[Eclipse-cvs] CVS eclipse/lib/clx-ext

ihatchondo ihatchondo at common-lisp.net
Fri Apr 2 09:57:53 UTC 2010

Update of /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/lib/clx-ext
In directory cl-net:/tmp/cvs-serv8701/lib/clx-ext

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix: added some declaration type, and null verification so the clx patch should not be necessary anymore.
Fix: wm-normal-hints returns some inproper values in fields that should be ignored. Now, we replace those obsolote fields values by the window geometry.

--- /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/lib/clx-ext/clx-patch.lisp	2009/11/17 17:29:13	1.7
+++ /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/lib/clx-ext/clx-patch.lisp	2010/04/02 09:57:53	1.8
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
-;;; $Id: clx-patch.lisp,v 1.7 2009/11/17 17:29:13 ihatchondo Exp $
+;;; $Id: clx-patch.lisp,v 1.8 2010/04/02 09:57:53 ihatchondo Exp $
 ;;; This file contains the patch fixing a bug in CLX as distributed
 ;;; with vanilla CMUCL versions up to 18d.
@@ -56,27 +56,27 @@
 ;; one is not of the proper type but this should save us from lots of 
 ;; testing.
-(macrolet ((make-mumble-equal (type)
-	     ;; Since caching is only done for objects created by the
-	     ;; client, we must always compare ID and display for
-	     ;; non-identical mumbles.
-	     (let ((predicate (xintern type '-equal))
-		   (id (xintern type '-id))
-		   (dpy (xintern type '-display)))
-		`(within-definition (,type make-mumble-equal)
-		   (defun ,predicate (a b)
-		     (declare (type (or null ,type) a b))
-                     (when (and a b)
-                       (or (eql a b)
-                           (and (= (,id a) (,id b))
-                                (eq (,dpy a) (,dpy b))))))))))
-  (make-mumble-equal window)
-  (make-mumble-equal pixmap)
-  (make-mumble-equal cursor)
-  (make-mumble-equal font)
-  (make-mumble-equal gcontext)
-  (make-mumble-equal colormap)
-  (make-mumble-equal drawable))
+;; (macrolet ((make-mumble-equal (type)
+;; 	     ;; Since caching is only done for objects created by the
+;; 	     ;; client, we must always compare ID and display for
+;; 	     ;; non-identical mumbles.
+;; 	     (let ((predicate (xintern type '-equal))
+;; 		   (id (xintern type '-id))
+;; 		   (dpy (xintern type '-display)))
+;; 		`(within-definition (,type make-mumble-equal)
+;; 		   (defun ,predicate (a b)
+;; 		     (declare (type (or null ,type) a b))
+;;                      (when (and a b)
+;;                        (or (eql a b)
+;;                            (and (= (,id a) (,id b))
+;;                                 (eq (,dpy a) (,dpy b))))))))))
+;;   (make-mumble-equal window)
+;;   (make-mumble-equal pixmap)
+;;   (make-mumble-equal cursor)
+;;   (make-mumble-equal font)
+;;   (make-mumble-equal gcontext)
+;;   (make-mumble-equal colormap)
+;;   (make-mumble-equal drawable))
 ;; It seems that sometimes some id are still present in the clx display
 ;; internal cache even when those resources have been destroyed. This has

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