[Ecls-list] Revisiting locks and signals

Matthew Mondor mm_lists at pulsar-zone.net
Tue Oct 26 06:58:56 UTC 2010

On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 22:09:14 +0200
Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com> wrote:

Since threads are not a standard part of CL, I'm rather confused about
what should be expected of implementations.  POSIX threads are standard
however, and I have fair experience with them (I'll ask various
questions relatively to them).

There were important OS-specifics to take into consideration using them
a decade or more ago (i.e. Linuxthreads did not conform on many
aspects, notably signal delivery, some OSs only had user-threads
implementations where blocking in a syscall meant blocking the whole
process) but with the switch to NPTL on Linux, and the switch of more
and more OSs from user or M:N implementations to LWP-based 1:1
(Solaris, NetBSD), we can expect more systems to behave expectedly (I
have no idea about Windows, but noticed ECL has Windows-specific
threading code).

I'll ask POSIX thread centric questions, as that's what I'm used to for

With multiple POSIX threads, any thread not blocking a signal may be
the one to actually receive it.  This is where setting an appropriate
signal mask for all threads but the one we really want to receive the
signals (the "master" signal thread) controls who receives those (this
is the current behaviour, with a single master thread receiving those

> * During I/O, the functions will stop and return when a signal arrives.

If I understand correctly, this corresponds to the interface expected
from C with POSIX sigaction(2) without SA_RESTART, where many blocking
system calls return -1 for error with errno set to EINTR.  Personally
this is a model I'm very used to from C.  I know that this can be
problematic with stdio (the portable interface being restrictive), and
wonder if it also could be with the various high-level CL streams.
Should those internal EINTR errors automatically be propagated as a CL
restartable condition?

> * At specific places where checks for pending signals are determined (+)

The "master signal thread" then may decide to actually interrupt
another thread using a signal which that thread doesn't block (or,
queue an event on that/those thread's internal message queue, for that
thread to check on that queue eventually when it can).  Is this what
you mean by "at specific places"?  This would have the advantage of
using no signal handling function (or a minimal signal handler function
provided by ECL), and of then resuming said signal processing in normal
user code.

> * When user tells ECL to wait for signals.

i.e. signals are propagated by the master thread using
pthread_cancel(3) and the user yield-like function using
pthread_testcancel(3) (with cancelstate PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE and

> * As last resort measures: when a SIGSEGV/SIGBUS or during thread
> cancellation.

Does this mean that all signals are blocked (and ignored by all
threads) except those critical ones?

> This last case would be the only situation in which one would be allowed to
> exit the signal handler through non-local jump constructs. This would allow
> safe cleanup -- well, not so safe, for the signal may arrive at an
> inconvenient time.
> Cons:
> * Deadlocks and infinite loops would only be resolved through the "last
> resort" case.
> * Contrary to people's expectations (?)
> Pros:
> * Code can be written without constantly thinking about interrupt safety.
> * POSIX compliant code, cooperates well with the libraries and OS.
> * Cheaper and faster, unless we are forced to include pending signal checks
> everywhere (See (+) above).
> The greatest problem would arise with interactive environments that have
> these arcane expectations. I am thinking for instance about Maxima, where
> users expect to have the possibility of interrupting computations, or Slime
> users.

I'm not sure I totally understand this scenario.

One thing which also makes ECL different than most implementations is
the ability to embed it into another C program as a configuration or
extension language.  I think I remember seeing that an existing
application-created thread can be leased to ECL but I've not tried it
myself.  And signals can affect the whole process (all/any thread(s)
not blocking said signal), of course.

However, since said C applications might already exist and adding ECL
as a "scripting" engine should ideally require the less invasive
changes possible, perhaps that supporting more than one model might be
needed to suit those applications?  Does the current signaling code
already had to take embedded/standalone mode into account?


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