Dear list,<br><br>I have been working on getting Paktahn ported to ECL, among other reasons for it's small binaries. Paktahn itself is a package management wrapper for archlinux. My code is on gitorious <a href="">here</a>.<br>
<br>Paktahn now builds on ECL. Hooray! Unfortunately, the resulting binary "paktahn-mono" complains when invoked that there is "No package named NIL and no restarts are available". Attempts to press ctrl-d or execute (ext:quit 0) at the ECL prompt are met with errors as seen <a href="">here</a>. I have to kill the process to exit.<br>
<br>I'm unsure what's happening here. My build process is to (require 'paktahn), all libraries it uses compile successfully then I call (paktahn::build-core) which is currently defined in main.lisp as (asdf:make-build :paktahn :type :program :monolithic t :epilogue-code '(ext:quit 0)). I have tried a number of different variations on the epilogue-code, including (paktahn::core-main) all with the same results. I have posted the binary compiled on my system in <a href=""></a> and am unsure how to get a backtrace of what's going on. I do have a systrace however in the directory listed above. Can anyone help me?<br>
<br>Thanks very much,<br>Brit Butler<br>