[Ecls-list] Notes during second pass does not provide any context

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Sun Feb 7 11:08:53 UTC 2010

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll writes:

> Solve as part of this fix:
>  - When printing compiler notes, instead of printing the macroexpanded form,
>    ECL now prints the toplevel form, as follows
>     ;;; Warning: in file src:lsp;autoload.lsp.NEWEST, position 1178 and top
> form
>     ;;; The variable OPTIONS is not used.

Repeating the filenames can easily become rather crowded. In your
example, ECL can leverage logical pathnames for succinctness because
it's ECL's own source code, but for most other people it'll be long


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