[Ecls-list] Type propagation

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com
Fri May 28 20:14:46 UTC 2010

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <
juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com> wrote:

> I have stripped down and reimplemented the type propagator. Right now it is
> kind of stable and implements forward type propagation for most forms. You
> will see, however, some harmless notes such as the following one.
>  ;;; Note:
> ;;;   Refusing to propagate FUNCTION
> The result is that some benchmarks are now dominated by stupid statements
> in them (ASSERT) (SBCL first column, ECL tonight second, ECL 10.4.1 last)
> 1D-ARRAYS                [      0.03]   1.00  2.67
> 2D-ARRAYS                [      0.24]   3.04  7.17
> 3D-ARRAYS                [      0.68]   2.19  11.78

Ok, so this is how it looks now on a newer version that implements type
propagation, fixes type propagation for arrays and takes a different, more
efficient approach to the problem of unboxing temporaries.

1D-ARRAYS                [      0.03]   1.67   2.67
2D-ARRAYS                [      0.24]   0.75   7.17
3D-ARRAYS                [      0.68]   0.68  11.78

1D-ARRAYS is dominated by an assertion and in particular by the call to
SEARCH, a function which I have not optimized. If I change the test as shown
below, with more iterations, no call to SEARCH and yet fully executed (not
optimized away), then the comparison is more fair: ECL performs equally well
or better than SBCL (remember that numbers are relative to the reference)

1D-ARRAYS                [      0.10]   1.00
2D-ARRAYS                [      0.20]   0.85
3D-ARRAYS                [      0.67]   0.70

The full list of benchmarks is shown below. Not all changes are as dramatic
as these ones because type propagation has only been implemented for certain
functions --arithmetics, arrays, and functions with a single type
proclamation that does not depend on the arguments.

(defun bench-1d-arrays (&optional (size 100000) (runs 500))
  (declare (fixnum size)
           (fixnum runs))
  (let ((ones (make-array size :element-type '(integer 0 1000)
:initial-element 1))
        (twos (make-array size :element-type '(integer 0 1000)
:initial-element 2))
        (threes (make-array size :element-type '(integer 0 2000))))
    (dotimes (runs runs)
      (dotimes (pos size)
        (setf (aref threes pos) (+ (aref ones pos) (aref twos pos))))
      (assert (= 3 (aref threes runs))))

Benchmark                 Reference  ECLx   ECLo
COMPILER                 [      0.97]   0.85   0.80
LOAD-FASL                [      0.15]   0.60   0.53
SUM-PERMUTATIONS         [      0.95]  -1.00  -1.00
WALK-LIST/SEQ            [      0.01]   6.00   6.00
WALK-LIST/MESS           [      0.02]   2.50   2.50
BOYER                    [      2.03]   1.83   1.81
BROWSE                   [      0.17]   1.59   1.76
DDERIV                   [      0.11]   5.64   5.64
DERIV                    [      0.13]   5.23   5.08
DESTRUCTIVE              [      0.13]   2.85   2.92
DIV2-TEST-1              [      0.17]   5.53   6.18
DIV2-TEST-2              [      0.25]   4.44   4.64
FFT                      [      0.03]   1.67  18.00
FRPOLY/FIXNUM            [      0.15]   3.07   2.87
FRPOLY/BIGNUM            [      0.12]   1.92   1.92
FRPOLY/FLOAT             [      0.22]   2.27   2.45
PUZZLE                   [      0.15]   7.80  11.00
TAK                      [      0.12]   1.67   6.83
CTAK                     [      0.24]   2.46   3.79
TRTAK                    [      0.12]   1.67   6.83
TAKL                     [      0.25]   1.36   0.84
STAK                     [      0.28]   1.25   1.50
FPRINT/UGLY              [      0.54]   1.69   1.59
FPRINT/PRETTY            [      1.29]  18.62  25.75
TRAVERSE                 [      0.74]   1.89   2.05
TRIANGLE                 [      0.37]   3.11   5.41
RICHARDS                 [      0.36]   5.86   6.00
FACTORIAL                [      0.08]   1.00   1.13
FIB                      [      0.14]   2.43   2.43
FIB-RATIO                [      0.03]   1.67   1.67
ACKERMANN                [      0.46]   2.11   2.07
MANDELBROT/COMPLEX       [      0.18]   1.94   2.06
MANDELBROT/DFLOAT        [      0.01]   4.00  47.00
MRG32K3A                 [      0.49]   2.45   2.41
CRC40                    [      0.28]  14.61  19.54
BIGNUM/ELEM-100-1000     [      0.07]   0.43   0.29
BIGNUM/ELEM-1000-100     [      0.08]   0.38   0.25
BIGNUM/ELEM-10000-1      [      0.05]   0.60   0.60
BIGNUM/PARI-100-10       [      0.00]  -1.00  -1.00
BIGNUM/PARI-200-5        [      0.03]   0.00   0.00
PI-DECIMAL/SMALL         [      0.35]   4.40   4.40
PI-DECIMAL/BIG           [      0.18]   6.06   6.06
PI-ATAN                  [      0.40]   0.50   0.55
PI-RATIOS                [      0.75]   0.61   0.63
HASH-STRINGS             [      0.11]   2.45   3.09
HASH-INTEGERS            [      0.20]   2.25   2.35
SLURP-LINES              [      0.60]   2.85   2.80
BOEHM-GC                 [      0.58]   4.97   5.07
DEFLATE-FILE             [      0.14]   2.71   3.71
1D-ARRAYS                [      0.10]   1.00  23.90
2D-ARRAYS                [      0.20]   0.85   8.65
3D-ARRAYS                [      0.67]   0.70  11.91
BITVECTORS               [      0.19]  10.53  10.47
BENCH-STRINGS            [      0.20]  17.60  12.85
fill-strings/adjustable  [      4.81]   0.07   1.05
STRING-CONCAT            [      1.57]   1.53   1.69
SEARCH-SEQUENCE          [      0.15]   5.07   8.53
CLOS/defclass            [      0.56]   0.30   0.48
CLOS/defmethod           [      2.65]   0.04   0.06
CLOS/instantiate         [      3.96]   4.37   4.52
CLOS/simple-instantiate  [      0.13] 153.77 158.54
CLOS/methodcalls         [      0.54]   3.87   3.15
CLOS/method+after        [      1.68]   1.13   1.02
CLOS/complex-methods     [      1.21]   1.21   0.97
EQL-SPECIALIZED-FIB      [      0.13]   8.85   8.92
Reference time in first column is in seconds; other columns are relative
Reference implementation: SBCL
Impl ECLx : ECLx 10.4.2
Impl ECLo : ECLo 10.4.1
=== Test machine ===
   Machine-type: X86-64
   Machine-version: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         920  @ 2.67GHz

Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC
c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain)
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