[elephant-cvs] CVS update: elephant/src/sleepycat.lisp

blee at common-lisp.net blee at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 30 21:36:55 UTC 2004

Update of /project/elephant/cvsroot/elephant/src
In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5168/src

Modified Files:
Log Message:
db-delete-* returns T on success, Nil if it couldn't find
the record

Date: Mon Aug 30 23:36:55 2004
Author: blee

Index: elephant/src/sleepycat.lisp
diff -u elephant/src/sleepycat.lisp:1.6 elephant/src/sleepycat.lisp:1.7
--- elephant/src/sleepycat.lisp:1.6	Sun Aug 29 22:41:30 2004
+++ elephant/src/sleepycat.lisp	Mon Aug 30 23:36:54 2004
@@ -760,15 +760,23 @@
      (flags :unsigned-int))
   :returning :int)
-(wrap-errno db-delete-buffered (db transaction key key-length flags)
-	    :flags (auto-commit)
-	    :keys  ((transaction *current-transaction*))
-	    :declarations (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))
-				   (type pointer-void db transaction)
-				   (type array-or-pointer-char key)
-				   (type fixnum key-length)
-				   (type boolean auto-commit))
-	    :transaction transaction)
+(defun db-delete-buffered  (db key key-length &key auto-commit 
+			    (transaction *current-transaction*))
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))
+	   (type pointer-void db transaction) (type array-or-pointer-char key)
+	   (type fixnum key-length) (type boolean auto-commit))
+  (let ((errno (%db-delete-buffered db transaction
+				    key key-length 
+				    (flags :auto-commit auto-commit))))
+    (declare (type fixnum errno))
+    (cond ((= errno 0) t)
+	  ((or (= errno DB_NOTFOUND) 
+	       (= errno DB_KEYEMPTY))
+	   nil)
+	  ((or (= errno DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK)
+	       (= errno DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED))
+	   (throw transaction transaction))
+	  (t (error 'db-error :errno errno)))))
 (def-function ("db_del" %db-delete)
     ((db :pointer-void)
@@ -778,17 +786,24 @@
      (flags :unsigned-int))
   :returning :int)
-(wrap-errno db-delete (db transaction key key-length flags)
-	    :flags (auto-commit)
-	    :keys ((key-length (length key))
-		   (transaction *current-transaction*))
-	    :cstrings (key)
-	    :declarations (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))
-				   (type pointer-void db transaction)
-				   (type string key)
-				   (type fixnum key-length)
-				   (type boolean auto-commit))
-	    :transaction transaction)
+(defun db-delete (db key &key auto-commit (key-length (length key))
+		  (transaction *current-transaction*))
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))
+	   (type pointer-void db transaction) (type string key)
+	   (type fixnum key-length) (type boolean auto-commit))
+  (with-cstrings ((key key))
+    (let ((errno
+	   (%db-delete db transaction key
+		       key-length (flags :auto-commit auto-commit))))
+      (declare (type fixnum errno))
+      (cond ((= errno 0) nil)
+	    ((or (= errno DB_NOTFOUND) 
+		 (= errno DB_KEYEMPTY))
+	     nil)
+	    ((or (= errno DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK)
+		 (= errno DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED))
+	     (throw transaction transaction))
+	    (t (error 'db-error :errno errno))))))
 ;; Transactions

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