building eclipse for CMUCL 18d

Christian Lynbech christian at
Sat Feb 1 08:07:00 UTC 2003

Attached is a patch that allows eclipse to be built for CMUCL 18d.

CMUCL seems to have tighten the handling of certain things so this
patch will do three necessary things:

- in system.lisp (compile-theme) remove path from :output-file name as
  this includes path specs from the input file.

- in wm.lisp (menu-3-prcess) removes the &allow-other-keys which CMUCL
  18d chokes on (some previous versions seemed more lax, they also
  accepted (lambda (&rest) ...) which 18d does not but you have gotten
  rid of that).

- in lib/image-reader.lisp (load-ppm) changes function to use two
  streams as there are many things you cannot do on a non-character
  string including calling `unread-char'.

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Christian Lynbech       | email: christian at
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic at (Michael A. Petonic)

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