[Ecls-list] Generic function invocation error with programmatically created methods.
Mark Cox
markcox80 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 29 12:02:31 UTC 2013
I have a library that requires the ability to create methods programatically. To do this I have been using the CLOSER-MOP system to try and achieve portability across lisp implementations. Using the AMOP book [1] and the additional information provided in [2], I think I have managed to produce the correct code (attached) to programmatically create methods.
When LOADing the code attached and invoking the function CLOSER-MOP-TESTS:MAIN, the code works as expected. i.e. it returns non-NIL. If I compile the code and load the resulting fasl, the code signals the following error:
Condition of type: SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR
In function CAR, the value of the first argument is
#<frame 2>
which is not of the expected type LIST
> #:g24
> closer-mop-tests:main
> si:bytecodes [Evaluation of: (closer-mop-tests:main)]
> si:bytecodes [Evaluation of: (load "quick")]
> si:bytecodes [Evaluation of: (si:top-level t)]
I am not sure what the cause of this error is. The code works as expected if I specify CLOSER-MOP:STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION as the generic function class for PERFORM-OPERATION.
The code attached simply defines a macro DEFINE-OPERATION which adds a method to the PERFORM-OPERATION generic function.
The version of ECL I am using is:
ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 13.5.1 (git:914ce253d1d9e52df684dfacc554167b3f100ce7)
[1] The Art of the Metaobject Protocol by Gregor Kiczales, Jim des Rivieres and Daniel G. Bobrow.
[2] http://www.franz.com/support/documentation/8.2/doc/mop/concepts.html#processing-method-bodies
;; closer-mop-tests.lisp
(defpackage "CLOSER-MOP-TESTS"
(:use "COMMON-LISP")
(:export #:main))
(in-package "CLOSER-MOP-TESTS")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(closer-mop:defgeneric perform-operation (task chain))
(defun make-perform-operation-method-lambda (task-var chain-var body environment)
(let ((gf #'perform-operation))
(closer-mop:make-method-lambda gf
(closer-mop:generic-function-method-class gf))
`(lambda (,task-var ,chain-var)
, at body)
(defun make-perform-operation-method (task-var chain-var task-class chain-class method-lambda initialisation-arguments)
(assert (listp initialisation-arguments))
(assert (closer-mop:classp task-class))
(assert (closer-mop:classp chain-class))
(let ((gf #'perform-operation))
(apply #'make-instance (closer-mop:generic-function-method-class gf)
:specializers (list task-class chain-class)
:lambda-list (list task-var chain-var)
:function method-lambda
(defmacro define-operation ((task-var task-class) (chain-var chain-class) &body body &environment environment)
(multiple-value-bind (method-lambda initialisation-arguments)
(make-perform-operation-method-lambda task-var chain-var body environment)
`(let ((m (make-perform-operation-method ',task-var ',chain-var
(find-class ',task-class) (find-class ',chain-class)
(function ,method-lambda)
(add-method #'perform-operation m)))))
(defclass my-task ()
(let ((object 2))
(define-operation (task my-task) (chain t)
(list task chain object)))
(defun main ()
(let ((task (make-instance 'my-task)))
(equal (list task 1 2)
(perform-operation task 1))))
;;; quick.lisp
(asdf:load-system "closer-mop")
(proclaim '(optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 0)))
(load (compile-file "closer-mop-tests.lisp"))
(print (closer-mop-tests:main))
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