[eclm] portable JFLI?

Nick Levine ndl at ravenbrook.com
Mon Dec 7 09:34:22 UTC 2009

   From: Marco Antoniotti <antoniotti.marco at disco.unimib.it>
   Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 10:07:09 +0100

   You could also have a look at Foil, which should be "more portable" as  
   it uses a socket interface.  They are all RH's children.

The conversation was about my intention to write about JFLI in one of
the later chapters in LOtB (I'm also devoting a chapter to Clojure and
intend to give Foil a mention). I have a JFLI application which I want
to include and porting it to Foil turns out not to be an option
(really, tried it, some time ago).

We agreed the chapter would be better if the example ran
"non-proprietary". It's just a small matter of programming...

- n

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