Hello, I dont know if this is related to the common lisp or the ecl, <br>but imagine code like this, compiled into function:<br><br>(LAMBDA ()<br> (LET ((CORE::P *PACKAGE*) (CORE:THIS #<a GAME:CUBE>))<br> (IN-PACKAGE ANCA)<br>
((ANCA::RUNNABLE (PRINT "Ahoj")))))<br> (SETF *PACKAGE* CORE::P))<br> (T (CORE::X)<br> (FUNCALL<br> #<bytecompiled-closure #<bytecompiled-function 00000000032387d0>><br>
#<a GAME:CUBE><br> CORE::X)))<br> T))<br><br>which will work fine, until it will be run, where it will crash with <br><br>;;; Loading #P"/usr/lib/ecl-12.12.1/cmp.fas"<br>;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=2, Space=0, Speed=3, Debug=0<br>
;;;<br>;;; Error:<br>;;; * (ANCA::RUNNABLE (PRINT "Ahoj")) is not a legal function name.The variable C::GAZONK is unbound.<br><br>I have no idea what C::GAZONK is, but I imagine that it is not recognizing macro made with the defmacro before?<br>
<br>The problem is, that I need to save this into lambda so it is evaluated later, not right now (and definitely not in this thread).<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Bc. Peter Vaņu¹anik<br><a href="http://www.bishojo.tk" target="_blank">http://www.bishojo.tk</a><br>