Dynamic binding of keyname/keysym.

Erik Enge erik at nittin.net
Fri Feb 28 17:46:02 UTC 2003

hatchond at labri.fr writes:

> Should be normal. Because we don't handle the :mapping-notify event
> (clx 12.12.3), but we should handle it. If you look at the definition
> of this event, you'll see that we have a chance to handle this
> correctly. But first, I would like to know what happens if you change
> the keyboard map before lunching eclipse?

If I do `xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap` before launching Eclipse it works as
expected.  Eclipse now sees my Dvorak-P as P so A-C-p works like I want
it to.  I guess the proper solution to this would be to implement
:mapping-notify properly.  I'll see what I can do about it once I
understand more of Eclipse (and once I've read the CLX and ICCCM in more


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