()
@@ -382,7 +386,7 @@
 		   (funcall fn k v)
 		   (return nil)))))))))
-(defgeneric map-index (fn index &rest args &key start end value from-end)
+(defgeneric map-index (fn index &rest args &key start end value from-end collect)
   (:documentation "Map-index is like map-btree but for secondary indices, it
    takes a function of three arguments: key, value and primary
    key.  As with map-btree the keyword arguments start and end
@@ -393,6 +397,72 @@
    use the value keyword which will override any values of start
    and end."))
+(defmethod map-index (fn (index btree-index) &rest args 
+		      &key start end (value nil value-set-p) from-end collect)
+  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
+  (unless (or (null start) (null end) (lisp-compare<= start end))
+    (error "map-index called with start = ~A and end = ~A. Start must be less than or equal to end according to elephant::lisp-compare<=."
+	   start end))
+  (let ((sc (get-con index))
+	(end (or value end))
+	(results nil))
+    (flet ((collector (k v pk)
+	     (push (funcall fn k v pk) results)))
+      (let ((fn (if collect #'collector fn)))
+      (declare (dynamic-extent (function collector)))
+      (ensure-transaction (:store-controller sc)
+	(with-btree-cursor (cur index)
+	  (labels ((continue-p (key) 
+		     ;; Do we go to the next value?
+		     (or (if from-end (null start) (null end))
+			 (if from-end 
+			     (or (not (lisp-compare<= key start))
+				 (lisp-compare-equal key start))
+			     (lisp-compare<= key end))))
+		   (value-increment () 
+		     ;; Step to the next key value
+		     (if from-end 
+			 (pprev-hack cur)
+			 (cursor-pnext-nodup cur)))
+		   (next-value () 
+		     ;; Handle the next key value
+		     (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey)
+			 (value-increment)
+		       (if (and exists? (continue-p skey))
+			   (progn
+			     (funcall fn skey val pkey)
+			     (map-duplicates skey))
+			   (return-from map-index 
+			     (nreverse results)))))
+		   (map-duplicates (key) 
+		     ;; Map all duplicates for key value
+		     (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey) 
+			 (cursor-pnext-dup cur)
+		       (if exists?
+			   (progn
+			     (funcall fn skey val pkey)
+			     (map-duplicates key))
+			   (progn
+			     (cursor-pset-range cur key)
+			     (next-value))))))
+	    (declare (dynamic-extent (function next-value) (function next-value-increment) 
+				     (function continue-p) (function map-duplicates)))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey)
+		(cond (value-set-p
+		       (cursor-pset cur value))
+		      ((and (not from-end) (null start))
+		       (cursor-pfirst cur))
+		      ((and from-end (null end))
+		       (cursor-last-range-hack cur))
+		      (t (if from-end 
+			     (cursor-pset-range cur end)
+			     (cursor-pset-range cur start))))
+	      (if (and exists? (continue-p skey))
+		  (progn
+		    (funcall fn skey val pkey)
+		    (map-duplicates skey))
+		  nil)))))))))
 (defun pprev-hack (cur)
   "Get the first duplicate instance of the prior value off the current cursor"
   (let ((e? (cursor-pprev-nodup cur)))
@@ -411,57 +481,6 @@
 	    (cursor-pnext cur)
 	    (cursor-pfirst cur))))))
-(defmethod map-index (fn (index btree-index) &rest args &key start end (value nil value-set-p) from-end)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent args)
-	   (ignorable args))
-  (unless (or (null start) (null end) (lisp-compare<= start end))
-    (error "map-index called with start = ~A and end = ~A. Start must be less than or equal to end according to elephant::lisp-compare<=."
-	   start end))
-  (let ((sc (get-con index))
-	(end (or value end)))
-    (ensure-transaction (:store-controller sc)
-      (with-btree-cursor (cur index)
-	(labels ((continue-p (key) ;; Do we got to the next value?
-		   (or (if from-end (null start) (null end))
-		       (if from-end 
-			   (or (not (lisp-compare<= key start))
-			       (lisp-compare-equal key start))
-			   (lisp-compare<= key end))))
-		 (value-increment () ;; Step to the next key value
-		   (if from-end 
-		       (pprev-hack cur)
-		       (cursor-pnext-nodup cur)))
-		 (next-value () ;; Handle the next key value
-		   (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey)
-		       (value-increment)
-		     (if (and exists? (continue-p skey))
-			 (progn
-			   (funcall fn skey val pkey)
-			   (map-duplicates skey))
-			 (return-from map-index nil))))
-		 (map-duplicates (key) ;; Map all duplicates for key value
-		   (loop as (exists? skey val pkey) = (multiple-value-list (cursor-pnext-dup cur))
-			 while exists? do (funcall fn skey val pkey))
-		   (cursor-pset-range cur key)
-		   (next-value)))
-	  (declare (dynamic-extent next-value next-value-increment continue-p map-duplicates))
-	  (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey)
-	      (cond (value-set-p
-		     (cursor-pset cur value))
-		    ((and (not from-end) (null start))
-		     (cursor-pfirst cur))
-		    ((and from-end (null end))
-		     (cursor-last-range-hack cur))
-		    (t (if from-end 
-			   (cursor-pset-range cur end)
-			   (cursor-pset-range cur start))))
-	    (if (and exists? (continue-p skey))
-		(progn
-		  (funcall fn skey val pkey)
-		  (map-duplicates skey))
-		nil)))))))
 ;; ===============================
 ;; Some generic utility functions
 ;; ===============================

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