[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src/db-bdb

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Mon Jun 19 00:47:25 UTC 2006

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-bdb
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv22395

Modified Files:
	bdb-collections.lisp bdb-controller.lisp 
Log Message:

BUGFIX: add-index to a large, existing btree would fail on the BDB backend
due to a transaction that was too large.  This transaction has been broken
into 1k entry blocks to avoid overflowing the buffer pools.

FEATURE: Added the ability to launch a deadlock detector process for 
any system that has the :port package loaded.  :deadlock-detector is a
new keyword option added to open-store that will determine whether to
launch or not to launch a detector process.

The location of the deadlock detector is not generic at this time,
edit bdb-controller.lisp to change the pathname or default lock policy.
Manual launching of the controller can be done by calling start-deadlock-detector.

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-bdb/bdb-collections.lisp	2006/04/26 19:19:12	1.7
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-bdb/bdb-collections.lisp	2006/06/19 00:47:24	1.8
@@ -103,40 +103,54 @@
 ;; absolutely required at present, I think because the copying 
 ;; of objects is calling "make-instance" without an argument.
 ;; I am sure I can find a way to make this cleaner, somehow.
-      (if (and (not (null index-name))
-	     (symbolp index-name) (or (symbolp key-form) (listp key-form)))
+    (if (and (not (null index-name))
+	     (symbolp index-name) 
+	     (or (symbolp key-form) (listp key-form)))
 	;; Can it be that this fails?
-	(let (
-	      (ht (indices bt))
-	      (index (build-btree-index sc :primary bt 
+	(let ((ht (indices bt))
+	      (index (build-btree-index sc 
+					:primary bt 
 					:key-form key-form)))
 	  (setf (gethash index-name (indices-cache bt)) index)
 	  (setf (gethash index-name ht) index)
 	  (setf (indices bt) ht)
-	  (when populate
-	    (let ((key-fn (key-fn index)))
-	      (with-buffer-streams (primary-buf secondary-buf)	      
-		(with-transaction (:store-controller sc)
-		  (map-btree 
-		   #'(lambda (k v)
-		       (multiple-value-bind (index? secondary-key)
-			   (funcall key-fn index k v)
-			 (when index?
-			   (buffer-write-int (oid bt) primary-buf)
-			   (serialize k primary-buf)
-			   (buffer-write-int (oid index) secondary-buf)
-			   (serialize secondary-key secondary-buf)
-			   ;; should silently do nothing if
-			   ;; the key/value already exists
-			   (db-put-buffered 
-			    (controller-indices sc)
-			    secondary-buf primary-buf)
-			   (reset-buffer-stream primary-buf)
-			   (reset-buffer-stream secondary-buf))))
-		   bt)))))
+	  (when populate (populate bt index))
-	(error "Invalid index initargs!")))
+	(error "Invalid index initargs!"))))
+(defmethod populate ((bt bdb-indexed-btree) index)
+  (let ((sc (get-con bt)))
+    (with-buffer-streams (primary-buf secondary-buf)
+      (flet ((index (key skey)
+	       (buffer-write-int (oid bt) primary-buf)
+	       (serialize key primary-buf)
+	       (buffer-write-int (oid index) secondary-buf)
+	       (serialize skey secondary-buf)
+	       ;; should silently do nothing if
+	       ;; the key/value already exists
+	       (db-put-buffered 
+		(controller-indices sc)
+		secondary-buf primary-buf)
+	       (reset-buffer-stream primary-buf)
+	       (reset-buffer-stream secondary-buf)))
+	(let ((key-fn (key-fn index))
+	      (last-key nil))
+	  (loop 
+	     (with-transaction (:store-controller sc)
+	       (with-btree-cursor (cursor bt)
+		 (if last-key 
+		     (cursor-set cursor last-key)
+		     (cursor-first cursor))
+		 (loop for i from 0 upto 1000 do
+		      (multiple-value-bind (valid? k v) (cursor-current cursor)
+			(unless valid? (return-from populate t))
+			(multiple-value-bind (index? skey) (funcall key-fn index k v)
+			  (when index? (index k skey))))
+		      (multiple-value-bind (valid? k v) (cursor-next cursor)
+			(declare (ignore v))
+			(if valid? 
+			    (setf last-key k)
+			    (return-from populate t))))))))))))
 (defmethod map-indices (fn (bt bdb-indexed-btree))
   (maphash fn (indices-cache bt)))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-bdb/bdb-controller.lisp	2006/04/30 01:02:22	1.8
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/db-bdb/bdb-controller.lisp	2006/06/19 00:47:24	1.9
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
    (btrees :type (or null pointer-void) :accessor controller-btrees)
    (indices :type (or null pointer-void) :accessor controller-indices)
    (indices-assoc :type (or null pointer-void)
-		  :accessor controller-indices-assoc))
+		  :accessor controller-indices-assoc)
+   (deadlock-pid :accessor controller-deadlock-pid :initform nil)
+   (deadlock-input :accessor controller-deadlock-input :initform nil))
   (:documentation "Class of objects responsible for the
 book-keeping of holding DB handles, the cache, table
 creation, counters, locks, the root (for garbage collection,)
@@ -55,7 +57,8 @@
 ;; Open/close     
 (defmethod open-controller ((sc bdb-store-controller) &key (recover t)
-			    (recover-fatal nil) (thread t))
+			    (recover-fatal nil) (thread t)
+			    (deadlock-detect nil))
   (let ((env (db-env-create)))
     ;; thread stuff?
     (setf (controller-environment sc) env)
@@ -112,10 +115,14 @@
       (setf (slot-value sc 'class-root)
 	    (make-instance 'bdb-btree :from-oid -2 :sc sc))
+      (when deadlock-detect
+	(start-deadlock-detector sc))
 (defmethod close-controller ((sc bdb-store-controller))
   (when (slot-value sc 'root)
+    (stop-deadlock-detector sc)
     ;; no root
     (setf (slot-value sc 'class-root) nil)
     (setf (slot-value sc 'root) nil)
@@ -144,6 +151,50 @@
   (db-sequence-get-fixnum (controller-oid-seq sc) 1 :transaction +NULL-VOID+
 			  :auto-commit t :txn-nosync t))
+(defparameter *deadlock-type-alist*
+  '((:oldest . "o")
+    (:youngest . "y")
+    (:timeout . "e")
+    (:most . "m")
+    (:least . "n")))
+(defun lookup-deadlock-type (typestring)
+  (let ((result (assoc typestring *deadlock-type-alist*)))
+    (unless result
+      (error "Unrecognized deadlock type '~A'" typestring))
+    (cdr result)))
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+  (when (find-package :port)
+    (pushnew :port *features*)))
+(defmethod start-deadlock-detector ((ctrlr bdb-store-controller) &key (type :oldest) (time 0.1) log)
+  #+port
+  (multiple-value-bind (str errstr pid)
+      (port:run-prog (namestring 
+		      (make-pathname :directory "/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.3/bin/"
+				     :name "db_deadlock"))
+		     :args `("-a" ,(lookup-deadlock-type type)
+				  "-t" ,(format nil "~D" time)
+				  ,@(when log
+				      (list "-L" (format nil "~A" log))))
+		     :wait nil)
+    (declare (ignore errstr))
+    (setf (controller-deadlock-pid ctrlr) pid)
+    (setf (controller-deadlock-input ctrlr) str)))
+(defmethod stop-deadlock-detector ((ctrl bdb-store-controller))
+  (when (controller-deadlock-pid ctrl)
+    (shell-kill (controller-deadlock-pid ctrl))
+    (setf (controller-deadlock-pid ctrl) nil))
+  (when (controller-deadlock-input ctrl)
+    (close (controller-deadlock-input ctrl))
+    (setf (controller-deadlock-input ctrl) nil)))
+(defmethod shell-kill (pid)
+  #+allegro (sys:reap-os-subprocess :pid pid :wait t)
+  #+(port (not allegro)) (port:run-prog "kill" :wait t :args (list "-9" (format nil "~A" pid)))
+  )
 ;; Persistent slot protocol

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