[editor-hints-devel] Comments about defreadtable

Luis Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 06:56:22 UTC 2008


Here are a few random thoughts with regard to defreadtable:

  1. This mechanism seems useful enough to me that the
     non-editor-related bits could live in a separate

  2. Readtables should be named by symbols, not strings, in order to
     avoid collisions between different code bases. Also, I suggest
     defreadtable should signal a warning (or a style-warning) if a CL
     or KEYWORD symbol is used to name a readtable. Again, the goal is
     to avoid collisions.

  3. MAKE-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER functionality is missing.  Perhaps
     the :DISPATCH-MACRO-CHAR directive can check for
     (null (get-macro-character macro-char)) and create that
     dispatch-macro, or maybe another directive would be better.

Luís Oliveira

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