[Ecls-list] [PATCH] write large strings as arrays of character codes

Ariel Badichi vermilionrush at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 03:20:08 UTC 2009

More compiler-friendly.  For example, Visual C++ chokes on string
literals larger than 64K characters, but can take a big array of

This lets me to compile cl-opengl (after some minor tweaking) with
ECL/Visual C++.

 src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp |    4 +-
 src/cmp/cmpwt.lsp   |   63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp b/src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp
index c7b6f3a..b4f09db 100755
--- a/src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp
+++ b/src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ filesystem or in the database of ASDF modules."
 	   (setq epilogue-code
 		 (with-output-to-string (stream)
-		   (princ "{ const char *lisp_code = " stream)
+		   (princ "{ const char lisp_code[] = " stream)
 		   (wt-filtered-data (write-to-string epilogue-code) stream)
 		   (princ ";
 cl_object output;
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ output = si_safe_eval(2, ecl_read_from_cstring(lisp_code), Cnil);
 	   (setq prologue-code
 		 (with-output-to-string (stream)
-		   (princ "{ const char *lisp_code = " stream)
+		   (princ "{ const char lisp_code[] = " stream)
 		   (wt-filtered-data (write-to-string prologue-code) stream)
 		   (princ ";
 cl_object output;
diff --git a/src/cmp/cmpwt.lsp b/src/cmp/cmpwt.lsp
index 234b8d0..ef619d8 100644
--- a/src/cmp/cmpwt.lsp
+++ b/src/cmp/cmpwt.lsp
@@ -90,28 +90,47 @@
   (let ((N (length string))
 	(wt-data-column 80))
     (incf *wt-string-size* (1+ N)) ; 1+ accounts for a blank space
-    (format stream (if one-liner "\"" "~%\""))
-    (dotimes (i N)
-      (decf wt-data-column)
-      (when (< wt-data-column 0)
-	(format stream "\"~% \"")
-	(setq wt-data-column 79))
-      (let ((x (aref string i)))
-	(cond
-	  ((or (< (char-code x) 32)
-	       (> (char-code x) 127))
-	   (case x
-	     ; We avoid a trailing backslash+newline because some preprocessors
-	     ; remove them.
-	     (#\Newline (princ "\\n" stream))
-	     (#\Tab (princ "\\t" stream))
-	     (t (format stream "\\~3,'0o" (char-code x)))))
-	  ((char= x #\\)
-	   (princ "\\\\" stream))
-	  ((char= x #\")
-	   (princ "\\\"" stream))
-	  (t (princ x stream)))))
-    (princ (if one-liner "\""  " \"") stream)
+    (cond ((< N 510)
+           ; C89 recommends a minimum limit of 509 characters per
+           ; string literal.
+           (format stream (if one-liner "\"" "~%\""))
+           (dotimes (i N)
+             (decf wt-data-column)
+             (when (< wt-data-column 0)
+               (format stream "\"~% \"")
+               (setq wt-data-column 79))
+             (let ((x (aref string i)))
+               (cond
+                 ((or (< (char-code x) 32)
+                      (> (char-code x) 127))
+                  (case x
+                    ; We avoid a trailing backslash+newline because
+                    ; some preprocessors remove them.
+                    (#\Newline (princ "\\n" stream))
+                    (#\Tab (princ "\\t" stream))
+                    (t (format stream "\\~3,'0o" (char-code x)))))
+                 ((char= x #\\)
+                  (princ "\\\\" stream))
+                 ((char= x #\")
+                  (princ "\\\"" stream))
+                 (t (princ x stream)))))
+           (princ (if one-liner "\""  " \"") stream))
+          (t
+           ; Write the string as an array of character codes and
+           ; hope that the compiler can take it.
+           (format stream "{~% ")
+           (flet ((write-octet (x)
+                    (decf wt-data-column 6)
+                    (when (< wt-data-column 0)
+                      (format stream "~% ")
+                      (setq wt-data-column (- 80 6)))
+                    (format stream "0x~2,'0X, " x)))
+             (dotimes (i N)
+               (write-octet (char-code (aref string i))))
+             (unless one-liner
+               (write-octet #x20))
+             (write-octet #x00))
+           (format stream "~%}")))
 ;;; ======================================================================

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