[elephant-cvs] CVS elephant/tests

rread rread at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 7 23:23:51 UTC 2006

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests
In directory common-lisp:/tmp/cvs-serv9614/tests

Modified Files:
	elephant-tests.lisp testcollections.lisp 
Added Files:
	RunIndexingTutorial.lisp testindexing.lisp 
Log Message:
Merger from Ian's branch into the main trunk.

--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests/RunIndexingTutorial.lisp	2006/02/05 23:44:26	1.1
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests/RunIndexingTutorial.lisp	2006/02/07 23:23:51	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :elephant)
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :ele-bdb)
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :elephant-tests)
+(compile-file "indexing.lisp")
+(load "index-tutorial.lisp")
+(in-package "ELEPHANT-TUTORIAL")
+(defconstant KILO 1000)
+(defun test-generate-and-report-big (num name store-spec)
+  (open-store store-spec)
+  (generate-events name num 0.0 )
+  (report-events name)
+  (close-store))
+(defun find-mid-event (name)
+  (let ((midpoint (floor (/ (+ *start-timestamp*
+			*end-timestamp*) 2))))
+    (report-events-by-time-only name 
+			   midpoint
+			   (+ midpoint))
+  )
+(defun report-events-by-time-only (user start end)
+  "A custom reporting function for our logs - pull out a time range.  A real
+   implementation might do it by dates or by dates + times using one of the
+   lisp time libraries"
+  (let ((entries1 (time (get-instances-by-range 'url-log 'timestamp start end)))
+	(entries2  nil))
+    (mapc #'(lambda (x) (if (equal (plog-user x) user) (push x entries2))) entries1)
+    (format t "Event logs for ~A (~A range, ~A user):~%" user (length entries1) (length entries2))
+(time (test-generate-and-report-big (* 10 KILO) "bud" ele-tests::*test-path-primary*))
+(open-store ele-tests::*test-path-primary*)
+(time (find-mid-event "bud"))
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests/elephant-tests.lisp	2006/02/04 22:25:10	1.9
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests/elephant-tests.lisp	2006/02/07 23:23:51	1.10
@@ -92,17 +92,48 @@
 (defvar *test-path-primary*
 (defvar *test-path-secondary*
 (defun do-all-tests()
     (do-all-tests-spec *testdb-path*)
     (do-all-tests-spec *testsqlite3-path*)
+(defun do-all-tests-spec (spec)
+  (when spec
+    (with-open-store (spec)
+      (let ((*auto-commit* nil))
+	(declare (special *auto-commit*))
+	(do-tests)))))
+(defun do-test-spec (testname &optional (spec *testdb-path*))
+  "For easy interactive running of tests while debugging"
+  (when spec
+    (with-open-store (spec)
+      (let ((*auto-commit* nil))
+	(do-test testname)))))
+(defun do-indexing-tests ()
+  (declare (special *old-store*))
+  (setq *old-store* *store-controller*)
+  (unwind-protect
+       (progn
+	 (open-store *testdb-path*)
+	 (print (do-test 'indexing-basic))
+	 (print (do-test 'indexing-inherit))
+	 (print (do-test 'indexing-range))
+	 (print (do-test 'indexing-reconnect-db))
+	 (print (do-test 'indexing-change-class))
+	 (print (do-test 'indexing-redef-class))
+	 (print (do-test 'indexing-explicit-changes))
+	 (print (do-test 'indexing-timing))
+	 (close-store))
+    (setq *store-controller* *old-store*)))
 (defun do-crazy-pg-tests()
   (open-store *testpg-path*)
   (do-test 'indexed-btree-make)
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests/testcollections.lisp	2006/02/05 23:13:08	1.10
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests/testcollections.lisp	2006/02/07 23:23:51	1.11
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
 (deftest remove-kv-from-slot1
     (finishes (remove-kv 2 index1))
 (deftest no-key-nor-indices-slot1
      (get-value (second keys) indexed)
@@ -225,6 +226,7 @@
 (deftest remove-kv-from-slot2
     (finishes (remove-kv 300 index2))
 (deftest no-key-nor-indices-slot2
      (get-value (third keys) indexed)
--- /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests/testindexing.lisp	2006/01/29 04:57:21	1.1
+++ /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests/testindexing.lisp	2006/02/07 23:23:51	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+(in-package :ele-tests)
+(defun setup-testing ()
+  (setf rt::*debug* t)
+  (setf rt::*catch-errors* nil)
+;;  (trace elephant::indexed-slot-writer)
+  (trace ((method initialize-instance :before (persistent))))
+  (trace ((method initialize-instance (persistent-object))))
+;;  (trace ((method shared-initialize :around (persistent-object t))))
+;;  (trace ((method shared-initialize :around (persistent-metaclass t))))
+;;  (trace elephant::find-class-index)
+;;  (trace get-instances-by-class)
+;;  (trace get-instances-by-value)  
+  (trace enable-class-indexing)
+  (trace get-instances-by-range)
+  (trace elephant::cache-instance)
+  (trace elephant::get-cached-instance)
+  (trace elephant::get-cache)
+  (trace elephant::db-transaction-commit)
+  )
+;; put list of objects, retrieve on value, range and by class
+(deftest indexing-basic
+    (progn
+;;      (format t "Global vars:~%")
+;;      (format t "~%basic store: ~A  ~A~%" *store-controller* (controller-path *store-controller*))
+;;      (format t "auto-commit: ~A~%" *auto-commit*)
+      (disable-class-indexing 'idx-one :errorp nil)
+      (setf (find-class 'idx-one) nil)
+      (defclass idx-one ()
+	((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :initform 1 :accessor slot1 :indexed t))
+	(:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
+      (progn
+	(with-transaction ()
+	  (setq inst1 (make-instance 'idx-one :slot1 1 :sc *store-controller*))
+	  (setq inst2 (make-instance 'idx-one :slot1 1 :sc *store-controller*))
+	  (setq inst3 (make-instance 'idx-one :slot1 3 :sc *store-controller*)))
+;;	(format t "Starting gathering of instances~%")
+	(values (length (get-instances-by-class 'idx-one))
+		(length (get-instances-by-value 'idx-one 'slot1 1))
+		(length (get-instances-by-value 'idx-one 'slot1 3))
+		(eq (first (get-instances-by-value 'idx-one 'slot1 3)) inst3)
+		(length (get-instances-by-range 'idx-one 'slot1 1 3)))))
+  3 2 1 t 3)
+;; test inherited slots
+(deftest indexing-inherit
+    (progn 
+;;      (format t "inherit store: ~A  ~A~%" *store-controller* (controller-path *store-controller*))
+      (disable-class-indexing 'idx-one :sc *store-controller* :errorp nil)
+      (disable-class-indexing 'idx-two :sc *store-controller* :errorp nil)
+      (setf (find-class 'idx-one) nil)
+      (setf (find-class 'idx-two) nil)
+      (defclass idx-one ()
+	((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :initform 1 :accessor slot1 :indexed t)
+	 (slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform 2 :accessor slot2 :indexed t)
+	 (slot3 :initarg :slot3 :initform 3 :accessor slot3)
+	 (slot4 :initarg :slot4 :initform 4 :accessor slot4 :transient t))
+	(:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
+      (defclass idx-two (idx-one)
+	((slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform 20 :accessor slot2)
+	 (slot3 :initarg :slot3 :initform 30 :accessor slot3 :indexed t)
+	 (slot4 :initarg :slot4 :initform 40 :accessor slot4 :indexed t))
+	(:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
+      (progn
+	(with-transaction ()
+	  (setq inst1 (make-instance 'idx-two :sc *store-controller*)))
+	(values (slot1 inst1)
+		(slot2 inst1)
+		(slot3 inst1)
+		(slot4 inst1)
+		(equal (elephant::indexing-record-slots (elephant::indexed-record (find-class 'idx-two)))
+		       '(slot1 slot3 slot4)))))
+  1 20 30 40 t)
+(deftest indexing-range
+    (progn
+;;      (format t "range store: ~A  ~A~%" *store-controller* (controller-path *store-controller*))
+      (disable-class-indexing 'idx-one :sc *store-controller* :errorp nil)
+      (setf (find-class 'idx-one) nil)
+      (defclass idx-one ()
+	((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :initform 1 :accessor slot1 :indexed t))
+	(:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
+      (defun make-idx-one (val)
+	(make-instance 'idx-one :slot1 val :sc *store-controller*))
+      (with-transaction ()
+	(mapc #'make-idx-one '(1 1 1 2 2 4 5 5 5 6 10)))
+      ;; Range should get multiple & single keys inclusive of
+      ;; start and end
+      (let ((list (mapcar #'slot1 (get-instances-by-range 'idx-one 'slot1 2 6))))
+	(equal list '(2 2 4 5 5 5 6))))
+  t)
+(deftest indexing-reconnect-db
+    (progn 
+      (disable-class-indexing 'idx-two :errorp nil)
+      (setf (find-class 'idx-two) nil)
+;;      (format t "connect store: ~A  ~A~%" *store-controller* (controller-path *store-controller*))
+      (defclass idx-two ()
+	((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :initform 1 :accessor slot1 :indexed t)
+	 (slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform 2 :accessor slot2)
+	 (slot3 :initarg :slot3 :initform 3 :accessor slot3 :indexed t))
+	(:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
+      (let ((*old-default* *default-indexed-class-synch-policy*)
+	    (*default-indexed-class-synch-policy* :db))
+	(with-transaction ()
+	  (make-instance 'idx-two))
+	;; Wipe out the class so it's not a redefinition
+	(setf (find-class 'idx-two) nil)
+	;; Assume our db is out of synch with our class def
+	(defclass idx-two ()
+	  ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :initform 1 :accessor slot1)
+	   (slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform 2 :accessor slot2 :indexed t)
+	   (slot3 :initarg :slot3 :initform 3 :accessor slot3 :indexed t))
+	  (:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
+	;; Add an instance of the new class
+	(with-transaction ()
+	  (make-instance 'idx-two))
+	;; DB should dominate (if set as default)
+	(values (length (get-instances-by-value 'idx-two 'slot3 3))
+		(length (get-instances-by-value 'idx-two 'slot1 1))
+		(signals-error (length (get-instances-by-value 'idx-two 'slot2 2))))))
+  2 2 t)
+(deftest indexing-change-class 
+    nil
+  nil)
+(deftest indexing-redef-class
+    nil
+  nil)
+(deftest indexing-explicit-changes
+    nil
+  nil)
+;; create 10k objects, write each object's
+;; slots 
+(defclass stress-normal ()
+  ((stress1 :accessor stress1 :initarg :stress1 :initform nil :indexed nil)
+   (stress2 :accessor stress2 :initarg :stress2 :initform nil :indexed nil))
+  (:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
+(defclass stress-index ()
+  ((stress1 :accessor stress1 :initarg :stress1 :initform nil :indexed t)
+   (stress2 :accessor stress2 :initarg :stress2 :initform 2 :indexed t)
+   (stress3 :accessor stress3 :initarg :stress3 :initform 3 :indexed nil))
+  (:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
+(defvar normal-index nil)
+(defun normal-stress-setup (count class-name &rest inst-args)
+  (setf normal-index (make-btree))
+  (dotimes (i count)
+    (setf (get-value i normal-index) (apply #'make-instance class-name :stress1 i inst-args))))
+(defun indexed-stress-setup (count class-name &rest inst-args)  
+  (dotimes (i count)
+    (apply #'make-instance class-name :stress1 i inst-args)))
+(defun normal-range-lookup (count size)
+  "Given stress1 slot has values between 1 and count, extract a range of size size that starts
+   at (/ count 2)"
+  (let* ((objects nil)
+	 (start (/ count 2))
+	 (end (1- (+ start size))))
+    (with-btree-cursor (cur normal-index)
+      (multiple-value-bind (value? key val) (cursor-next cur)
+	(declare (ignore key))
+	(when (and value?
+		   (>= (stress1 val) start)
+		   (<= (stress1 val) end))
+	  (push val objects))))
+    objects))
+(defun indexed-range-lookup (class count size)
+  (let* ((start (/ count 2))
+	 (end (1- (+ start size))))
+    (get-instances-by-range class 'stress1 start end)))
+(defparameter *stress-count* 500)
+(defparameter *range-size* 40)
+(deftest indexing-timing
+    (progn
+      (let ((insts (get-instances-by-class 'stress-index)))
+	(when insts
+	  (drop-instances insts)))
+      (format t "~%Stress test normal setup time (~A):~%" *stress-count*)
+      (with-transaction ()
+	  (time (normal-stress-setup *stress-count* 'stress-normal :stress2 10)))
+      (format t "~%Stress test indexed setup time (~A):~%" *stress-count*)
+      (with-transaction ()
+	(time (indexed-stress-setup *stress-count* 'stress-index :stress2 10)))
+      (format t "~%Stress test normal lookup time (~A):~%" *range-size*)
+      (time 
+       (dotimes (i *range-size*)
+	 (declare (ignore i))
+	 (normal-range-lookup *stress-count* *range-size*)))
+      (format t "~%Stress test indexed lookup time (~A):~%" *range-size*)
+      (time
+       (dotimes (i *range-size*)
+	 (declare (ignore i))
+	 (indexed-range-lookup 'stress-index *stress-count* *range-size*)))
+      t)
+  t)

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