[Ecls-list] loading using CFFI does not work

Antony lisp.linux at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 19:42:43 UTC 2011

Coincidentally I tried downloading, building ECL today (hadn't seen the 
11.1.1 announcement). After a couple of hiccups I got it to work. This 
is the first time I have tried to use ECL seriously.
I am using (trying to) cl-sqlite and hunchentoot among others. With both 
of them the libs are not getting loaded

I get error
An error occurred during initialization:
Unable to load any of the alternatives:
    ("libssl.so.0.9.8" "libssl.so" "libssl.so.4"); Evaluation aborted on 

An error occurred during initialization:
Unable to load any of the alternatives:
    ("libsqlite3.so.0" "libsqlite3.so"); Evaluation aborted on #<a 

I know those libs are present and they work, cause so far I have been 
using clozure CL 64 bit.

Here is my environment

$ ecl
ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 11.1.1
 > *features*


uname -a
Linux xed01 #1 SMP Thu Dec 23 16:04:50 UTC 2010 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

What can I do?

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