[Ecls-list] 10.3.1 slime issues

Raffael Cavallaro raffaelcavallaro at mac.com
Sat Mar 6 23:13:08 UTC 2010

I've checked out the lates cvs slime, and built 10.3.1. on Mac OS X with: 
./configure --enable-threads=yes --enable-unicode=yes --enable-gengc=yes

.emacs has this minimal setup:

(setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/local/bin/ecl")
(setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(require 'slime)
(require 'slime-autoloads)

.ecl includes:

(require 'asdf)

if that's relevant here.

However, when I try to run slime everything seems to go well up to this point:

;;; Compiling /Users/raffaelc/Library/slime/swank-ecl.lisp.
;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=2, Space=0, Speed=3, Debug=0
;;; Loading #P"/usr/local/lib/ecl-10.3.1/PROFILE.fas"
;;; Loading #P"/usr/local/lib/ecl-10.3.1/SERVE-EVENT.fas"
;;; Note:
;;;   in file swank-ecl.lisp, position 4302
;;;   In function INSTALL-SIGINT-HANDLER, checking types of arguments HANDLER.
;;; Note:
;;;   in file swank-ecl.lisp, position 12613
;;;   In function CALL-WITH-DEBUGGING-ENVIRONMENT, checking types of arguments DEBUGGER-LOOP-FN.
;;; Note:
;;;   in file swank-ecl.lisp, position 22318
;;;   Unknown type (VALUES &REST T)
;;; Note:
;;;   in file swank-ecl.lisp, position 22318
;;;   In function CALL-WITH-LOCK-HELD, checking types of arguments FUNCTION.
;;; End of Pass 1.
;;; Note:
;;;   Invoking external command:
;;;   gcc "-I/usr/local/include/"  -g -O2 -fPIC -fno-common  -D_THREAD_SAFE -Ddarwin -O -w -c "/Users/raffaelc/.slime/fasl/2010-03-05/ecl-10.3.1-darwin-i686/swank-ecl.c" -o "/Users/raffaelc/.slime/fasl/2010-03-05/ecl-10.3.1-darwin-i686/swank-ecl.o"
;;; Note:
;;;   Invoking external command:
;;;   gcc -o "/Users/raffaelc/.slime/fasl/2010-03-05/ecl-10.3.1-darwin-i686/swank-ecl.fas" -L"/usr/local/lib/" "/Users/raffaelc/.slime/fasl/2010-03-05/ecl-10.3.1-darwin-i686/swank-ecl.o"   -bundle    -lffi -lecl  -lgmp -lpthread   -lm 
;;; Finished compiling /Users/raffaelc/Library/slime/swank-ecl.lisp.
;;; Loading "/Users/raffaelc/.slime/fasl/2010-03-05/ecl-10.3.1-darwin-i686/swank-ecl.fas"
;; Error while loading /Users/raffaelc/.slime/fasl/2010-03-05/ecl-10.3.1-darwin-i686/swank-ecl.fas:
;;   The slot ASDF:SOURCE-FILE in the object #<ASDF:SYSTEM :PROFILE 4352686912> is unbound.
;; Aborting.

Restart ABORT is not active.
Available restarts:

1. (RESTART-TOPLEVEL) Go back to Top-Level REPL.

Broken at SWANK-LOADER::HANDLE-SWANK-LOAD-ERROR. In: #<process SI:TOP-LEVEL 0000000100640f60>.
 File: #P"/Users/raffaelc/Library/slime/swank-loader.lisp" (Position #5519)

Any ideas what the problem might be?

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro
raffaelcavallaro at me.com

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