[Ecls-list] Building for solaris sparc

Raymond Toy toy.raymond at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 02:01:46 UTC 2008

I tried to build ecl 0.9j-p1 on sparc and ran into a couple of issues.

First, a simple configure with all defaults, using gcc, doesn't quite 
work.  This is because when gmp is configured it wants to build a 64-bit 
version of gmp but the rest of ecl is built assuming a 32-bit version.  
When everything is linked together, the linker fails since the object 
files are incompatible.

My solution was to add CC=gcc CFLAGS=-m64 and LDFLAGS=-m64 to the 
configure command line.  This works.  Until sockets.lisp is built.  A 
patch is enclosed that allows sockets.lisp to be built, but I didn't try 
anything to see if the result actually works or not.

I also tried using the sun studio 11 compiler, but that doesn't work.  
Build errors.  If you're interested I can provide some more detail.


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