[eclipse-devel] 'built-in' config file not found by eclipse

david thompson thompdump at gmail.com
Sat Apr 24 19:49:14 UTC 2010

I tried out the most recent CVS version. The problem with the
preexisting ~/.eclipse directory seems to be resolved. However, now
eclipse doesn't find the 'built-in' config file with SBCL:

EWMI> (eclipse::file-exists-p (eclipse-path "eclipserc"))
EWMI> (eclipse-path "eclipserc")

but the file is present:

d630:eclipse# ls -al
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2834 2003-08-28 07:51

I think the issue might be with FILE-EXISTS-P - in SBCL, it looks like
a nonsensical path is generated:

EWMI> (probe-file (eclipse-path "eclipserc"))
EWMI> (not (probe-file (make-pathname :directory (eclipse-path "eclipserc"))))
EWMI> (make-pathname :directory (eclipse-path "eclipserc"))

CL-FAD has some 'directory-p and file-p'-ish functionality that is
intended to be portable across implementations. It might be a useful
starting point. On the other hand, I also vaguely remember some weird
behavior (e.g., I think the CL-FAD DIRECTORY-EXISTS-P function returns
a true value when fed an empty string).

For what it's worth, this (in global.lisp) seems to work with SBCL with linux:

(defun directory-p (pathname)
  (let ((close?
	   (sb-posix:opendir pathname))))
    (if close? (sb-posix:closedir close?))))

(defun file-exists-p (filename)
  "Returns true if the given filename is an existing file and not a directory."
   #+sbcl (not (directory-p filename))
   #+clisp (not (probe-directory (make-pathname :directory filename)))
   #-(or :clisp :sbcl) (not (probe-file (make-pathname :directory filename)))
   (probe-file filename)))

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