[elephant-cvs] CVS update: elephant/src/collections.lisp
blee at common-lisp.net
blee at common-lisp.net
Thu Sep 16 04:14:45 UTC 2004
Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv24865/src
Modified Files:
Log Message:
secondary indices
Date: Thu Sep 16 06:14:44 2004
Author: blee
Index: elephant/src/collections.lisp
diff -u elephant/src/collections.lisp:1.6 elephant/src/collections.lisp:1.7
--- elephant/src/collections.lisp:1.6 Sun Aug 29 22:36:48 2004
+++ elephant/src/collections.lisp Thu Sep 16 06:14:44 2004
@@ -44,47 +44,774 @@
;;; collection types
;;; we're slot-less
-(defclass persistent-collection (persistent)
- ())
+(defclass persistent-collection (persistent) ()
+ (:documentation "Abstract superclass of all collection types."))
;;; btree access
-(defclass btree (persistent-collection) ())
+(defclass btree (persistent-collection) ()
+ (:documentation "A hash-table like interface to a BTree,
+which stores things in a semi-ordered fashion."))
(defgeneric get-value (key ht))
(defgeneric (setf get-value) (value key ht))
-(defgeneric remove-kv (key ht &key transaction auto-commit))
+(defgeneric remove-kv (key ht))
(defmethod get-value (key (ht btree))
- (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 3)))
- (buffer-write-int (oid ht) *key-buf*)
- (let* ((key-length (serialize key *key-buf*))
- (buf (db-get-key-buffered
- (controller-db *store-controller*)
- (buffer-stream-buffer *key-buf*)
- key-length)))
- (declare (type fixnum key-length))
- (if buf (values (deserialize buf) T)
- (values nil nil))))
+ "Get a value from a Btree."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (oid ht) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (let ((buf (db-get-key-buffered
+ (controller-btrees *store-controller*)
+ key-buf value-buf)))
+ (if buf (values (deserialize buf) T)
+ (values nil nil)))))
(defmethod (setf get-value) (value key (ht btree))
- (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
- (buffer-write-int (oid ht) *key-buf*)
- (let ((key-length (serialize key *key-buf*))
- (val-length (serialize value *out-buf*)))
- (db-put-buffered (controller-db *store-controller*)
- (buffer-stream-buffer *key-buf*) key-length
- (buffer-stream-buffer *out-buf*) val-length
- :transaction *current-transaction*
+ "Put a key / value pair into a BTree."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (oid ht) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (serialize value value-buf)
+ (db-put-buffered (controller-btrees *store-controller*)
+ key-buf value-buf
:auto-commit *auto-commit*)
-(defmethod remove-kv (key (ht btree)
- &key (transaction *current-transaction*)
- (auto-commit *auto-commit*))
- (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
- (buffer-write-int (oid ht) *key-buf*)
- (let ((key-length (serialize key *key-buf*)))
- (db-delete-buffered (controller-db *store-controller*)
- (buffer-stream-buffer *key-buf*) key-length
- :transaction transaction
- :auto-commit auto-commit)))
+(defmethod remove-kv (key (ht btree))
+ "Remove a key / value pair from a BTree."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (oid ht) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (db-delete-buffered (controller-btrees *store-controller*)
+ key-buf :auto-commit *auto-commit*)))
+;; Secondary indices
+(defclass indexed-btree (btree)
+ ((indices :accessor indices :initform (make-hash-table))
+ (indices-cache :accessor indices-cache :initform (make-hash-table)
+ :transient t))
+ (:metaclass persistent-metaclass)
+ (:documentation "A BTree which supports secondary indices."))
+(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((instance indexed-btree) slot-names
+ &rest rest)
+ (declare (ignore slot-names rest))
+ (setf (indices-cache instance) (indices instance)))
+(defgeneric add-index (ht &key index-name key-form))
+(defgeneric get-index (ht index-name))
+(defgeneric remove-index (ht index-name))
+(defmethod add-index ((ht indexed-btree) &key index-name key-form)
+ "Add a secondary index. The indices are stored in an eq
+hash-table, so the index-name should be a symbol. key-form
+should be a symbol naming a function, or a list which
+defines a lambda -- actual functions aren't supported. The
+function should take 3 arguments: the secondary DB, primary
+key and value, and return two values: a boolean indicating
+whether to index this key / value, and the secondary key if
+ (if (and (not (null index-name))
+ (symbolp index-name) (or (symbolp key-form) (listp key-form)))
+ (let ((indices (indices ht))
+ (index (make-instance 'btree-index :primary ht
+ :key-form key-form)))
+ (setf (gethash index-name (indices-cache ht)) index)
+ (setf (gethash index-name indices) index)
+ (setf (indices ht) indices)
+ index)
+ (error "Invalid index initargs!")))
+(defmethod get-index ((ht indexed-btree) index-name)
+ "Get a named index."
+ (gethash index-name (indices-cache ht)))
+(defmethod remove-index ((ht indexed-btree) index-name)
+ "Remove a named index."
+ (remhash index-name (indices-cache ht))
+ (let ((indices (indices ht)))
+ (remhash index-name indices)
+ (setf (indices ht) indices)))
+(defmethod (setf get-value) (value key (ht indexed-btree))
+ "Set a key / value pair, and update secondary indices."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (let ((indices (indices-cache ht)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf secondary-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (oid ht) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (serialize value value-buf)
+ (with-transaction ()
+ (db-put-buffered (controller-btrees *store-controller*)
+ key-buf value-buf)
+ (loop for index being the hash-value of indices
+ do
+ (multiple-value-bind (index? secondary-key)
+ (funcall (key-fn index) index key value)
+ (when index?
+ (buffer-write-int (oid index) secondary-buf)
+ (serialize secondary-key secondary-buf)
+ ;; should silently do nothing if the key/value already
+ ;; exists
+ (db-put-buffered (controller-indices *store-controller*)
+ secondary-buf key-buf)
+ (reset-buffer-stream secondary-buf))))
+ value))))
+(defmethod remove-kv (key (ht indexed-btree))
+ "Remove a key / value pair, and update secondary indices."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf secondary-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (oid ht) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (with-transaction ()
+ (let ((value (get-value key ht)))
+ (when value
+ (let ((indices (indices-cache ht)))
+ (loop
+ for index being the hash-value of indices
+ do
+ (multiple-value-bind (index? secondary-key)
+ (funcall (key-fn index) index key value)
+ (when index?
+ (buffer-write-int (oid index) secondary-buf)
+ (serialize secondary-key secondary-buf)
+ ;; need to remove kv pairs with a cursor! --
+ ;; this is a C performance hack
+ (sleepycat::db-delete-kv-buffered
+ (controller-indices *store-controller*)
+ secondary-buf key-buf)
+ (reset-buffer-stream secondary-buf))))
+ (db-delete-buffered (controller-btrees *store-controller*)
+ key-buf)))))))
+(defclass btree-index (btree)
+ ((primary :type indexed-btree :reader primary :initarg :primary)
+ (key-form :reader key-form :initarg :key-form)
+ (key-fn :type function :accessor key-fn :transient t))
+ (:metaclass persistent-metaclass)
+ (:documentation "Secondary index to an indexed-btree."))
+(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((instance btree-index) slot-names
+ &rest rest)
+ (declare (ignore slot-names rest))
+ (let ((key-form (key-form instance)))
+ (if (and (symbolp key-form) (fboundp key-form))
+ (setf (key-fn instance) (fdefinition key-form))
+ (setf (key-fn instance) (compile nil key-form)))))
+(defmethod get-value (key (ht btree-index))
+ "Get the value in the primary DB from a secondary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (oid ht) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (let ((buf (db-get-key-buffered
+ (controller-indices-assoc *store-controller*)
+ key-buf value-buf)))
+ (if buf (values (deserialize buf) T)
+ (values nil nil)))))
+(defmethod (setf get-value) (value key (ht btree-index))
+ "Puts are not allowed on secondary indices. Try adding to
+the primary."
+ (declare (ignore value key ht))
+ (error "Puts are forbidden on secondary indices. Try adding to the primary."))
+(defgeneric get-primary-key (key ht))
+(defmethod get-primary-key (key (ht btree-index))
+ "Get the primary key from a secondary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (oid ht) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (let ((buf (db-get-key-buffered
+ (controller-indices *store-controller*)
+ key-buf value-buf)))
+ (if buf
+ (let ((oid (buffer-read-fixnum buf)))
+ (values (deserialize buf) oid))
+ (values nil nil)))))
+(defmethod remove-kv (key (ht btree-index))
+ "Remove a key / value, updating ALL secondary indices."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (remove-kv (get-primary-key key ht) (primary ht)))
+;; Cursor operations
+(defclass cursor ()
+ ((handle :accessor cursor-handle :initarg :handle)
+ (oid :accessor cursor-oid :type fixnum :initarg :oid)
+ (initialized-p :accessor cursor-initialized-p
+ :type boolean :initform nil :initarg :initialized-p)
+ (btree :accessor cursor-btree :initarg :btree))
+ (:documentation "A cursor for traversing (primary) BTrees."))
+(defgeneric make-cursor (ht))
+(defgeneric cursor-close (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-duplicate (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-current (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-first (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-last (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-next (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-prev (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-set (cursor key))
+(defgeneric cursor-set-range (cursor key))
+(defgeneric cursor-get-both (cursor key value))
+(defgeneric cursor-get-both-range (cursor key value))
+(defgeneric cursor-delete (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-put (cursor value &key key))
+(defmethod make-cursor ((ht btree))
+ "Construct a cursor for traversing primary BTrees."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (make-instance 'cursor
+ :btree ht
+ :handle (db-cursor (controller-btrees *store-controller*))
+ :oid (oid ht)))
+(defmacro with-btree-cursor ((var ht) &body body)
+ "Macro which opens a named cursor on a BTree (primary or
+not), evaluates the forms, then closes the cursor."
+ `(let ((,var (make-cursor ,ht)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn , at body)
+ (cursor-close ,var))))
+(defun map-btree (fn bt)
+ "Like maphash."
+ (with-btree-cursor (curs bt)
+ (loop
+ (multiple-value-bind (more k v) (cursor-next curs)
+ (unless more (return nil))
+ (funcall fn k v)))))
+(defmethod cursor-close ((cursor cursor))
+ "Close the cursor. Make sure to close cursors before the
+enclosing transaction is closed!"
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (db-cursor-close (cursor-handle cursor))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))
+(defmethod cursor-duplicate ((cursor cursor))
+ "Duplicate a cursor."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (make-instance (type-of cursor)
+ :initialized-p (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ :oid (cursor-oid cursor)
+ :handle (db-cursor-duplicate
+ (cursor-handle cursor)
+ :position (cursor-initialized-p cursor))))
+(defmethod cursor-current ((cursor cursor))
+ "Get the key / value at the cursor position. Returns
+has-pair key value, where has-pair is a boolean indicating
+there was a pair."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (when (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf value-buf
+ :current t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))))
+(defmethod cursor-first ((cursor cursor))
+ "Move the cursor to the beginning of the BTree, returning
+has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-set-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :set-range t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))))
+;;A bit of a hack.....
+(defmethod cursor-last ((cursor cursor))
+ "Move the cursor to the end of the BTree, returning
+has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (+ (cursor-oid cursor) 1) key-buf)
+ (if (db-cursor-set-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :set-range t)
+ (progn (reset-buffer-stream key-buf)
+ (reset-buffer-stream value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :prev t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf
+ value-buf :last t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))))
+(defmethod cursor-next ((cursor cursor))
+ "Advance the cursor, returning has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :next t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (cursor-first cursor)))
+(defmethod cursor-prev ((cursor cursor))
+ "Move the cursor back, returning has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :prev t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (cursor-last cursor)))
+(defmethod cursor-set ((cursor cursor) key)
+ "Move the cursor to a particular key, returning has-pair
+key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k val)
+ (db-cursor-set-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :set t)
+ (if k
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t key (deserialize val)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))))
+(defmethod cursor-set-range ((cursor cursor) key)
+ "Move the cursor to the first key-value pair with key
+greater or equal to the key argument, according to the lisp
+sorter. Returns has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k val)
+ (db-cursor-set-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :set-range t)
+ (if (and k (= (buffer-read-int k) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize k) (deserialize val)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))))
+(defmethod cursor-get-both ((cursor cursor) key value)
+ "Moves the cursor to a particular key / value pair,
+returning has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (serialize value value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k v)
+ (db-cursor-get-both-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :get-both t)
+ (declare (ignore v))
+ (if k
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t key value))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))))
+(defmethod cursor-get-both-range ((cursor cursor) key value)
+ "Moves the cursor to the first key / value pair with key
+equal to the key argument and value greater or equal to the
+value argument. Not really useful for us since primaries
+don't have duplicates. Returns has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (serialize value value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k v)
+ (db-cursor-get-both-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :get-both-range t)
+ (if k
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t key (deserialize v)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))))
+(defmethod cursor-delete ((cursor cursor))
+ "Delete by cursor. The cursor is at an invalid position
+after a successful delete."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf value-buf
+ :current t)
+ (declare (ignore val))
+ (when (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ ;; in case of a secondary index this should delete everything
+ ;; as specified by the BDB docs.
+ (remove-kv (deserialize key) (cursor-btree cursor)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))
+ (error "Can't delete with uninitialized cursor!")))
+(defmethod cursor-put ((cursor cursor) value &key (key nil key-specified-p))
+ "Put by cursor. Not particularly useful since primaries
+don't support duplicates. Currently doesn't properly move
+the cursor."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if key-specified-p
+ (setf (get-value key (cursor-btree cursor)) value)
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k v)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf
+ value-buf :current t)
+ (declare (ignore v))
+ (if (and k (= (buffer-read-int k) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (setf (get-value (deserialize k) (cursor-btree cursor))
+ value)
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (error "Can't put with uninitialized cursor!"))))
+;; Secondary cursors
+(defclass secondary-cursor (cursor) ()
+ (:documentation "Cursor for traversing secondary indices."))
+(defgeneric cursor-pcurrent (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-pfirst (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-plast (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-pnext (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-pprev (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-pset (cursor key))
+(defgeneric cursor-pset-range (cursor key))
+(defgeneric cursor-pget-both (cursor key value))
+(defgeneric cursor-pget-both-range (cursor key value))
+(defgeneric cursor-next-dup (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-next-nodup (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-prev-nodup (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-pnext-dup (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-pnext-nodup (cursor))
+(defgeneric cursor-pprev-nodup (cursor))
+(defmethod make-cursor ((ht btree-index))
+ "Make a secondary-cursor from a secondary index."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (make-instance 'secondary-cursor
+ :btree ht
+ :handle (db-cursor
+ (controller-indices-assoc *store-controller*))
+ :oid (oid ht)))
+(defmethod cursor-pcurrent ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Returns has-tuple / secondary key / value / primary key
+at the current position."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (when (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf pkey-buf value-buf
+ :current t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey))))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))))
+(defmethod cursor-pfirst ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Moves the key to the beginning of the secondary index.
+Returns has-tuple / secondary key / value / primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pset-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf pkey-buf value-buf :set-range t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey))))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))))
+;;A bit of a hack.....
+(defmethod cursor-plast ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Moves the key to the end of the secondary index. Returns
+has-tuple / secondary key / value / primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (+ (cursor-oid cursor) 1) key-buf)
+ (if (db-cursor-set-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :set-range t)
+ (progn (reset-buffer-stream key-buf)
+ (reset-buffer-stream value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf
+ pkey-buf value-buf :prev t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey)
+ (deserialize pkey))))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf
+ pkey-buf value-buf :last t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey))))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))))
+(defmethod cursor-pnext ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Advances the cursor. Returns has-tuple / secondary key /
+value / primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf pkey-buf value-buf :next t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (cursor-pfirst cursor)))
+(defmethod cursor-pprev ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Moves the cursor back. Returns has-tuple / secondary key
+/ value / primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf pkey-buf value-buf :prev t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (cursor-plast cursor)))
+(defmethod cursor-pset ((cursor secondary-cursor) key)
+ "Moves the cursor to a particular key. Returns has-tuple
+/ secondary key / value / primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pset-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf pkey-buf value-buf :set t)
+ (if k
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t key (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey))))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))))
+(defmethod cursor-pset-range ((cursor secondary-cursor) key)
+ "Move the cursor to the first key-value pair with key
+greater or equal to the key argument, according to the lisp
+sorter. Returns has-pair secondary key value primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pset-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf pkey-buf value-buf :set-range t)
+ (if (and k (= (buffer-read-int k) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t (deserialize k) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey))))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))))
+(defmethod cursor-pget-both ((cursor secondary-cursor) key pkey)
+ "Moves the cursor to a particular secondary key / primary
+key pair. Returns has-tuple / secondary key / value /
+primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (let ((primary-oid (oid (primary (cursor-btree cursor)))))
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int primary-oid pkey-buf)
+ (serialize pkey pkey-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k p val)
+ (db-cursor-pget-both-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf pkey-buf value-buf :get-both t)
+ (declare (ignore p))
+ (if k
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t key (deserialize val) pkey))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))))
+(defmethod cursor-pget-both-range ((cursor secondary-cursor) key pkey)
+ "Moves the cursor to a the first secondary key / primary
+key pair, with secondary key equal to the key argument, and
+primary key greater or equal to the pkey argument. Returns
+has-tuple / secondary key / value / primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (let ((primary-oid (oid (primary (cursor-btree cursor)))))
+ (buffer-write-int (cursor-oid cursor) key-buf)
+ (serialize key key-buf)
+ (buffer-write-int primary-oid pkey-buf)
+ (serialize pkey pkey-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (k p val)
+ (db-cursor-pget-both-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf
+ pkey-buf value-buf :get-both-range t)
+ (if k
+ (progn (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) t)
+ (values t key (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int p) (deserialize p))))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))))
+(defmethod cursor-delete ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Delete by cursor: deletes ALL secondary indices."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf pkey-buf
+ value-buf :current t)
+ (declare (ignore val))
+ (when (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor))
+ (= (buffer-read-int pkey) (oid (primary
+ (cursor-btree cursor)))))
+ (remove-kv (deserialize pkey) (primary (cursor-btree cursor))))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil)))
+ (error "Can't delete with uninitialized cursor!")))
+(defmethod cursor-get-both ((cursor secondary-cursor) key value)
+ "cursor-get-both not implemented for secondary indices.
+Use cursor-pget-both."
+ (declare (ignore cursor key value))
+ (error "cursor-get-both not implemented on secondary
+indices. Use cursor-pget-both."))
+(defmethod cursor-get-both-range ((cursor secondary-cursor) key value)
+ "cursor-get-both-range not implemented for secondary indices.
+Use cursor-pget-both-range."
+ (declare (ignore cursor key value))
+ (error "cursor-get-both-range not implemented on secondary indices. Use cursor-pget-both-range."))
+(defmethod cursor-put ((cursor secondary-cursor) value &rest rest)
+ "Puts are forbidden on secondary indices. Try adding to
+the primary."
+ (declare (ignore rest value cursor))
+ (error "Puts are forbidden on secondary indices. Try adding to the primary."))
+(defmethod cursor-next-dup ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Move to the next duplicate element (with the same key.)
+Returns has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (when (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :next-dup t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))))
+(defmethod cursor-next-nodup ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Move to the next non-duplicate element (with different
+key.) Returns has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :next-nodup t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (cursor-first cursor)))
+(defmethod cursor-prev-nodup ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Move to the previous non-duplicate element (with
+different key.) Returns has-pair key value."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key val)
+ (db-cursor-move-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf value-buf :prev-nodup t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (cursor-last cursor)))
+(defmethod cursor-pnext-dup ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Move to the next duplicate element (with the same key.)
+Returns has-tuple / secondary key / value / primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (when (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor)
+ key-buf pkey-buf value-buf :next-dup t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))))
+(defmethod cursor-pnext-nodup ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Move to the next non-duplicate element (with different
+key.) Returns has-tuple / secondary key / value / primary
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf
+ pkey-buf value-buf :next-nodup t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (cursor-pfirst cursor)))
+(defmethod cursor-pprev-nodup ((cursor secondary-cursor))
+ "Move to the previous non-duplicate element (with
+different key.) Returns has-tuple / secondary key / value /
+primary key."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (cursor-initialized-p cursor)
+ (with-buffer-streams (key-buf pkey-buf value-buf)
+ (multiple-value-bind (key pkey val)
+ (db-cursor-pmove-buffered (cursor-handle cursor) key-buf
+ pkey-buf value-buf :prev-nodup t)
+ (if (and key (= (buffer-read-int key) (cursor-oid cursor)))
+ (values t (deserialize key) (deserialize val)
+ (progn (buffer-read-int pkey) (deserialize pkey)))
+ (setf (cursor-initialized-p cursor) nil))))
+ (cursor-plast cursor)))
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