[Ecls-list] testing: diff between HEAD and 13.5.1

Anton Vodonosov avodonosov at yandex.ru
Wed Nov 6 02:47:24 UTC 2013


Below is the diff between cl-test-grid results
for ECL release 13.5.1 and the curren HEAD - commit c8a4d98d.

The bytecode compiler:
The lisp to C compiler:

Clicking the test status in the reports opens the full output
of the lisp process running the test, where we can find the
failure/success details.

If the test has failure in the right column (he current HEAD version, entitled
here ecl-13.5.1-c8a4d98d-linux-i686-bytecode), 
but was successfull in the left column (the version from the previous release,
entitled ecl-13.5.1-unknown-linux-i686-bytecode), this means we have a regression
in the current HEAD.

As we can see from the logs, the majority of the regressions are caused by the same

  FUNCTION: Not a valid argument 47091880.

Sometimes the regressions are caused by some other errors.

Best regards,
- Antopn

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