I write a hello.lisp file like this:<br>(print "hi")<br>(length '(a . b 1))<br><br>and I load it in to ecl:<br>> (load "code/hello.lisp")<br><br>;;; Loading "D:/ECL/code/hello.lisp"<br>
<br>"hi"<br>Condition of type: SIMPLE-READER-ERROR<br>Reader error in file #<input stream #P"D:/ECL/code/hello.lisp">, position 30:<br>Too many objects after a list dot<br><br>Available restarts:<br>
<br>1. (RESTART-TOPLEVEL) Go back to Top-Level REPL.<br><br>Broken at SI:BYTECODES. [Evaluation of: (LOAD "code/hello.lisp")] In: #<process<br>TOP-LEVEL>.<br><br>It has not line number in error message but postion 30.<br>
I found it is the position of characters. how to get the line number of code from error message?<br><br>Thank for your help!<br><br>