[Ecls-list] Problems with slime

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Sun Feb 7 23:02:54 UTC 2010

"Tobias C. Rittweiler" writes:

> Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll writes:
>> Slime gets my computer at 100% activity because it has some strange way of
>> waiting for input: this is a loop over streams, inifite, using
>> read-char-no-hang without ever waiting. I am sure there are better ways of
>> doing this. This is in swank-backend.lisp -- do all implementations have
>> this problem?
>> (defun wait-for-streams (streams timeout)
>>   (loop
>>    (when (check-slime-interrupts) (return :interrupt))
>>    (let ((ready (remove-if-not #'stream-readable-p streams)))
>>      (when ready (return ready)))
>>    (when timeout (return nil))
>>    (sleep 0.1)))
> The problem is that not more advanced ways are implemented. Slime can
> also me made to use threads, and serve-event, but ECL's backend does not
> support that.
> I tried to do both in past, but encountered non-obvious problems. I'll
> polish up, and commit the work in progress.

OK, juanjo, I committed the work in progress.

The threading stuff is defined at the end of swank-ecl.lisp.

To activate it, you have to put

   ;; for debugging messages of the swank server
  (setq swank:*log-events* t)
  (setq swank:*communication-style* :spawn)

into ~/.swank.lisp

Also make sure to put

  (slime-setup '(slime-fancy))

into your .emacs, after (require 'slime).

If you start slime, you'll see it gets stuck.

It gets stuck in ENCODE-MESSAGE in swank-rpc.lisp, before writing to the
STREAM parameter.

The stream that is passed as STREAM parameters comes from:

  make-socket-io-stream in swank-ecl.lisp
    <- accept-connection in swank-ecl.lisp
         <- accept-authenticated-connection in swank.lisp
              <- serve-connection in swank.lisp

SERVE-CONNECTION will store the result of MAKE-SOCKET-IO-STREAM into the

DISPATCH-EVENT (which is run in a background control thread) will call
ENCODE-MESSAGE with the sockets-io stream.

The first thing the Emacs side will do once a socket connection has been
established is to send

    (swank:connection-info)      ; <-- expression to be evaluated
    "COMMON-LISP-USER" t 1)      ; <-- metainformation

over to the Swank server. You can see that in the *slime-events*
buffer. (*slime-events* contains the events sent/received by the Emacs
client side; if swank:*log-events* is T, the Common Lisp swank server
will print events sent/received to error-output.

:EMACS-REX is a Remote-EXpression, or in other words: an RPC.

I.e. the Emacs side wants (SWANK:CONNECTION-INFO) to be evaluated by the
swank server.

Due to *LOG-EVENTS*, the last thing you'll see in *inferior-lisp* is

  WRITE: (:return (:ok (:pid 17981 
                        :style :spawn 
                        :lisp-implementation (:type "ECL" 
                                              :name "ECL" 
                                              :version "10.2.1")

which is exactly what the Emacs side expects.

But because *slime-events* does only contain the (:EMACS-REX ...), but
no (:RETURN (:OK ...)), this means that this return value is not
transfered over the socket.

Hm, I hope that's enough to get you going.


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