Try loading ~/.eclipse/custom.lisp before ~/.eclipse

Christian Lynbech christian at
Sun Mar 2 08:07:00 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Iban" == Iban  <hatchond at> writes:

>> I can make this into a patch with `diff` if you want me to?  How do you
>> prefer `diff` to be run?  Some people are picky about -u or -c and other
>> switches.

Iban> I'm not so familiar with the diff switches, but Christian  Lynbech
Iban> sends some goods one, so maybe he can tell us his way to do that.

I used unidiff (-u), since I find it more readable than context diffs (-c). 

I have no idea whether there could be any other reasons to prefer one
over the other.

Christian Lynbech       | email:  christian at 
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic at (Michael A. Petonic)

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