[elephant-cvs] CVS update: elephant/src/classes.lisp

blee at common-lisp.net blee at common-lisp.net
Fri Aug 27 02:53:53 UTC 2004

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Date: Thu Aug 26 19:53:52 2004
Author: blee

Index: elephant/src/classes.lisp
diff -u elephant/src/classes.lisp: elephant/src/classes.lisp:1.2
--- elephant/src/classes.lisp:	Thu Aug 19 10:05:14 2004
+++ elephant/src/classes.lisp	Thu Aug 26 19:53:52 2004
@@ -1,35 +1,26 @@
+;; TODO: slot-bound-p (check the database)
 (in-package "ELEPHANT")
 (defclass persistent ()
   ((%oid :accessor oid
-	 :initarg :from-oid)
-   (%oid-string :accessor oid-string)
-   (%store-controller :allocation :class
-		      :accessor get-store-controller
-		      :initform *store-controller*
-		      :initarg :store-controller)
-   (%class-name :type string :accessor %class-name
-		:allocation :class)
-   (%persistent-slots))
+	 :initarg :from-oid))
    "Abstract superclass for all persistent classes (common
-to user-defined classes and collections.)"  ))
+to user-defined classes and collections.)"))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :before  ((instance persistent)
 					 &rest initargs
 					 &key from-oid)
   (declare (ignore initargs))
-  "Sets the OID, OID-STRING and registers with the store controller."
-  (let ((sc (get-store-controller instance)))
-    (setf (%class-name instance) (string (class-name (class-of instance))))
-    (if (not from-oid)
-	(setf (oid instance) (next-oid sc))
+  "Sets the OID."
+  (if (not from-oid)
+      (setf (oid instance) (next-oid *store-controller*))
       (setf (oid instance) from-oid))
-    (setf (oid-string instance)
-	  (prin1-to-string (oid instance)))
-    (register-instance sc instance)))
+  (cache-instance *store-controller* instance))
-(defclass persistent-class (persistent) ()
+(defclass persistent-object (persistent)
+  ((%persistent-slots))
   (:documentation "Superclass of all user-defined persistent
@@ -46,7 +37,7 @@
 (defmethod pcl::slot-definition-allocation ((slot-definition persistent-slot-definition))
-  :class)
+  :instance)
 (defmethod (setf pcl::slot-definition-allocation) (value (slot-definition persistent-slot-definition))
   (declare (ignore value))
@@ -55,10 +46,9 @@
 (defmethod pcl::initialize-internal-slot-functions ((slot persistent-slot-definition))
-(defmethod pcl::direct-slot-definition-class ((class persistent-metaclass) initargs)
+(defmethod pcl::direct-slot-definition-class ((class persistent-metaclass) &rest initargs)
   (let ((allocation-key (getf initargs :allocation)))
-    (cond ((or (eq allocation-key :transient)
-	       (eq allocation-key :class))
+    (cond ((eq allocation-key :class)
 	   (find-class 'persistent-direct-slot-definition)))))
@@ -66,12 +56,68 @@
 (defmethod pcl:validate-superclass ((class elephant::persistent-metaclass) (super pcl::standard-class))
-(defmethod pcl::effective-slot-definition-class ((class persistent-metaclass) initargs)
-  (let ((allocation (getf initargs :allocation)))
-    (if (eq allocation :persistent)
-	(find-class 'persistent-effective-slot-definition)
-	(call-next-method))))
+(defmethod persistent-p ((class t))
+  nil)
+(defmethod persistent-p ((class persistent-metaclass))
+  t)
+(defmethod pcl::effective-slot-definition-class ((class persistent-metaclass) &rest initargs)
+  (let ((allocation-key (getf initargs :allocation))
+	(allocation-class (getf initargs :allocation-class)))
+    (cond ((eq allocation-key :class)
+	   (call-next-method))
+	  ((not (persistent-p allocation-class))
+	   (call-next-method))
+	  (t
+	   (find-class 'persistent-effective-slot-definition)))))
+(defmacro make-persistent-reader (name)
+  `(lambda (instance)
+    (declare (type persistent instance))
+    (buffer-write-int (oid instance) *key-buf*)
+    (let ((key-length (serialize ,name *key-buf*)))
+      (handler-case 
+	  (deserialize (db-get-key-buffered (db *store-controller*) 
+					    (buffer-stream-buffer *key-buf*)
+					    key-length))
+	(db-error (err)
+	  (if (= (db-error-errno err) DB_NOTFOUND)
+	      (error 'unbound-slot :instance instance :slot ,name)
+	      (error err)))))))
+(defmacro make-persistent-writer (name)
+  `(lambda (new-value instance)
+    (declare (type persistent instance))
+    (buffer-write-int (oid instance) *key-buf*)
+    (let ((key-length (serialize ,name *key-buf*))
+	  (val-length (serialize new-value *out-buf*)))
+      (db-put-buffered (db *store-controller*) 
+		       (buffer-stream-buffer *key-buf*) key-length
+		       (buffer-stream-buffer *out-buf*) val-length
+		       :transaction *current-transaction*
+		       :auto-commit *auto-commit*))))
+(defmethod pcl::compute-slots :around ((class persistent-metaclass))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defmethod handle-optimized-accessors ((slot-def t))
+  slot-def)
+(defmethod handle-optimized-accessors ((slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
+  (let ((name (pcl::slot-definition-name slot-def)))
+    (setf (pcl::slot-definition-reader-function slot-def)
+	  (make-persistent-reader name))
+    (setf (pcl::slot-definition-writer-function slot-def)
+	  (make-persistent-writer name)))
+  slot-def)
+(defmethod pcl::compute-effective-slot-definition ((class persistent-metaclass) name direct-slot-definitions)
+  (let ((object (call-next-method)))
+    (handle-optimized-accessors object)))
 (defun persistent-slot-names (class)
   (let ((slot-definitions (pcl::class-slots class)))
     (loop for slot-definition in slot-definitions
@@ -82,63 +128,16 @@
   (let* ((persistent-metaclass (find-class 'persistent-metaclass))
 	 (not-already-persistent (loop for superclass in direct-superclasses
 				       never (eq (class-of superclass) persistent-metaclass))))
-    (prog1
-	(if not-already-persistent
-	    (apply #'call-next-method class :direct-superclasses (cons (find-class 'persistent-class) direct-superclasses) args)
-	    (call-next-method))
-    (register-class-slots *store-controller* (class-name class) (persistent-slot-names class)))))
+    (if not-already-persistent
+	(apply #'call-next-method class :direct-superclasses (cons (find-class 'persistent-object) direct-superclasses) args)
+	(call-next-method))))
-(defmethod pcl::slot-value-using-class :around (class (instance persistent-class) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
+(defmethod pcl::slot-value-using-class :around (class (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
   (let ((slot-name (pcl::slot-definition-name slot-def)))
-    (let ((db-slot-name (call-next-method)))
-      (if db-slot-name
-	  (deserialize (db-get db-slot-name
-			       (oid-string instance))
-		       *store-controller*)
-	  nil))))
+    (format *standard-output* "Deserializing ~A ~%" slot-name)))
-(defmethod (setf pcl::slot-value-using-class) :around (new-value class (instance persistent-class) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
+(defmethod (setf pcl::slot-value-using-class) :around (new-value class (instance persistent-object) (slot-def persistent-slot-definition))
   (let ((slot-name (pcl::slot-definition-name slot-def)))
-    (let ((db-slot-name (slot-value-using-class class instance slot-def)))
-      (if db-slot-name
-	  (%db-put db-slot-name
-		   (oid-string instance) (serialize new-value)
-		   :transaction *transaction*)
-	  (call-next-method)))))
-;;; Need a delete class method!  here's a first cut.
-;;; however this method begs the question as to what the
-;;; right transaction API is!  (this can't be right!)
+    (format *standard-output* "Serializing ~A into ~A ~%" new-value slot-name)))
-(defmethod delete ((obj persistent-class) &key transaction parent)
-  "Remove object from the database.  Transaction protected."
-  (if transaction
-      (use-transaction (transaction)
-       (loop for slot in (%persistent-slots obj)	    
-	     with slot-name = (if (listp slot) (first slot)
-				slot)
-	     do (%db-remove (db-slot slot-name obj) (oid-string obj))))
-    (with-transaction (parent :environment ???)
-		      delete-stuff)))
-(defun db-slot (slotname obj)
-  (funcall (symbol-function (db-slot-from-slot slotname)) obj))
-;;; These need to be fixed, macro-fied?
-;;; meant to check for a transaction, do auto-commit otherwise
-;;; this is necessary for transaction protected DB handles
-(defun %db-put (db key value &rest args &key (transaction *transaction*)
-		   &allow-other-keys)
-  (if transaction
-      (apply #'db-put db key value :transaction transaction args)
-    (apply #'db-put db key value :auto-commit t args)))
-(defun %db-remove (db key &rest args &key (transaction *transaction*)
-		      &allow-other-keys)
-  (if transaction
-      (apply #'db-delete db key :transaction transaction args)
-    (apply #'db-delete db key :auto-commit t args)))
\ No newline at end of file

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