[Ecls-list] uninitialized ihs_frame object in call to ecl_cs_check

Gabriel Dos Reis gdr at cs.tamu.edu
Thu Nov 6 10:17:42 UTC 2008

"Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll" <juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com> writes:


| Is there an easy (or not so easy way) I can reproduce this?
| Downloading, checking out or building Axiom is ok, AFA you give me a
| finite set of simple steps. Thanks in advance,

In addition to what I said in previous message, my attempts at
tracing the failure seeme to indicate that it happens at the very end
of the OpenAxiom session when executing a throw initiated by

    spadThrow() ==
      if $interpOnly and $mapName then
        putHist($mapName,'localModemap, nil, $e)

The last line roughly translates to

    (THROW |$SpadReaderTag| NIL)

-- Gaby

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