[Ecls-list] [usocket-devel] ECL problem

Chun Tian binghe.lisp at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 18:50:13 UTC 2009

Hi, Juanjo

Thanks for taking my patch. I spent a little more time on checking  
ECL's "contrib/sockets/sockets.lisp", and it seems that things are not  
that serious as my first view. Only two buggy sockopt related  
functions are found:

[Bug Description]

* GET-SOCKOPT-BOOL returns wrong value (always T or throw a error)

I've explained the reason (variable of actual value is dropped).

* SET-SOCKOPT-BOOL returns wrong value (always T or throw a error)

I believe this is a typo.

[Affected public interfaces]



I've made a new, small patch (as in attach) to "sockets.lisp" which  
fixed all above issues and now ECL behaves exactly the same as SBCL  
when accessing above socket options:

 > (setq socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet- 
socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))
#<SB-BSD-SOCKETS:INET-SOCKET descriptor 3 4320793344>
 > (sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-tcp-nodelay socket)
 > (setf (sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-tcp-nodelay socket) t)
 > (sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-tcp-nodelay socket)

For the original bug which Leslie P. Polzer report to USOCKET project,  
it's also fixed without touching USOCKET source code (if this new  
patch applied), I believe.


Chun Tian (binghe)

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? 2009-10-18?1:58? Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll ???

> 2009/10/17 Chun Tian <binghe.lisp at gmail.com>:
>> For a summary, I'll suggest Juanjo merge my version first (or  
>> Mattew's
>> version with the number "6" replaced to "IPPROTO_TCP"). I'll see  
>> how far I
>> can go from now on.
> Thanks a lot for your help in debugging this and the other problems!
> I have just committed your patch --it also has the advantage that the
> level is explicit, just like in SBCL's code---. It is available in
> both the GIT and CVS repositories.
> Juanjo
> -- 
> Instituto de F?sica Fundamental, CSIC
> c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain)
> http://juanjose.garciaripoll.googlepages.com

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