[Eclipse-cvs] CVS eclipse

ihatchondo ihatchondo at common-lisp.net
Fri Apr 25 08:42:45 UTC 2008

Update of /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv3505a

Modified Files:
	widgets.lisp wm.lisp 
Log Message:
Fix: fullscreen state handling when decorating an application.

--- /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/widgets.lisp	2008/04/24 08:24:45	1.53
+++ /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/widgets.lisp	2008/04/25 08:42:44	1.54
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: ECLIPSE-INTERNALS -*-
-;;; $Id: widgets.lisp,v 1.53 2008/04/24 08:24:45 ihatchondo Exp $
+;;; $Id: widgets.lisp,v 1.54 2008/04/25 08:42:44 ihatchondo Exp $
 ;;; ECLIPSE. The Common Lisp Window Manager.
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Iban HATCHONDO
@@ -290,29 +290,39 @@
 	  (and (if max-w (= max-w (screen-width)) t)
 	       (if max-h (= max-h (screen-height)) t))))))
+(defun fullscreen-sizes (display)
+  "Returns the fullscreen x, y, width and height as a multiple value."
+  (if (xlib:query-extension display "XFree86-VidModeExtension")
+      (let* ((screen (xlib:display-default-screen display))
+            (ml (xlib:xfree86-vidmode-get-mode-line display screen)))
+        (multiple-value-bind (x y)
+            (xlib:xfree86-vidmode-get-viewport display screen)
+          (values x y (xlib:mode-info-hdisplay ml) (xlib:mode-info-vdisplay ml)))
+        (values 0 0 (screen-width) (screen-height)))))
 ;; Maximization helpers.
 (defun find-max-geometry (application direction fill-p &key x y w h)
   (multiple-value-bind (rx ry rw rh)
-      (find-largest-empty-area
-          application
-      :area-include-me-p (or (/= 1 direction) fill-p)
-      :panels-only-p (not fill-p)
-      :direction (case direction (2 :vertical) (3 :horizontal) (t :both))))
+       (find-largest-empty-area
+           application
+           :area-include-me-p (or (/= 1 direction) fill-p)
+           :panels-only-p (not fill-p)
+           :direction (case direction (2 :vertical) (3 :horizontal) (t :both))))
     (with-slots (window master) application
       (with-slots ((hm hmargin) (vm vmargin))
-      (if master (decoration-frame-style master)
-          (theme-default-style (lookup-theme "no-decoration")))
-    (symbol-macrolet ((minw (aref wmsh 0)) (minh (aref wmsh 1))
-              (maxw (aref wmsh 2)) (maxh (aref wmsh 3))
-              (incw (aref wmsh 4)) (inch (aref wmsh 5))
-              (basew (aref wmsh 6)) (baseh (aref wmsh 7)))
-      (let* ((wmsh (recompute-wm-normal-hints window hm vm))
-                (ww (or w (check-size (- rw hm) basew incw minw maxw)))
-        (hh (or h (check-size (- rh vm) baseh inch minh maxh))))
-        (when (> (+ ww hm) rw) (decf ww incw))
-        (when (> (+ hh vm) rh) (decf hh inch))
-        (make-geometry :w ww :h hh :x (or x rx) :y (or y ry))))))))
+          (if master (decoration-frame-style master)
+              (theme-default-style (lookup-theme "no-decoration")))
+        (symbol-macrolet ((minw (aref wmsh 0)) (minh (aref wmsh 1))
+                          (maxw (aref wmsh 2)) (maxh (aref wmsh 3))
+                          (incw (aref wmsh 4)) (inch (aref wmsh 5))
+                          (basew (aref wmsh 6)) (baseh (aref wmsh 7)))
+          (let* ((wmsh (recompute-wm-normal-hints window hm vm))
+                 (ww (or w (check-size (- rw hm) basew incw minw maxw)))
+                 (hh (or h (check-size (- rh vm) baseh inch minh maxh))))
+            (when (> (+ ww hm) rw) (decf ww incw))
+            (when (> (+ hh vm) rh) (decf hh inch))
+            (make-geometry :w ww :h hh :x (or x rx) :y (or y ry))))))))
 (defun compute-max-geometry
     (application x y w h direction fill-p vert-p horz-p)
@@ -399,14 +409,8 @@
                 (setf (decoration-frame-style master)
                       (theme-default-style (lookup-theme "no-decoration")))))
             (setf (geometry fgeometry) (values x y w h))
-            (if (xlib:query-extension *display* "XFree86-VidModeExtension")
-                (let* ((scr (first (xlib:display-roots *display*)))
-                       (ml (xlib:xfree86-vidmode-get-mode-line *display* scr)))
-                  (multiple-value-setq (x y) 
-                    (xlib:xfree86-vidmode-get-viewport *display* scr))
-                  (setf w (xlib:mode-info-hdisplay ml)
-                        h (xlib:mode-info-vdisplay ml)))
-                (setf x 0 y 0 w (screen-width) h (screen-height)))
+            (multiple-value-setq (x y w h)
+              (fullscreen-sizes (xlib:window-display window)))
             (configure-window window :x x :y y :width w :height h))
           (focus-widget application 0))
         ;; revert: restore precedent geometry and decoration style.
--- /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/wm.lisp	2008/04/23 09:54:46	1.53
+++ /project/eclipse/cvsroot/eclipse/wm.lisp	2008/04/25 08:42:45	1.54
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: ECLIPSE-INTERNALS -*-
-;;; $Id: wm.lisp,v 1.53 2008/04/23 09:54:46 ihatchondo Exp $
+;;; $Id: wm.lisp,v 1.54 2008/04/25 08:42:45 ihatchondo Exp $
 ;;; ECLIPSE. The Common Lisp Window Manager.
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Iban HATCHONDO
@@ -392,48 +392,55 @@
 (defun make-decoration (app-window application &key theme)
   "Returns a newly initialized decoration to hold the given application."
   (unless theme (setf theme (root-decoration-theme *root*)))
-  (let* ((dstyle (find-decoration-frame-style theme app-window))
-	 (style dstyle))
-    (when (member :_net_wm_state_fullscreen (netwm:net-wm-state app-window))
+  (let* ((netwm-states (ignore-errors (netwm:net-wm-state app-window)))
+         (dstyle (find-decoration-frame-style theme app-window))
+         (style dstyle)
+         (fullscreen-p (member :_net_wm_state_fullscreen netwm-states)))
+    (when fullscreen-p
       (setf style (theme-default-style (lookup-theme "no-decoration"))))
     (with-slots (hmargin vmargin left-margin top-margin background) style
-      (multiple-value-bind (wm-sizes gravity) 
-	  (recompute-wm-normal-hints app-window hmargin vmargin)
-	(multiple-value-bind (width height) (drawable-sizes app-window)
-	  (multiple-value-bind (x y) (initial-coordinates app-window style)
-	    (let* ((window (xlib:create-window
-			       :parent (xlib:drawable-root app-window)
-			       :x x :y y
-			       :width (+ width hmargin)
-			       :height (+ height vmargin)
-			       :background background
-			       :event-mask +decoration-event-mask+
-			       :do-not-propagate-mask 
-			       '(:button-press :button-release)))
-		   (master (make-instance 'decoration
-			     :window window
-			     :old-frame-style dstyle :frame-style style
-			     :children (list :application application)
-			     :application-gravity gravity
-			     :wm-size-hints wm-sizes)))
-	      (make-frame-parts master)
-	      (make-title-bar master (wm-name app-window))
-	      (update-edges-geometry master)
-	      (with-slots (icon) application
-		(setf (getf (decoration-children master) :icon) icon
-		      (slot-value icon 'master) master
-		      (slot-value application 'master) master
-		      (xlib:drawable-border-width app-window) 0))
-	      master)))))))
+      (multiple-value-bind (wm-sizes gravity)
+          (recompute-wm-normal-hints app-window hmargin vmargin)
+        (multiple-value-bind (width height) (drawable-sizes app-window)
+          (multiple-value-bind (x y) (initial-coordinates app-window style)
+            (let* ((window (xlib:create-window
+                               :parent (xlib:drawable-root app-window)
+                               :x x :y y
+                               :width (+ width hmargin)
+                               :height (+ height vmargin)
+                               :background background
+                               :event-mask +decoration-event-mask+
+                               :do-not-propagate-mask
+                               '(:button-press :button-release)))
+                   (master (make-instance 'decoration
+                               :window window
+                               :old-frame-style dstyle :frame-style style
+                               :children (list :application application)
+                               :application-gravity gravity
+                               :wm-size-hints wm-sizes)))
+              (make-frame-parts master)
+              (make-title-bar master (wm-name app-window))
+              (update-edges-geometry master)
+              (with-slots (icon (fgeometry full-geometry)) application
+                (setf (getf (decoration-children master) :icon) icon
+                      (slot-value icon 'master) master
+                      (slot-value application 'master) master
+                      (xlib:drawable-border-width app-window) 0)
+                (when fullscreen-p
+                  (multiple-value-bind (x y w h)
+                      (fullscreen-sizes (xlib:window-display app-window))
+                    (configure-window app-window :x x :y y :width w :height h))
+                  (setf (geometry fgeometry) (values x y width height))))
+              master)))))))
 (defun decore-application (window application &key (map t) theme)
   "Decores an application and map the resulting decoration as indicated
   by the :map keyword argument. (default value is T).
   Returns the newly created decoration instance."
   (let* ((master (make-decoration window application :theme theme))
-	 (master-window (widget-window master))
-	 (left-margin (style-left-margin (decoration-frame-style master)))
-	 (top-margin (style-top-margin (decoration-frame-style master))))
+         (master-window (widget-window master))
+         (left-margin (style-left-margin (decoration-frame-style master)))
+         (top-margin (style-top-margin (decoration-frame-style master))))
     (with-event-mask (master-window)
       (xlib:map-subwindows master-window))
     (with-event-mask (master-window (when map +decoration-event-mask+))

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