[Ecls-list] DIRECTORY regression

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 19 08:45:11 UTC 2010

Fixed in CVS but I am having problems uploading it to the git server.

Beware though, that ECL's DIRECTORY and TRUENAME are more picky than
SBCL's: if you specify a path and the result is a link to a
nonexistent file, it will complain instead of silently returning the
original path. I strongly believe this is the right behavior.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de> wrote:
> (directory (make-pathname :defaults "/home/tcr/"
>                          :version :newest
>                          :type "asd"
>                          :name :wild
>                          :case :local))
> Filesystem error with pathname #P"tcr at thaleron.6571:/home/tcr/1231672772".
> Either
>  1) the file does not exist, or
>  2) we are not allow to access the file, or
>  3) the pathname points to a broken symbolic link.
>   [Condition of type FILE-ERROR]

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