[eclm] [ILC2012] CALL FOR PAPERS (2nd)

KURODA Hisao kuroda at msi.co.jp
Tue Jul 17 00:25:57 UTC 2012

Submissions deadlines have been *relaxed*.

KURODA Hisao <kuroda at msi.co.jp> writes:

> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |                                                                      |
> |                  INTERNATIONAL LISP CONFERENCE 2012                  |
> |                                                                      |
> |             http://www.international-lisp-conference.org             |
> |                                                                      |
> |           Miyakomesse, Kyoto, Japan -  October 21-24, 2012           |
> |                                                                      |
> |            Sponsored by:  The Association of Lisp Users              |
> |                                                                      |
> |            In cooperation with:  ACM SIGPLAN                         |
> |                                                                      |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>    General Information:
>      The Association of Lisp Users is pleased to announce the 2012
>      International Lisp Conference will be held in Kyoto, Japan at
>      Miyakomesse from October 21st to 24th, 2012.
>      This year's program consists of tutorials at beginners' and
>      advanced levels, prominent invited speakers from the Lisp
>      communities, an excellent technical session, tours of
>      Jidai-Matsuri: festival enjoyed by people of all ages,
>      participating in its historical reenactment parade dressed in
>      authentic costumes representing various periods, and characters
>      in Japanese feudal history.
>      General conference announcements are made on a very occasional
>      basis to the low-volume mailing list
>      ilc12-announce. http://www.alu.org/mailman/listinfo/ilc12-announce
>    Technical Program:
>      Original submissions in all areas related to the conference themes
>      are invited for the following categories:
>      Papers: Technical papers of up to 15 pages that describe original
>      results.
>      Demonstrations: Abstracts of up to 2 pages for demonstrations of
>      tools, libraries and applications.
>      Workshops: Abstracts of up to 2 pages for groups of people who
>      intend to work on a focussed topic for half a day.
>      Tutorials: Abstracts of up to 2 pages for indepth presentations
>      about topics of special interest for 90 - 180 minutes.
>      Panel discussions: Abstracts of up to 2 pages for discussions about
>      current themes. Panel discussion proposals must mention panel
>      member who are willing to partake in a discussion.
>      Lightning talks: Abstracts of up to one page for talks to last
>      for no more than 5 minutes.
>    Important Dates:
>      Please send contributions before the submission deadline, including
>      abstracts of 4 pages for technical papers and abstracts of 2 pages
>      for all other categories.
>      Deadline for abstract submissions: July 15, 2012
>      Notification of acceptance or rejection: July 31, 2012
>      Deadline for final paper submissions: August 31, 2012
>      Papers to be presented should be submitted electronically at
>      easychair 
>      (https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=ilc2012)
>      and need to use the ACM format
>      (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates)
>    Scope:
>     Lisp is one of the greatest ideas from computer science and a
>     major influence for almost all programming languages and for all
>     sufficiently complex software applications.
>     The International Lisp Conference is a forum for the discussion of
>     Lisp and, in particular, the design, implementation and
>     application of any of the Lisp dialects.  We encourage everyone
>     interested in Lisp to participate.
>     We invite high quality submissions in all areas involving Lisp
>     dialects and any other languages in the Lisp family, including,
>     but not limited to, ACL2, AutoLisp, Clojure, Common Lisp,
>     ECMAScript, Dylan, Emacs Lisp, ISLISP, Racket, Scheme, SKILL, etc.
>     Topics may include any and all combinations of Lisp and:
>       * Language design and implementation
>       * Language integration, inter-operation and deployment
>       * Applications (especially commercial)
>       * Reflection, meta-object protocols, meta-programming
>       * Domain-specific languages
>       * Programming paradigms and environments
>       * Parallel and distributed computing
>       * Theorem proving
>       * Scientific computing
>       * Data mining
>       * Semantic web
>    Organizing Committee:
>      General Chair: KURODA Hisao (Mathematical Systems Inc. / ALU)
>      Members: Daniel Herring (ALU)
>               Jon L White (ALU)
>               Rusty Johnson (ALU)
>      Program Chair: Hiroshi Okuno (Kyoto Univ.)
>      Members: Keith Corbett (Clozure Associates)
>               Alex Fukunaga (University of Tokyo)
>               Antonio Leitao (INESC-ID)
>               Joe Marshall (MIT)
>               Scott Mckay (ITA software)
>               Nancy Reed (University of Hawaii)
>               Kent Pitman (nhplace.com)
>               Duane Rettig (Franz Inc.)
>               Didier Verna (EPITA)
>               Takuo Watanabe (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
>               Edi Weitz (weitz.de)
>               Taiichi Yuasa (Kyoto University)
>      Local chair: Tetsuya Ogata (Kyoto Univ.)
>      Members: CHIBA Masaomi
>               SANO Masatoshi
>   Contacts:
>     * General Questions: ilc12-organizing-committee at alu.org
>     * Program Committee: ilc2012 at easychair.org
> For more information, see http://www.international-lisp-conference.org

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