[Ecls-list] CFFI and DFFI

Daniel Herring dherring at tentpost.com
Fri Jul 24 06:21:44 UTC 2009

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll wrote:

>> The only problem I see here is how to specify alternatives.
>> E.g.: (cffi:load-foreign-library '(:or "libfoo.so.1" "libfoo.so"))
>> How can we do this why ECL's static FFI?
> Is it really such a big problem in the C world? Don't we have -l flags
> that take care of resolving library names? The backend could be taught
> to strip the library names, passing the search path to the linker
> together with a list of -lA -lB ... etc

I have seen recent Redhat/Fedora installs and security updates with 
/usr/lib/libXYZ.so.N but no symlinks for /usr/lib/libXYZ.so, where XYZ 
takes values like freetype.  Thus -lfreetype fails on these platforms.  I 
have no idea why they chose to do this.

- Daniel

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