[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/src

ieslick ieslick at common-lisp.net
Wed Feb 8 03:23:12 UTC 2006

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src
In directory common-lisp:/tmp/cvs-serv713/src

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Minor cleanup of indexing tests, declarations and rule-based code.
100% of tests pass under allegro 7.0 and Mac OS X.

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/indexing.lisp	2006/02/07 23:23:50	1.2
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src/indexing.lisp	2006/02/08 03:23:12	1.3
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
-;;; slot-index.lisp -- use btree collections to track objects by slot values
-;;;                    via metaclass options or accessor :after methods
+;;; indexing.lisp -- use btree collections to track objects by slot values
+;;;                  via metaclass options or accessor :after methods
 ;;; Initial version 1/24/2006 Ian Eslick
 ;;; eslick at alum mit edu
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
 (defun no-indexing-needed? (class instance slot-def oid)
+  (declare (ignore instance))
   (or (and (not (indexed slot-def)) ;; not indexed
 	   (not (indexing-record-derived (indexed-record class)))) ;; no derived indexes
       (member oid *inhibit-indexing-list*))) ;; currently inhibited
@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@
     (when class
       (disable-class-indexing class :sc sc))))
-(defmethod disable-class-indexing ((class persistent-metaclass) &key (sc *store-controller*) (errorp t))
+(defmethod disable-class-indexing ((class persistent-metaclass) &key (sc *store-controller*))
   (let ((class-idx (find-class-index class :sc sc)))
     (unless class-idx (return-from disable-class-indexing nil))
     ;; Remove all instance key/value data from the class index (& secondary indices)
@@ -354,6 +355,8 @@
   (get-instances-by-value (find-class class) slot-name value))
 (defmethod get-instances-by-value ((class persistent-metaclass) slot-name value)
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (space 1))
+	   (type (or string symbol) slot-name))
   (let ((instances nil))
     (with-btree-cursor (cur (find-inverted-index class slot-name))
       (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey) (cursor-pset cur value)
@@ -371,6 +374,9 @@
   (get-instances-by-range (find-class class) slot-name start end))
 (defmethod get-instances-by-range ((class persistent-metaclass) idx-name start end)
+  (declare (optimize speed (safety 1) (space 1))
+	   (type fixnum start end)
+	   (type string idx-name))
   (with-inverted-cursor (cur class idx-name)
     (labels ((next-range (instances)
 	       (multiple-value-bind (exists? skey val pkey) (cursor-pnext-nodup cur)
@@ -406,16 +412,21 @@
 ;; TO READER:  I got really tired of trying to figure out all
 ;; the messy conditionals and I figure default behaviors are something
-;; others might want to modify, so here's what determines the
-;; rule behavior.
-;; Rules match on the following state of the metaclass and
-;; the current class-index in the database for a given slotname:
+;; others might want to modify, so here's what determines the rule 
+;; behavior.
+;; Rules match on the following states of the metaclass and current
+;; database class-index for each slotname currently in either of
+;; those sources.  Actions are taken, typically when a slot exists
+;; in one but not the other or features like indexed/persistent 
+;; differ between the slots
 ;; class state:
 ;;   class-indexed - the slot is marked as indexed
 ;;   class-persistent - the slot is marked as persistent (not indexed)
 ;;   class-transient - the slot is marked transient
 ;;   class-derived - the slot is in the derived list of the class
 ;; database
 ;;   db-slot - the database has a slot index
 ;;   db-derived - the database has a derived index
@@ -424,10 +435,12 @@
 ;; (not indexed-slot) for example, to cover more than one feature 
 ;; combination
-;; Each rule should apply uniquely to a given feature set
-;; Actions taken include:
-;; add-slot-index - add a new index to the db
-;; remove-slot-index - remove a slot from the db
+;; Each rule should apply uniquely to a given feature set.
+;; Actions taken when rules match can include:
+;; add-slot-index - add a new index with the slotname to the db
+;; remove-slot-index - remove a slot with the slotname from the db
 ;; add-derived-index - xxx this makes no sense! xxx
 ;; remove-derived-index - remove a derived index from the db
 ;; unregister-indexed-slot - remove an indexed slot from the class metaobject
@@ -436,6 +449,8 @@
 ;; register-derived-index - register a derived index with the class metaobject
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
   (defclass synch-rule ()
     ((lhs :accessor synch-rule-lhs :initarg :lhs :initform nil)
@@ -461,10 +476,8 @@
 	       (db-derived class-persistent => remove-derived-index warn))
 	       ;; NOTE: What about cases where we need to remove things as below?
 	      (:db ;; db changes class
-	       ((not db-slot) class-indexed =>
-		unregister-indexed-slot)
-	       ((not db-derived) class-derived =>
-		unregister-derived-index)
+	       ((not db-slot) class-indexed => unregister-indexed-slot)
+	       ((not db-derived) class-derived => unregister-derived-index)
 	       (db-slot class-persistent => register-indexed-slot)
 	       (db-slot class-transient => remove-indexed-slot)
 	       (db-derived class-transient => remove-derived-index warn)
@@ -474,22 +487,34 @@
 		           (not class-persistent) (not class-transient) =>
+(defun synchronize-class-to-store (class &key (sc *store-controller*) 
+				   (method *default-indexed-class-synch-policy*))
+  (let ((slot-records (compute-class-and-ele-status class sc))
+	(rule-set (cdr (assoc method *synchronize-rules*))))
+    (apply-synch-rules class slot-records rule-set)))
 (defun synch-rule-applicable? (rule features)
   (simple-match-set (synch-rule-lhs rule) features))
 (defun simple-match-set (a b)
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
   (cond ((null a) t)
 	((and (not (null a)) (null b)) nil)
 	((member (first a) b :test #'equal)
 	 (simple-match-set (cdr a) (remove (first a) b :test #'equal)))
 	(t nil)))
+(defparameter *print-synch-messages* nil)
 (defun apply-synch-rule (rule class name)
-  (format t "Class/DB Synch: converting state ~A using ~A for ~A~%" 
-	  (synch-rule-lhs rule) (synch-rule-rhs rule) name)
-;;  (return-from apply-synch-rule nil)
+  (when *print-synch-messages*
+    (format t "Class/DB Synch: converting state ~A using ~A for ~A~%" 
+	    (synch-rule-lhs rule) (synch-rule-rhs rule) name))
   (loop for action in (synch-rule-rhs rule) do
        (case action
 	 (add-slot-index (add-class-slot-index class name :update-class nil))
@@ -502,9 +527,20 @@
 	 (register-derived-index (register-derived-index class name))
 	 (warn (warn "Performing slot synchronization actions: ~A" (synch-rule-rhs rule))))))
-(defun synchronize-class-to-store (class &key (sc *store-controller*)
-				   (method *default-indexed-class-synch-policy*))
-  (let* ((*store-controller* sc)
+(defun apply-synch-rules (class records rule-set)
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))
+  (labels ((slotname (rec) (car rec))
+	   (feature-set (rec) (cdr rec)))
+    (loop for record in records do
+	 (loop for rule in rule-set
+	       when (synch-rule-applicable? rule (feature-set record)) 
+	    do
+	       (apply-synch-rule rule class (slotname record))))))
+(defun compute-class-and-ele-status (class &optional (store-controller *store-controller*))
+  (let* ((*store-controller* store-controller)
 	 ;; db info
 	 (db-indices (find-inverted-index-names class))
 	 (db-derived (mapcar #'get-derived-name-root
@@ -525,24 +561,16 @@
 		     (class-transient . ,other-slots)
 		     (db-slot . ,db-slot)
 		     (db-derived . ,db-derived))))
-    (labels ((compute-feature (name set label)
-	       (if (member name set)
-		   label
-		   `(not ,label)))
-	     (compute-features (slotname)
+    (labels ((compute-features (slotname)
 	       (let ((features nil))
 		 (loop for set in all-sets do
 		      (push (compute-feature slotname (cdr set) (car set))
 		 (cons slotname features)))
-	     (slotname (rec) (car rec))
-	     (feature-set (rec) (cdr rec)))
-      (let ((rule-set (cdr (assoc method *synchronize-rules*)))
-	    (slot-records (mapcar #'compute-features all-names)))
-	(loop for record in slot-records do
-	     (loop 
-		for rule in rule-set
-		when (synch-rule-applicable? rule (feature-set record)) 
-		do
-		  (apply-synch-rule rule class (slotname record))))))))
+	     (compute-feature (name set label)
+	       (if (member name set)
+		   label
+		   `(not ,label))))
+      (mapcar #'compute-features all-names))))

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