[elephant-cvs] CVS update: elephant/tests/testserializer.lisp

blee at common-lisp.net blee at common-lisp.net
Sat Sep 4 08:25:13 UTC 2004

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/tests
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12983/tests

Modified Files:
Log Message:
made into RT tests, added a bunch

Date: Sat Sep  4 10:25:08 2004
Author: blee

Index: elephant/tests/testserializer.lisp
diff -u elephant/tests/testserializer.lisp:1.2 elephant/tests/testserializer.lisp:1.3
--- elephant/tests/testserializer.lisp:1.2	Thu Sep  2 09:32:16 2004
+++ elephant/tests/testserializer.lisp	Sat Sep  4 10:25:07 2004
@@ -1,27 +1,367 @@
-(in-package "ELE")
+(in-package :ele-tests)
+(import 'ele::*out-buf*)
+(import 'ele::serialize)
+(import 'ele::deserialize)
+(import 'ele::buffer-stream-buffer)
-(defun test (var)
+(defun in-out-value (var)
   (serialize var *out-buf*)
   (deserialize (buffer-stream-buffer *out-buf*)))
-(= 10000000000 (test 10000000000))
+(defun in-out-eq (var)
+  (serialize var *out-buf*)
+  (eq var (deserialize (buffer-stream-buffer *out-buf*))))
+(defun in-out-equal (var)
+  (serialize var *out-buf*)
+  (equal var (deserialize (buffer-stream-buffer *out-buf*))))
+(defun in-out-equalp (var)
+  (serialize var *out-buf*)
+  (equalp var (deserialize (buffer-stream-buffer *out-buf*))))
+(deftest fixnums
+    (values
+     (in-out-equal 0)
+     (in-out-equal -1)
+     (in-out-equal 1)
+     (in-out-equal most-positive-fixnum)
+     (in-out-equal most-negative-fixnum))
+  t t t t t)
+(deftest fixnum-type-1
+    (values
+     (typep (in-out-value 0) 'fixnum)
+     (typep (in-out-value 1) 'fixnum)
+     (typep (in-out-value -1) 'fixnum)
+     (typep (in-out-value most-positive-fixnum) 'fixnum)
+     (typep (in-out-value most-negative-fixnum) 'fixnum))
+  t t t t t)
+(deftest bignums
+    (values
+     (in-out-equal 10000000000)
+     (in-out-equal -10000000000)
+     (loop for i from 0 to 2000
+	   always (in-out-equal (expt 2 i)))
+     (loop for i from 0 to 2000
+	   always (in-out-equal (- (expt 2 i))))
+     (loop for i from 0 to 2000
+	   always (in-out-equal (- (expt 2 i) 1)))
+     (loop for i from 0 to 2000
+	   always (in-out-equal (- 1 (expt 2 i))))
+     (loop for i from 0 to 2000
+	   always (in-out-equal (expt 3 i)))
+     (loop for i from 0 to 2000
+	   always (in-out-equal (- (expt 3 i)))))
+  t t t t t t t t)
+(deftest floats
+    (values 
+     (in-out-equal 0.0)
+     (in-out-equal -0.0)
+     (in-out-equal 0.0d0)
+     (in-out-equal -0.0d0)
+     (in-out-equal -0.0d0)
+     (in-out-equal double-float-epsilon)
+     (in-out-equal long-float-epsilon)
+     (in-out-equal short-float-epsilon)
+     (in-out-equal single-float-epsilon)
+     (in-out-equal double-float-negative-epsilon)
+     (in-out-equal long-float-negative-epsilon)
+     (in-out-equal short-float-negative-epsilon)
+     (in-out-equal single-float-negative-epsilon)
+     (in-out-equal least-negative-double-float)
+     (in-out-equal least-negative-long-float)
+     (in-out-equal least-negative-short-float)
+     (in-out-equal least-negative-single-float)
+     (in-out-equal least-positive-double-float)
+     (in-out-equal least-positive-long-float)
+     (in-out-equal least-positive-short-float)
+     (in-out-equal least-positive-single-float)
+     (in-out-equal most-negative-double-float)
+     (in-out-equal most-negative-long-float)
+     (in-out-equal most-negative-short-float)
+     (in-out-equal most-negative-single-float)
+     (in-out-equal most-positive-double-float)
+     (in-out-equal most-positive-long-float)
+     (in-out-equal most-positive-short-float)
+     (in-out-equal most-positive-single-float))
+  t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t)
+(deftest rationals
+    (values
+     (in-out-equal 1/2)
+     (in-out-equal -1/2)
+     (in-out-equal (/ 1 most-positive-fixnum))
+     (in-out-equal (/ 1 most-negative-fixnum))
+     (in-out-equal (/ most-positive-fixnum most-negative-fixnum))
+     (in-out-equal (/ (expt 2 200) (expt 3 300)))
+     (in-out-equal (/ (expt 2 200) (- (expt 3 300)))))
+  t t t t t t t)
+(deftest strings
+    (values
+     (in-out-equal "")
+     (in-out-equal "this is a test")
+     (in-out-equal (make-string 400 :initial-element (code-char 254))))
+  t t t)
+(defun in-out-uninterned-equal (var)
+  (serialize var *out-buf*)
+  (let ((new (deserialize (buffer-stream-buffer *out-buf*))))
+    (and (equal (symbol-name new) (symbol-name var))
+	 (equal (symbol-package new) (symbol-package var)))))
+(deftest symbols
+    (values
+     (in-out-equal nil)
+     (in-out-equal T)
+     (in-out-equal 'foobarbazquux)
+     (in-out-equal 'ele::next-oid)
+     (in-out-equal :a-keyword-symbol)
+     (in-out-uninterned-equal '#:foozle)
+     (in-out-uninterned-equal (make-symbol "a wha wah ba ba"))
+     (in-out-uninterned-equal (make-symbol "")))
+  t t t t t t t t)
+(deftest chars
+    (loop for i from 0 below char-code-limit
+	  unless (in-out-equal (code-char i))
+	  do (return i)
+	  finally (return T))
+  t)
+(deftest pathnames
+    ;;; Given how implementation-specific make-pathname is,
+    ;;; i don't know how to put more portable tests here!
+    (values
+     (in-out-equal #p"/usr/local/share/common-lisp/elephant"))
+  t)
+(deftest conses
+    (values
+     (in-out-equal (cons t 100000))
+     (in-out-equal (list 1 'a "this is a test" 'c 10000 nil 1000 nil))
+     (in-out-equal (cons (cons (cons t nil) (cons nil t)) (cons 1 (cons t nil))))
+     )
+  t t t)
+(deftest hash-tables-1
+    (let* ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'equalp :size 333 :rehash-size 1.2 
+				:rehash-threshold 0.8))
+	   (size (hash-table-size ht))
+	   (rehash-size (hash-table-rehash-size ht))
+	   (rehash-threshold (hash-table-rehash-threshold ht))
+	   (out (in-out-value ht)))      
+      (values
+       (eq (hash-table-test out) 'equalp)
+       (= (hash-table-size ht) size)
+       (= (hash-table-rehash-size ht) rehash-size)
+       (= (hash-table-rehash-threshold ht) rehash-threshold)
+       (eq (hash-table-test (in-out-value (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) 'eq)
+       (eq (hash-table-test (in-out-value (make-hash-table :test 'eql))) 'eql)
+       (eq (hash-table-test 
+	    (in-out-value (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) 'equal)
+       (eq (hash-table-test 
+	    (in-out-value (make-hash-table :test 'equalp))) 'equalp)))
+  t t t t t t t t)
+(deftest hash-tables-2
+    (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
+      (setf (gethash (cons nil nil) ht) "one")
+      (setf (gethash 2 ht) 2.0d0)
+      (setf (gethash 'symbolsymbol ht) "three")
+      (let ((out (in-out-value ht)))
+	(values
+	 (string= (gethash (cons nil nil) ht) "one")
+	 (= (gethash 2 ht) 2.0d0)
+	 (string= (gethash 'symbolsymbol ht) "three"))))
+  t t t)
+(defun type= (t1 t2)
+  (and (subtypep t1 t2) (subtypep t2 t1)))
+(deftest arrays-1
+    (values 
+     (array-has-fill-pointer-p 
+      (in-out-value (make-array 200 :fill-pointer t)))
+     (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p 
+	   (in-out-value (make-array 200 :fill-pointer nil))))
+     (type= (upgraded-array-element-type '(unsigned-byte 20))
+	    (array-element-type 
+	     (in-out-value (make-array '(3 4 5) 
+				       :element-type 
+				       '(unsigned-byte 20)))))
+     (type= (upgraded-array-element-type 'fixnum)
+	    (array-element-type 
+	     (in-out-value (make-array '(3 4 5) 
+				       :element-type 
+				       'fixnum))))
+     )
+  t t t t)
+(deftest arrays-2
+    (let ((arr (make-array '(3 4 5)))
+	  (vec (make-array 100 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t))
+	  (svec (make-array 100 :adjustable nil :fill-pointer nil)))
+      (setf (aref arr 0 0 0) 'symb)
+      (setf (aref arr 1 2 3) 123132)
+      (setf (aref arr 2 3 4) "this is a longish string")
+      (vector-push-extend 123456789101112 vec)
+      (vector-push-extend "mr t" vec)
+      (vector-push-extend 'symbolic vec)
+      (loop for i from 0 to 99
+	    do
+	    (setf (svref svec i) (expt 2 i)))
+      (values
+       (in-out-equalp arr)
+       (in-out-equalp vec)
+       (in-out-equalp svec)
+       (typep (in-out-value svec) 'simple-vector)))
+  t t t t)
+;; depends on ele::slots-and-values
+(defun deep-equalp (thing another)
+  (let ((seen (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
+    (labels 
+	((%deep-equalp (s1 s2)
+	   (when (type= (type-of s1) (type-of s2))
+	     (if (gethash s1 seen) t
+		 (progn
+		   (setf (gethash s1 seen) t)
+		   (typecase s1
+		     (cons
+		      (and (%deep-equalp (car s1) (car s2))
+			   (%deep-equalp (cdr s1) (cdr s2))))
+		     (array
+		      (loop for i from 0 below (array-total-size s1)
+			    always (%deep-equalp 
+				    (row-major-aref s1 i)
+				    (row-major-aref s2 i))))
+		     (hash-table
+		      (when (= (hash-table-count s1)
+			       (hash-table-count s2))
+			(loop for key being the hash-key of s1 
+			      using (hash-value value)
+			      always (%deep-equalp value
+						   (gethash key s2)))))
+		     (standard-object
+		      (%deep-equalp (ele::slots-and-values s1)
+				    (ele::slots-and-values s2)))     
+		     (t (equalp s1 s2))))))))
+      (%deep-equalp thing another))))
+(defclass foo ()
+  ((slot1 :initarg :slot1)
+   (slot2 :initarg :slot2)))
+(defclass bar ()
+  ((slot1 :initarg :slot1)
+   (slot2 :initarg :slot2)))
+(deftest test-deep-equalp
+    (let ((c1 (cons nil nil))
+	  (c2 (cons nil nil))
+	  (l1 (make-list 100))
+	  (h (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+	  (g (make-array '(2 3 4)))
+	  (f (make-instance 'foo))
+	  (b (make-instance 'bar)))
+      (setf (car c1) c1)
+      (setf (cdr c1) c1)
+      (setf (car c2) c1)
+      (setf (cdr c2) c2)
+      (setf (cdr (last l1)) l1)
+      (setf (gethash "quux" h) l1)
+      (setf (gethash "bar" h) c2)
+      (setf (aref g 1 1 1) g)
+      (setf (aref g 0 0 1) h)
+      (setf (gethash "foo" h) g)
+      (setf (slot-value f 'slot1) b)
+      (setf (slot-value f 'slot2) f)
+      (setf (slot-value b 'slot1) h)
+      (setf (slot-value b 'slot2) f)
+      (values
+       (deep-equalp c1 c1)
+       (deep-equalp c2 c2)
+       (deep-equalp l1 l1)
+       (deep-equalp h h)
+       (deep-equalp g g)
+       (deep-equalp f f)
+       (deep-equalp b b)))
+  t t t t t t t)
+(defun in-out-deep-equalp (var)
+  (serialize var *out-buf*)
+  (deep-equalp var (deserialize (buffer-stream-buffer *out-buf*))))
+(deftest objects
+    (values
+     (in-out-deep-equalp (make-instance 'foo))
+     (in-out-deep-equalp (make-instance 'bar :slot1 
+					(make-instance 'foo 
+						       :slot2 "foo bar"))))
+  t t)
+(deftest circular
+    (let ((c1 (cons nil nil))
+	  (c2 (cons nil nil))
+	  (l1 (make-list 100))
+	  (h (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+	  (g (make-array '(2 3 4)))
+	  (f (make-instance 'foo))
+	  (b (make-instance 'bar)))
+      (setf (car c1) c1)
+      (setf (cdr c1) c1)
+      (setf (car c2) c1)
+      (setf (cdr c2) c2)
+      (setf (cdr (last l1)) l1)
+      (setf (gethash "quux" h) l1)
+      (setf (gethash "bar" h) c2)
+      (setf (aref g 1 1 1) g)
+      (setf (aref g 0 0 1) h)
+      (setf (gethash "foo" h) g)
+      (setf (slot-value f 'slot1) b)
+      (setf (slot-value f 'slot2) f)
+      (setf (slot-value b 'slot1) h)
+      (setf (slot-value b 'slot2) f)
+      (values
+       (in-out-deep-equalp c1)
+       (in-out-deep-equalp c2)
+       (in-out-deep-equalp l1)
+       (in-out-deep-equalp h)
+       (in-out-deep-equalp g)
+       (in-out-deep-equalp f)
+       (in-out-deep-equalp b)))
+  t t t t t t t)
-(equalp (cons 10000000000 10000000000) 
-	(test (cons 10000000000 10000000000)))
+(defclass pfoo ()
+  ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :accessor slot1))
+  (:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
-(setq f (cons nil nil))
-(prog1 t (setf (car f) f))
-(prog1 t (setq g (test f)))
-(eq g (car g))
-(eq nil (cdr g))
-(setq h (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
-(prog1 t (setf (gethash 10000000000 h) f))
-(setq h2 (test h))
-(= 1 (hash-table-count h2))
-(prog1 t (setq g (gethash 10000000000 h2)))
-(eq g (car g))
-(eq nil (cdr g))
+(defclass pbar (pfoo)
+  ((slot2 :initarg :slot2 :accessor slot2))
+  (:metaclass persistent-metaclass))
-;(defclass foo ()
-;  ((slot1 :type 
\ No newline at end of file
+(deftest persistent
+    (let ((f1 (make-instance 'pfoo))
+	  (f2 (make-instance 'pfoo :slot1 "this is a string"))
+	  (b1 (make-instance 'pbar :slot2 "another string"))
+	  (b2 (make-instance 'pbar))
+	  (h (make-instance 'btree)))
+      (values
+       (in-out-eq f1)
+       (in-out-eq f2)
+       (in-out-eq b1)
+       (in-out-eq b2)
+       (in-out-eq h)
+       (signals-condition 
+	 (slot1 f1))
+       (progn (setf (slot1 f1) f1)
+	      (eq f1 (slot1 f1)))
+       (progn (setf (get-value f2 h) f2)
+	      (eq (get-value f2 h) f2))))
+  t t t t t t t t)
\ No newline at end of file

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